
Cult Killer (2024)

Revenge comes first.

Gênero : Crime, Thriller

Runtime : 0M

Director : Jon Keeyes


A private investigator is forced into a dangerous alliance with a killer in order to uncover a quiet town’s grisly criminal underbelly and clear the name of her mentor, who is implicated in the crimes.


Alice Eve
Alice Eve
Cassie Holt
Shelley Hennig
Shelley Hennig
Jamie Douglas
Antonio Banderas
Antonio Banderas
Olwen Fouéré
Olwen Fouéré
Dottie Evans
Kim DeLonghi
Kim DeLonghi
Nick Dunning
Nick Dunning
Edgar Evans
Paul Reid
Paul Reid
Rory McMahon
Kwaku Fortune
Kwaku Fortune
John Wollman
John Wollman
Dexter Conell
Matthew Tompkins
Matthew Tompkins
Victor Harrison
Patrick Buchanan
Patrick Buchanan
Ciaran McGlynn
Ciaran McGlynn
Chris Mohan
Chris Mohan
Sophie Amber
Sophie Amber
Daire McMahon
Daire McMahon
Armed Garda
Aoife Kelly
Aoife Kelly
Daniel Carlin
Daniel Carlin


Jon Keeyes
Jon Keeyes
Charles Burnley
Charles Burnley
Jordan Yale Levine
Jordan Yale Levine
Jordan Beckerman
Jordan Beckerman
Michael J. Rothstein
Michael J. Rothstein
Richard Bolger
Richard Bolger
Conor Barry
Conor Barry
Richard Clabaugh
Richard Clabaugh
Jesse Korman
Jesse Korman
Executive Producer
Jeffrey Tussi
Jeffrey Tussi
Executive Producer
Nicholas Donnermeyer
Nicholas Donnermeyer
Executive Producer
Matthew Helderman
Matthew Helderman
Executive Producer
Luke Taylor
Luke Taylor
Executive Producer
Kurt Ebner
Kurt Ebner
Executive Producer
Stephen Braun
Stephen Braun
Executive Producer
Kade Thomas
Kade Thomas
Executive Producer
Jason Kringstein
Jason Kringstein
Executive Producer
Scott Levenson
Scott Levenson
Executive Producer
Richard Switzer
Richard Switzer
Executive Producer
Colby Cote
Colby Cote
Executive Producer
Lee Broda
Lee Broda
Executive Producer
Aden Darmody
Aden Darmody
Executive Producer
Will Hirschfeld
Will Hirschfeld
Executive Producer
Luke Daniels
Luke Daniels
Executive Producer
Shaun S. Sanghani
Shaun S. Sanghani
Executive Producer
Tyler W. Konney
Tyler W. Konney
Executive Producer
Grant Miles Johnson
Grant Miles Johnson
Executive Producer


A man dreaming of becoming a private detective gets suck into an investigation of a crime involving the theft of a secret chemical formula.
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Lei & Lui - Delitti in Laguna