Desires (1977)

We all have the key

Gênero : Drama, Fantasia, Música

Runtime : 1H 38M

Director : Rafael Corkidi


Snippets of a family drama involving a rebellious son coming to his depressing home village, his father, and a jaded ex-lover, mixed with various surrealist scenes and statements about sin.


Ana Luisa Peluffo
Ana Luisa Peluffo
Ernesto Gómez Cruz
Ernesto Gómez Cruz
Angélica Chain
Angélica Chain
Jorge Humberto Robles
Jorge Humberto Robles
Gina Morett
Gina Morett
Martin LaSalle
Martin LaSalle
Ana De Sade
Ana De Sade
Elpidia Carrillo
Elpidia Carrillo
María de la Luz Zendejas
María de la Luz Zendejas
Juan Barrón
Juan Barrón
Aurora Clavel
Aurora Clavel
Ana Iris Nolasco
Ana Iris Nolasco
Sonia Rangel
Sonia Rangel
Federico González
Federico González


Rafael Corkidi
Rafael Corkidi
Rafael Corkidi
Rafael Corkidi
Carlos Illescas
Carlos Illescas
Agustín Yáñez
Agustín Yáñez
Francisco Chiu
Francisco Chiu
Rafael Corkidi
Rafael Corkidi
Director of Photography


No final do século 17, com a peste devastando as terras, Benedetta Carlini ingressou no convento em Pescia, Toscana, como noviça. Capaz de fazer milagres desde tenra idade, o impacto de Benedetta na vida da comunidade é imediato e significativo.
Nuns That Bite
A woman on the run is raped, rescued, then raped again. Escaping, she heads for the hills and finds safe haven at a convent. After becoming a postulant (trainee nun), she catches her fellow sisters engaging in lesbianism, fighting over nothing, hurling snakes at each other, and engaging in mild flesh eating.
Satanic Pandemonium
Sister Maria is known in the convent for her good works and charity, but, in the secret depths of her sexual fantasies, she is tormented by visions of another world - a world where her forbidden passions are allowed to run free. In this world Satan is her master. As her acts of violence and blasphemy mount, Maria realizes that she has been chosen by the Devil to destroy the convent and lead her sister nuns into hell!
Cartas de Amor de Uma Freira Portuguesa
Maria, de 16 anos, é forçada a ir para o convento em Serra D'Aires, secretamente gerido por satanistas. O seu confessor está em conluio com a Madre Superiora. Maria é torturada, forçada a ter relações sexuais com homens, mulheres, e o diabo chifrudo, e é-lhe dito que tudo é um sonho mau. Ela escreve uma carta a Deus, e um cavaleiro resgata-a, apenas para cair nas mãos da Inquisição, ser torturada e condenado à morte como Joana d'Arc.
The Transgressor
After the mysterious death of her mother, Maya takes religious vows to find out what terrible things happened to her mother inside the Sacred Heart Convent. As soon as the door closes to the nunnery, the nuns start torturing her. She also has to deal with a lecherous archbishops and a lesbian mother superior.
A Bela Antônia
To spite her father, a young woman enters a convent. However, the woman's old boyfriend shows up and tries to win her back.
Cristiana, Devil Nun
When it looks like the plane that Cristiana is traveling on is about to crash, she makes a pledge to become a nun if her life is spared. The plane lands safely & Cristiana upholds her end of the bargain, but even as a nun she cannot leave her promiscuous ways behind her.
Flávia, a Freira Muçulmana
Puglia, sul da Itália, por volta de 1400. Um convento é invadido pelo culto da Tarântula, cujos membros fanáticos e loucos profanam o lugar sagrado cometendo atos obscenos e sangrentos.
Snippets of a family drama involving a rebellious son coming to his depressing home village, his father, and a jaded ex-lover, mixed with various surrealist scenes and statements about sin.
Sacred Flesh
Taunted by visions of Mary Magdalene, who reveals the confessions of the younger nuns at the convent, the Mother Superior's mind is filled with the violent, sexual acts of her fellow sisters.
Cloistered Nun: Runa's Confession
Sisterhood is powerful. Before leaving for a mission in Africa, Runa, a nun, visits her sister three years after entering the convent when her sister stole Runa's boyfriend. Runa comes to forgive and to help her sister make enough money buying and selling some convent property so she can marry. The old boyfriend has new women in his life, but he and the sister tell Runa they're a couple in order to keep the property deal. To make even more money, Runa's sister wheedles large gifts from various men she's stringing along. There are flashbacks to Runa's sexual initiation at the convent. Has this taught meekness to Runa?
O Poder da Inquisição - As Excomungadas de São Valentin
Acusado de heresia e perseguido por soldados, Esteban busca refúgio no convento local — o mesmo para onde sua namorada Lucita foi banida pelos pais. Para se reunir com ele, Lucita deve resistir a sedução de sua colega de cela lésbica e suportar as tormentas perturbadas da Inquisição.
Les chatouilleuses
Central America in 1915. It is the age of revolutions.tyranny, captains and colonels in a small provincial town. often invaded by some revolutionary group or other, there is a brothel of which the Madame Simone and most of the girls, are French. Many of the girls are in love with rebel leader Carlos Rrbas and when government troops re-occupy the area, they hide him. When the soldiers discover him, they take both him and the girls prisoner. The governor sends the girls out in a cart to amuse the troops, but they manage to escape along the way and take refuge in a convent where they take over the nuns.
Tales of Erotica
Four women of Gubbio – Angelica, Violetta, Lisa and Bettina – are conducted before the court by their lovers and husbands.
Master of Love
The wise and experienced maestro in the arts of love imparting his knowledge and techniques to a younger man before he dies.
Five episodes :1) A husband has taken the place of the confessor to find out about his wife's betrayals and while he spends the night at the door of the house, the woman can freely receive her lover. 2) Judge Volfardo, to take revenge for the constant pranks of Lambertuccio, head of the guards, invites Leonetto, a young man whom women yearn for, to take advantage of his wife. But everything is resolved to their own damage 3) While Domitilla's husband sends the boy into his bed to be able to sleep with his lover. 4) Don Casimiro has Don Ciccillo treat his wife who will use a very intimate therapy. 5) Messer Ciccio and Messer Gerbino exchange confidences on how not to be betrayed by their wives, so that...
Erotic Tales
Three women are secretly plush prostitutes. They are successively called by a mysterious person to have sex with three different men and assuage their weird fantasies.
Run with Fear
A medieval nun's convent is the only refuge for women trying to escape from Turkish raiders looking for slaves. But the beautiful mother superior is actually in league with the raiders and her convent is no refuge but a secret market for the beauties who also succumb to her wild desires.
Inés de Villalonga 1870
1870. Agnes, of the wealthy family of Villalonga, enter as a novice in a cloistered convent. He soon falls in love with James, a soldier brother of another inmate, Sister Jacinta, and is answered by it. To be together, the young man invents an excuse, but is wounded by the Carlist.
Sisters of No Mercy
The peaceful order of the Sisters of No Mercy are forced to avenge the murder of one of their own when an evil priest and his co-hort 'Saint' Theresa use the order as a cover for drugs and prostitution. Sisters of No Mercy spoofs nunsploitation movies while melding movie making techniques with modern socio-political overtones and Internet found footage to create a viewing experience of meta-awareness. Sisters of No Mercy chronicles our madcap adventures as we try and nurture and develop the community needed to sustain our independent theatres and video stores here in Chicago. It's also an introduction to a little-known sub-genre of exploitation cinema called Nunsploitation. Sex! Violence! Nuns!