
Teachers. Holidays in the Occupation (2022)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 1M

Director : Kostiantyn Kliatskin


During the full-scale invasion of Ukraine in the spring of 2022, Russian troops occupied the suburbs of the capital for more than a month. This film is dedicated to the educators of the Kyiv region, who did not despair even under shelling, enemy control, and the constant threat to their lives. The viewer will travel through the educational institutions of Hostomel, Irpin, Bucha and Vorzel, to become acquainted with those, who hold, and will be holding in their hands the future of our country.


Roman Kulish
Roman Kulish
The narrator (voice)


Kostiantyn Kliatskin
Kostiantyn Kliatskin
Kostiantyn Kliatskin
Kostiantyn Kliatskin
Denys Tokariev
Denys Tokariev
Dmytro Danov
Dmytro Danov
Denys Tokariev
Denys Tokariev
Director of Photography
Denys Tokariev
Denys Tokariev


Sniper: The White Raven
Depois de sofrer uma tragédia nas mãos de soldados invasores em Donbass, um professor de física ucraniano busca vingança. Ele está de olho em um atirador de elite russo cuja eliminação pode mudar o curso do conflito.
U311: Guerra em Alto Mar
Baseado em uma história real. Em fevereiro de 2014, durante a ocupação russa na Península da Crimeia, o navio de guerra ucraniano U311 "Cherkasy" e resto da Marinha do país estão bloqueados no Lago Donuzlav, com o caminho para o mar fechado por uma cilada da frota russa. Sem perspectiva de vitória ou fuga, os navios começam a se render, mas o U311 "Cherkasy", última esperança de resistência ucraniana na Crimeia, decide permanecer no local e iniciar uma luta corajosa.
A Última Resistência
Um grupo de voluntários militares chega ao aeroporto de Donetsk pela primeira vez, em setembro de 2014. O aeroporto foi ocupado pelos ucranianos por mais de quatro meses de guerra.
Uma equipe de elite do Navy SEAL tenta encontrar a mítica cidade de Atlantis. Um quebra-código militar procura seu pai ausente, que pode guardar o segredo para desvendar as pistas que possibilitam a descoberta de Atlântida, o que é fundamental para salvar o mundo.
Call Sign
In the autumn of 2014, in the ATO zone, an intelligence group headed by experienced captain Anton Saienko (called by nickname "Banderas") tries to prevent sabotage and neutralize the Russian saboteur.
O Distante Latido dos Cães
Hnutove, Donbass, eastern Ukraine, 2015. Young Oleg lives in a war zone where anti-aircraft gunshots and missile attacks often resonate dangerously near. Although many inhabitants have already left this dangerous area, he remains with his grandmother, who has cared for him since his mother's death, because they have nowhere to go. They are just waiting for the war to end.
Bad Roads
Quatro histórias são contadas ao longo das estradas de Donbass durante a guerra na Ucrânia. Mesmo estando presos ao caos, alguns conseguem exercer autoridade sobre os outros. Mas neste mundo, onde o amanhã pode nunca chegar, nem todos estão acuados e indefesos. Representante da Ucrânia no Oscar 2022 de Filme Internacional. Premiado no Festival de Veneza 2020.
Breaking Point: The War for Democracy in Ukraine
BREAKING POINT: The War for Democracy in Ukraine looks at people transformed by a democratic revolution, who give up their normal lives to fight a Russian invasion, in a war which has killed 10,000 and displaced 1.9 million Ukrainians.
Tí, ktorí zostali
A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa
'A Prayer for Hetman Mazepa' unfolds during an interesting era in the history of Eastern Europe when Russia, under Peter the Great, and Sweden, under King Charles XII, struggled for power; the Ukraine was the pawn in the middle. In 1709, Ivan Mazepa, Hetman of Ukraine, which was part of the Russian Empire, signed a pact with the Swedish king promising to support Sweden in its war against Russia provided that the Ukraine was given its independence.
Lethal Kittens
In 2014 Russia’s hybrid war against Ukraine turns hot. An engineer, actor, soccer coach and florist volunteer to fight on the front line. Unaware of the pivotal role they will play in the war, they discover the meaning of true leadership.
Julia Blue
A love story set in modern day, post-revolutionary Ukraine between Julia, an idealistic student activist, and a wounded soldier fresh from the warfront.
Tales of a Toy Horse
In his own way, Anatoli Ljutuk is a legend of Tallinn's Old Town - a man from Western Ukraine who has built a unique world on Laboratory Street, the main core of which is the Ukrainian Cultural Center and Church. There, he engages in calligraphy, makes paper in a medieval way, carves traditional wooden toys in his workshop and makes books in the spirit of old monasteries. According to the oath taken a quarter of a century ago, he has promised to create something good every day. His daily commitment is challenged by the war that broke out in Ukraine, which Anatoly cannot passively ignore.
Based on a true story. Two fighters of 'Donbas' Volunteer Battalion get locked inside city of Ilovaysk after regular Russian army enters Ukraine and shells the surrounded divisions of Ukrainian Army in the infamous would-be 'green corridor'. The fighters survive thanks to the help of the locals and manage to break out through the front line to reach the freed territory. Taras Kostanchuk who is playing himself as 'Beshoot' is that same Donbas commander who is the prototype of the story. Half of the actors and extras are real 'Donbas' volunteers who survived the battle.
A father and a son from Crimean Tatar family transport the body of deceased older son and brother from Kyiv to bury him in Crimea.
Vivendo na Ucrânia Oriental devastada pela guerra Anna é uma mãe solteira que está desesperada por uma mudança. Atraída por um anúncio de rádio, ela vai à festa com um grupo de homens americanos que estão em turnê pelo país em busca de amor.
A Crimeia. Como era
A Associação dos cineastas dos documentários Babylon'13 apresenta a primeira longa-metragem sobre a anexação da Criméia pela Rússia. As filmagens originais e as histórias não-ficcionais dos marinheiros, dos pilotos, dos pára-quedistas e dos fuzileiros navais sobre o confronto resistente aos invasores podem ajudar o público a encontrar a resposta à pergunta "Por que desistimos da Criméia?". Os Autores do filme olharam para eventos históricos na Criméia através do prisma do destino dos soldados ucranianos que não traem o juramento. "A Criméia, como era" - a história das mais altas qualidades humanas: honra, fidelidade, coragem.
Os Esquecidos
Nina, uma professora de lingua ucraniana, de 30 anos, não pode sair da cidade de Luhansk, ocupada por separatistas no leste da Ucrânia. Forçada a ensinar russo, seu caminho se cruza com o de Andrii, um estudante de 17 anos, quando ela testemunha o jovem ser preso pela polícia após colocar a bandeira ucraniana no telhado da escola. Com medo de que Andrii fique muito tempo na prisão, Nina arrisca sua vida para libertá-lo, e os dois acabam se apaixonando enquanto lutam pela liberdade da região.
Home, Sweet Home
A Ukrainian town has just been occupied by pro-Russian military forces. A bank clerk is going to take credit money from those who won’t give it without a fight.
The film investigates the kidnapping and alleged murder of a soldier in Donbas, in 2014. Together with his father, an elderly fisherman from the Southern Ukraine, we follow the trail of his captors. Traveling from the calm Azov coastline to industrial conglomerates, from the furious mining region to the sleepless capital, we try to find the witnesses of the young soldier's final hours, as well as those who could have seen his body. The film uses a wide range of video and audio material including news, voice recordings and interviews. Its complex narrative construction shows the long and winding path of a father who seeks justice for his son's murderers.