Bigfoot Killed My Wife (2022)

A Bigfoot Comedy shot in the Pacific NW

Gênero : Comédia

Runtime : 0M

Director : Eric Colley
Escritor : Hallie Shepherd


A city slicker's wife is killed in the backyard of their new country home, and he claims that Bigfoot did it. When he's arrested for her murder, he spends his last free weekend with his misfit friends trying to track down the creature.


Amy Mayes
Amy Mayes
Eric Colley
Eric Colley
Hallie Shepherd
Hallie Shepherd
Jesse Collver
Jesse Collver
Isley Rae
Isley Rae
Ellie Pace
Norm Mays
Norm Mays
Kelly Sina
Kelly Sina
Merlin Mayes
Merlin Mayes
Margo's Dog
Trey Miller
Trey Miller
Crazy Frank
Robert G. Colley
Robert G. Colley
Ronnie Izzo
Kimi Rutledge
Kimi Rutledge
Ryan Colley
Ryan Colley
Donnie Izzo
Daniel Timothy Treacy
Daniel Timothy Treacy
Adam Elliot Davis
Adam Elliot Davis
Lauren Ford
Lauren Ford


Eric Colley
Eric Colley
Hallie Shepherd
Hallie Shepherd
Andrew Colley
Andrew Colley
Nikki Driver
Nikki Driver
Creature Effects Technical Director
Travis Driver
Travis Driver
Creature Design
Eric Colley
Eric Colley
Hallie Shepherd
Hallie Shepherd
Eric Colley
Eric Colley
Hallie Shepherd
Hallie Shepherd
Ric Shepherd
Ric Shepherd
Executive Producer
Linda Shepherd
Linda Shepherd
Executive Producer
Sarah Whitehead
Sarah Whitehead
Eric Colley
Eric Colley
Linda Shepherd
Linda Shepherd
Production Design
Hallie Shepherd
Hallie Shepherd
Zakaree Sandberg
Zakaree Sandberg
Director of Photography


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