Aleksandr Medvedkin

Aleksandr Medvedkin

출생 : 1900-03-08, Penza, Russian Empire [now Russia]

사망 : 1989-02-19


Aleksandr Ivanovich Medvedkin (Russian: Александр Иванович Медведкин; 24 February 1900 – 20 February 1989) was a Soviet Russian film director, best known for his 1935 film Happiness. His life and art are the subject of Chris Marker's documentary films, The Train Rolls On (1971) and The Last Bolshevik (1992). He travelled around Russia in his Kinopoezd, a film-train, in which he carried film equipment and shot movies in Kolkhozy, which he would then screen there.

프로필 사진

Aleksandr Medvedkin

참여 작품

마지막 볼셰비키
Himself (archive footage)
1917년 러시아 혁명 이후 시베리아 벌판을 횡단하던 특별한 기차 하나가 있다. 좌석과 침대, 화장실 이외에도 편집실, 현상소, 회의실, 작은 영사실까지 구비된 이 열차는 혁명의 이념을 전파하고 오지의 소비에트 제국 농민들의 현실에 다가가고자 젊은 영화인들이 만든 것이다
Caution! Maoism!
A full-length documentary film directed by Alexander Medvedkin tells about the nature of Maoism, the events in China in the 1960s and early 1970s
The Train Rolls On
This half-hour documentary focuses on Medvedkin and his CineTrain of the 1930s, a sort of mobile film workshop, complete with post-production facilities, animation stations and a large laboratory. Traveling thousands of miles across the Russian countryside, the train stopped to have its filmmakers document Ukranian harvest practices, steel production facilities in southern Russia and other industrial / agricultural matters; With each crew member living in 1 square meter living quarters, all individuals on the train were responsible for various odd-jobs and other practical matters in addition to their own film-making concerns.
Night over China
An extraordinary document from one of the Cold War's bitterest conflicts - between the Soviet Union and Communist China - this film spares no quarter in its indictment of Maoist evils and misrule.
The Letter to a Chinese Friend
Film by Aleksandr Medvekin to a metonymic Chinese friend, advocating against Mao and the Ussuri River Skirmish.
The Letter to a Chinese Friend
Film by Aleksandr Medvekin to a metonymic Chinese friend, advocating against Mao and the Ussuri River Skirmish.
Беспокойная весна
Беспокойная весна
An Unquiet Spring
A comedy about Krushchev's 'Virgin Lands' project, to transform the barren and inhospitable spaces of the vast Soviet Union into fertile agricultural plains. A classically Socialist-Realist narrative of an individual's 're-education'. Zhenia, a hapless idler, arrives with a band of enthusiastic young Konsomol members to build a new town in the steppe. Although his dream, like that of all the young participants, is 'to become a tractor driver and a hero', he isn't prepared to work for the honour.
An Unquiet Spring
A comedy about Krushchev's 'Virgin Lands' project, to transform the barren and inhospitable spaces of the vast Soviet Union into fertile agricultural plains. A classically Socialist-Realist narrative of an individual's 're-education'. Zhenia, a hapless idler, arrives with a band of enthusiastic young Konsomol members to build a new town in the steppe. Although his dream, like that of all the young participants, is 'to become a tractor driver and a hero', he isn't prepared to work for the honour.
First Spring
A film about the development of virgin and fallow lands in Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the Volga region.
Liberated Earth
After the liberation of the Kuban by the Soviet Army troops, farmers return home and begin to restore the destroyed economy. Under the leadership of the young chairman, Nadiezdha Pritulyak, growers are working with great enthusiasm.
We Await Your Victorious Return
The first of what became a popular genre of wartime 'film-concerts', consisting of eight musical numbers, strung together by a loose plot. It shows soldiers leaving their village for the front; in their absence, the desolate but resolute young women of the village assume responsibility for the business of the farm
We Await Your Victorious Return
The first of what became a popular genre of wartime 'film-concerts', consisting of eight musical numbers, strung together by a loose plot. It shows soldiers leaving their village for the front; in their absence, the desolate but resolute young women of the village assume responsibility for the business of the farm
Blossoming Youth
At the eve of the Second World War, one of the first color films, which has preserved for us the parade of athletes, which was held in 1939 on Red Square in Moscow.
The New Moscow
A comedy about a naive young architect and his wild designs for a “New Moscow.” The Soviet censors weren't at all amused and shelved it.
The Miracle Worker
Life in a Russian village at harvest time as idealized peasant pastoral, concentrating on the landscapes and folk songs of the region.
The Miracle Worker
Life in a Russian village at harvest time as idealized peasant pastoral, concentrating on the landscapes and folk songs of the region.
A hapless loser (with the surname of Loser) undergoes misadventures with avaracious clergy, a tired horse, and a walking granary (among other things) on his road to collectivized happiness.
A hapless loser (with the surname of Loser) undergoes misadventures with avaracious clergy, a tired horse, and a walking granary (among other things) on his road to collectivized happiness.
The Story of Tit... or the Tale of the Large Spoon
How's Life, Comrade Miner?
A film report produced on Aleksandr Medvedkin's Kino-train, addressing the problems of living conditions in the October Mine in the Krivoi Rog region - a mine that, according to Medvedkin, was so improved by the experience of the kino-train that it subsequently became the most successful mine in the region.
Gazeta #4
The only surviving film from the first trip of Aleksandr Medvedkin's Kinopoezd (film train). A 'film-newspaper' demonstrating one key aspect of the train's work: the desire to encourage shame. In it, poor workers are named and shamed outright and local leaders are filmed at a lengthy and ill-focused meeting, ignoring the urgent demands of the work that surround them.
Kinopoezd - Cinetrain
The eleven films that survived from the series of films shot, edited, and shown from three custom railway cars travelling throughout the Soviet Union from 1932 to 1935. A project by Alexandr Medvedkin, though he isn't mentioned in the titles. The cars were full of film prints, editing tables, actors. Films were made in one day: edited at night and the next day shown to the people who participated in it.
Yak zhivyosh, tovarishch girnyak
A short film by Aleksandr Medvedkin.
A short film by Aleksandr Medvedkin.
Stop Thief!
Blundering Tractor Driver
Lazy or incompetent peasants try to malinger and wriggle their way out of duties at the Kolkhoz.
Stop Thief!
Lazy or incompetent peasants try to malinger and wriggle their way out of duties at the Kolkhoz.
Watch Your Health
A short film made by Medvedkin, documenting the lack of hygiene in the Red Army.