
Royal Shakespeare Company: Richard III (2022)

Gênero : História, Drama

Runtime : 3H 20M

Director : Gregory Doran


Young Richard of Gloucester uses the chaos of the Wars of the Roses to begin his unscrupulous climb to power in this classic Shakespearean history of a king in the throes of jealousy and murder. Despite being manifestly unfit to govern, he overcomes each obstacle in his way to seize the crown, as King Richard III. But as those around him turn against him, and as his plans begin to unravel, where else can he turn as the Lancastrian opposition returns to drag the country into battle once more and put an end to Richard’s tyrannical rule. Richard III is a savagely comic analysis of the exercise of power, reminding us of the dangers of tyranny and our duty not to let it go unchecked.


Nicholas Armfield
Nicholas Armfield
Micah Balfour
Micah Balfour
Oscar Batterham
Oscar Batterham
Claire Benedict
Claire Benedict
Duchess of York
Kirsty Bushell
Kirsty Bushell
Sophie Cartman
Sophie Cartman
Lady Hastings / Keeper / Citizen 3
Simon Coates
Simon Coates
Matthew Duckett
Matthew Duckett
Berkley / Catesby
Will Edgerton
Will Edgerton
Minnie Gale
Minnie Gale
Ashley D Gayle
Ashley D Gayle
Edward IV
Conor Glean
Conor Glean
Murderer 2
Ben Hall
Ben Hall
Arthur Hughes
Arthur Hughes
Richard III
Olivia Onyehara
Olivia Onyehara
Dorset / Citizen 2
Thom Petty
Thom Petty
Joeravar Sangha
Joeravar Sangha
Murderer 1
Eloise Secker
Eloise Secker
Mistress Shore / Citizen 1
Rosie Sheehy
Rosie Sheehy
Jamie Wilkes
Jamie Wilkes


Gregory Doran
Gregory Doran
Stephen Brimson Lewis
Stephen Brimson Lewis
Art Designer
Matt Daw
Matt Daw
Lighting Design
Paul Englishby
Paul Englishby
Claire Windsor
Claire Windsor
Sian Williams
Sian Williams
Rachel Bown-Williams
Rachel Bown-Williams
Fight Choreographer
Ruth Cooper-Brown
Ruth Cooper-Brown
Fight Choreographer
Lee Flint
Lee Flint
Video Report
Aaron Parsons
Aaron Parsons
Director of Operations


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