
The Mischief Maker (1916)

Gênero : Drama, Comédia

Runtime : 50M

Director : John G. Adolfi


Effie Marchand refuses to marry a man she has never met, but who has been picked out by her mother, is exiled to boarding school Then, when sculpting teacher Jules Gerard asks her to pose for him, an always impulsive Effie quickly consents. During one of the modeling sessions, however, Jules tries to seduce her, and Effie is saved only when Al Tournay, a visitor to the studio, fights off the sculptor. Later, when Jules' latest nude statue looks just like Effie, who really only posed for the head, an outraged principal expels her. Effie then begins a romance with Al, and when they get married, Effie's mother takes the wedding as just one more sign of her daughter's impulsiveness. Mrs. Marchand soon finds out, however, that her new son-in-law is the man she had chosen for Effie long before, and so mother and daughter are quickly reconciled.


June Caprice
June Caprice
Effie Marchand
Harry Benham
Harry Benham
Al Tourney
John Reinhardt
John Reinhardt
Jules Gerard
Margaret Fielding
Margaret Fielding
May Muprey
Inez Marcel
Inez Marcel
Madame Briand
Minnie Milne
Minnie Milne
Effie's Sister
Tom Brooke
Tom Brooke
Henry Tourney
Nellie Slattery
Nellie Slattery
Mrs. Marchand


John G. Adolfi
John G. Adolfi
John G. Adolfi
John G. Adolfi
Scenario Writer
Alfred Solman
Alfred Solman


Dá Tempo ao Tempo
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