
Um Amor com Sabor de Natal (2022)

Uma arquiteta participa de uma competição para salvar a padaria de sua mãe.

Gênero : Cinema TV, Família, Drama

Runtime : 1H 24M

Director : Pat Kiely
Escritor : Carley Smale, Blaine Chiappetta


Uma aspirante a arquiteta descobre que a padaria de sua falecida mãe enfrenta dificuldades. Suas esperanças são renovadas quando ela decide participar de um concurso de biscoitos de gengibre e disputa um prêmio que mudará sua vida.


Tiya Sircar
Tiya Sircar
Hazel Stanley
Marc Bendavid
Marc Bendavid
James Meadows
Sugith Varughese
Sugith Varughese
Karen Glave
Karen Glave
Nina Marsden
Kyana Teresa
Kyana Teresa
Fereshteh Samimi
Fereshteh Samimi
Maja Vujicic
Maja Vujicic
Duff Goldman
Duff Goldman
Mark Clemmons
Alison Brooks
Alison Brooks
Ruth Burton


Pat Kiely
Pat Kiely
Rosina Bucci
Rosina Bucci
Deborah George
Deborah George
Claire Nadon
Claire Nadon
Costume Design
James Gelfand
James Gelfand
Louise Tremblay
Louise Tremblay
Chantal Lussier
Chantal Lussier
David Blanchard
David Blanchard
Production Designer
Serge Desrosiers
Serge Desrosiers
Director of Photography
Lauren Mackinlay
Lauren Mackinlay
Associate Producer
Ian Malone
Ian Malone
Associate Producer
Rachel Bulatovich
Rachel Bulatovich
Associate Producer
Ryan Greig
Ryan Greig
Supervising Producer
Dayna Zipursky
Dayna Zipursky
Executive Producer
Robert Vroom
Robert Vroom
Suzanne L. Berger
Suzanne L. Berger
Executive Producer
Arnie Zipursky
Arnie Zipursky
Executive Producer
Sheri Singer
Sheri Singer
Executive Producer
Jane Latman
Jane Latman
Executive Producer
Megan Ellstrom
Megan Ellstrom
Executive Producer
Larry Grimaldi
Larry Grimaldi
Executive Producer
Hannah Pillemer
Hannah Pillemer
Executive Producer
Fernando Szew
Fernando Szew
Executive Producer
Carley Smale
Carley Smale
Blaine Chiappetta
Blaine Chiappetta

Cartazes e fundos



O Príncipe e Eu
Um convite inesperado faz a jovem Jules viajar com sua sobrinha e seu sobrinho para um castelo na Europa onde irão passar o Natal com o avô das crianças, o duque de Castlebury e seu filho o príncipe Ashton.É um mundo novo para Jules e as crianças que aos poucos descobrem novos ambientes do castelo, e logo o riso começa a ecoar nos tranquilos corredores enchendo a todos de esperança e alegria renovada para a temporada.No entanto, Jules e o príncipe Ashton acabam se apaixonando, a vida de ambos começa a mudar e nasce um romance encantador levando os laços inquebráveis da família a tradição do feriado de natal.
The Adventure of the Wrong Santa Claus
When a burglar dressed as Santa Claus steals a family's Christmas presents, amateur detective Octavius sets out to recover the loot.
Walk a Mile in My Pradas
A little Christmas magic causes two coworkers with contrasting lifestyles to switch sexual orientations.
Um Toque de Felicidade
Na véspera de Natal, Goose, um pequeno órfão, se encontra com Anthony, um homem enigmático com um poder muito especial. Agora Goose lhe pedirá ajuda para encontrar algo muito valioso, sem imaginar que esse estranho mudará sua vida para sempre.
A Origem dos Guardiões
As crianças do mundo inteiro são protegidas por um seleto grupo de guardiões: Papai Noel, Fada do Dente, Coelho da Páscoa e Sandman. São eles que garantem a inocência e as lendas infantis. Mas um espírito maligno, o Breu, pretende transformar todos os sonhos em pesadelo, despertando medo em todas as crianças. Para combater este adversário poderoso, a Lua designa um novo guardião para ajudar o grupo: Jack Frost, um garotinho invisível que controla o inverno. Sem conhecer sua própria vocação de guardião, ele embarca em uma aventura na qual vai descobrir tanto sobre as crianças quanto sobre seu próprio passado.
The Christmas Martian
A martian comes to a small town in Quebec and becomes friends with the town children. He gives them candy to get the children into his spacecraft. This alarms the parents but he wins them over and they have a great big Christmas party.
Aliens' First Christmas
Christmas comes to the Cosmos when Roger and Fran Peoples and their son Benny try to celebrate the holidays in their new home on the planet Zolognia. Everything seems to go wrong until their alien neighbors, the Zox's step in to help. Misunderstanding just about everything about Christmas, Charlick and Mavo add bizarre and funny twists to old Yuletide traditions, and find out that in the end, that it's truly the thought that counts.
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer
Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer is a timeless family holiday classic.
The Christmas Visitor
T'was the night before Christmas and all through the house not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.
Bush Christmas
In Australia, five children pursue horse thieves through the mountains.
Pequeno Gobie
Enquanto praticava snowboarding, o Pequeno Gobie e seu dragão de estimação BeBe sofrem um acidente. BeBe se machuca e Pequeno Gobie procura a ajuda do Papai Noel.
Stille Nacht I: Dramolet
A magnet moves on a floor. A moth beats against a window. A doll child watches the magnet; threads of metal filings gather around the magnet.
Unlikely Angel
A country singer dies prematurely, but cannot enter heaven until she performs a good deed back on earth.
The Catherine Tate Show: Nan's Christmas Carol
It's Christmas Eve and Nan receives some unexpected visitors, in the form of Ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Future. In this comic retelling of Dickens' A Christmas Carol, Nan is shown the error of her ways, but is it too late for her to swap her Scrooge-like misery for some seasonal goodwill?
Meu Tio Antoine
O evocativo retrato de Claude Jutra da transição para a vida adulta de um menino na invernal Quebec dos anos 1940 tem sido constantemente citado pelos críticos e estudiosos como o maior filme canadense de todos os tempos. Meu Tio Antoine acompanha Benoît, que se defronta pela primeira vez com o amedrontador binômio sexo e morte, e seus conterrâneos, que vivem sob o domínio do proprietário da mina de amianto local.
The Night Before Christmas
Fictionalized account of how Clement C. Moore came to write "A Visit from St. Nicholas." His young daughter, stricken with pneumonia, asks for a Santa Claus story for Christmas. No such story had been written, so Moore writes his famous poem, set to Ken Darby's music and sung by The Norman Luboff Choir.
A Véspera de Natal, a Noite Anterior
Uma família moderna e fragmentada vive demasiado ocupada com suas carreiras e ambições para se preocupar com festas. Mas quando o Papai Noel parte do Pólo Norte um dia antes, cai no teto de sua casa, e perde a memória bem como o seu saco mágico de presentes, as prioridades mudam.
My Dog's Christmas Miracle
University professor Madeline Walters isn’t doing too well in the dating game. Good men are hard to find, so she’s happy spending time with her Maltese puppy Cinnamon, and her precocious teenage daughter Chloe.
WordWorld: Happy Holidays WordFriends
The Christmas Star: It's the night before Christmas and FROG needs a star to hang on his Christmas tree. DUCK thinks this will be the perfect present for FROG, and tries to lasso one out of the sky for him. Try as he might, DUCK is unable to catch a star fro FROG, and cries himself to sleep. But while he sleeps, someone leaves him a wonderful present: the letters S-T-A-R... A Christmas Present for DOG: It's Christmas morning, and all the WordFriends are excited by the presents Santa has brought for them! PIG has a sled, BEAR has a doll, and ant has a cookie. But not all the letters for DOG's present came down his chimney. All he has is a B-A-L. BEAR gets filled with the Christmas spirit and makes a sacrifice to ensure DOG's Christmas will be merry!
A Very Merry Daughter of the Bride
A wedding planner looks to persuade her mother not to marry a man she's only known for a brief period of time, until an unexpected development forces her to re-examine her feelings.


A Big Fat Family Christmas
Liv is a photojournalist eager to make it on her own. To get a dream assignment – shooting the Chang family’s annual holiday party for a cover story – she doesn’t reveal that they are in fact, her family. When she finds herself growing close to Henry, the coworker covering the story with her, she wants to confide in him but doesn’t want to jeopardize her big break.