
Detention 101 (2023)

When you are free to not leave your home.

Gênero : Ficção científica, Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 11M

Director : Shari Berman


Four adults are detained in their apartments with only each other and a computer for online company. They each come from a different class with differing views but they all have one defining purpose to understand why they are really being held hostage in their own homes. The AI refuses to reveal the reason.


Stacie Capone
Stacie Capone
Michael Cuomo
Michael Cuomo
Kathryn Danielle
Kathryn Danielle
Caroline Luft
Caroline Luft
Shari Berman
Shari Berman
GAL (voice)


Shari Berman
Shari Berman
Shari Berman
Shari Berman
Shari Berman
Shari Berman
Quentin Chiappetta
Quentin Chiappetta


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