
Paradise or Oblivion (2012)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 48M

Director : Roxanne Meadows


Paradise or Oblivion is a free online documentary produced by the Venus Project. This documentary details the root causes of the systemic value disorders and detrimental symptoms caused by our current established system. The film advocates a new socio-economic system, which is updated to present-day knowledge, featuring the life-long work of Social Engineer, Futurist, Inventor and Industrial Designer Jacques Fresco, which he calls a Resource-Based Economy. Paradise or Oblivion by the Venus Project introduces the viewer to a more appropriate value system that would be required to enable this caring and holistic approach to hhuman civilisation. This alternative surpasses the need for a monetary-based, controlled scarcity environment we find ourselves in today.


Jacque Fresco
Jacque Fresco


Roxanne Meadows
Roxanne Meadows
Jacque Fresco
Jacque Fresco
Roxanne Meadows
Roxanne Meadows


American Radical: The Trials of Norman Finkelstein
About the life and work of controversial American Jewish academic Norman Finkelstein.
Follow Jeremy Jones and other top freeriders as they travel to the world's snowboarding meccas and venture past the boundaries of helicopters, snowmobiles, and lifts to explore untouched realms.
Future My Love
Directed and narrated by Maja Borg, Future My Love is a unique love story challenging our collective and personal utopias in search of freedom.
The Choice Is Ours
This film series explores many aspects of our society. To rethink what is possible in our world, we need to consider what kind of world we want to live in. Although we refer to it as civilization, it is anything but civilized. Visions of global unity & fellowship have long inspired humanity, yet the social arrangements up to the present have largely failed to produce a peaceful and productive world. While we appear to be technically advanced, our values and behaviors are not. The possibility of an optimistic future is in stark contrast to our current social, economic, and environmental dilemmas. The Choice Is Ours includes interviews with notable scientists, media professionals, authors, and other thinkers exploring the difficulties we face.
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream?
Heist: Who Stole the American Dream? reveals how American corporations orchestrated the dismantling of middle-class prosperity through rampant deregulation, the outsourcing of jobs, and tax policies favoring businesses and the wealthy. The collapse of the U.S. economy is the result of conscious choices made over thirty five years by a small group: leaders of corporations and their elected allies, and the biggest lobbying interest in Washington, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. To these individuals, the collapse is not a catastrophe, but rather the planned outcome of their long, patient work. For the rest of the country, it is merely the biggest heist in American history.
Obsolescência Programada
Obsolescência programada é a decisão do produtor de propositadamente desenvolver, fabricar, distribuir e vender um produto para consumo de forma que se torne obsoleto ou não-funcional especificamente para forçar o consumidor a comprar a nova geração do produto. A Obsolescência programada está em nossas vidas, a evolução de um sistema que era feito para estragar para um sistema atual que leva o consumidor a substituir produtos através do desejo do novo, seja por evolução de design ou tecnologia.
Chomsky & Cie
At a time when powerlessness and resignation carry the day, Noam Chomsky's work is a radical antidote for all those who want to put an end to the factory of powerlessness and its intellectual media star watchdogs. Theoretician of language, born in Philadelphia in 1928, Noam Chomsky revolutionized linguistics with the "generative grammar." But Chomsky is also a political analyst involved in all political struggles for decades. His clear analysis and rational ideological mechanisms of our societies is a crucial resource for critical thinking today.
O Peso das Correntes
The Weight of Chains is a Canadian documentary film that takes a critical look at the role that the US, NATO and the EU played in the tragic breakup of a once peaceful and prosperous European state - Yugoslavia. The film, bursting with rare stock footage never before seen by Western audiences, is a creative first-hand look at why the West intervened in the Yugoslav conflict, with an impressive roster of interviews with academics, diplomats, media personalities and ordinary citizens of the former Yugoslav republics. This film also presents positive stories from the Yugoslav wars - people helping each other regardless of their ethnic background, stories of bravery and self-sacrifice.
Hacking Democracy
Documentary film investigating allegations of election fraud during the 2004 U.S. presidential election. Electronic voting machines count approximately 90% of America's votes in county, state and federal elections. The technology is also increasingly being used across the world, including in Canada, the United Kingdom, Europe and Latin America. The film uncovers incendiary evidence from the trash cans of Texas to the ballot boxes of Ohio, exposing secrecy, votes in the trash, hackable software and election officials rigging the presidential recount.Ultimately proving our votes can be stolen without a trace "Hacking Democracy" culminates in the famous 'Hursti Hack'; a duel between the Diebold voting machines and a computer hacker from Finland - with America's democracy at stake.
O mundo segundo a Monsanto
O mundo segundo a Monsanto é um documentário fundamental para entender o universo dos alimentos transgênicos. Este documentário vai deixar explicito a forma como a Monsanto age. Transgênicos, venenos altamente tóxicos, armas de guerra entre tantos outros produtos são cuidadosamente examinados neste vídeo.
An anti-western propaganda film about the influences of American visual and consumption culture on the rest of the world, as told from a North Korean perspective.
Pump – Histórias do petróleo
Uma investigação sobre a dependência americana pelo petróleo, desde as suas origens no início do século XX até o grande monopólio atual e seus danos em escala global, da poluição às guerras no Oriente Médio. Além de depoimentos de especialistas e grandes nomes do mercado petrolífero, como John Hofmeister, ex-presidente da Shell Oil, e Peter Goldmark, ex-presidente da Fundação Rockefeller, o filme apresenta alternativas para combustíveis menos poluentes e sustentáveis economicamente.
Guerra de Hackers
As histórias do troll provocador e anarquista Andrew "weev" Auernheimer, do herói prodígio dos hackers Jeremy Hammond e do jornalista investigativo e ativista cibernético Barrett Brown — três figuras de destaque cujas missões independentes de expor segredos de atividades do governo os atiraram em um curso de colisão fatal com corporações sombrias, com o FBI, e a derradeira traição por um dos seus próprios membros.
Future by Design
Future by Design shares the life and far-reaching vision of Jacque Fresco, considered by many to be a modern day Da Vinci. Peer to Einstein and Buckminster Fuller, Jacque is a self-taught futurist who describes himself most often as a "generalist" or multi-disciplinarian -- a student of many inter-related fields.
Greetings to the Devil
A former guerrilla is reluctantly drawn into the vengeance scheme of one of his victims.
At the Edge of the World
At the Edge of the World chronicles the controversial Sea Shepherd Antarctic Campaign against a Japanese whaling fleet. The international volunteer crew, under-trained and under-equipped, develop a combination of bizarre and brilliant tactics with which to stop the whalers. But first they must find the Japanese ships, a far more difficult challenge than ever imagined - long-time activist Paul Watson and first-time captain Alex Cornelissen employ an array of strategies in the hopes of finding an elusive adversary in the vast expanse of the Ross Sea. With one ship (the Farley Mowat) too slow to chase down the whaling fleet, with their second ship (the Robert Hunter) unsuited for Antarctic ice conditions and with no country supporting their efforts to enforce international law, the situation becomes increasingly desperate. Against all odds, however, a real-life pirate tale unfolds - a modern-day "David vs. Goliath" adventure.
Fighting Spirit: Champion Road
Nesse Movie, Ippo, Campeão dos Peso-Penas, se prepara para a sua primeira luta da qual defende o seu titulo e o cinturão de campeão.Sanada,oponente de ippo,adota o estilo de boxe “andorinha” e já foi campeão antes e defendeu seu titulo 5 vezes, também esta numa jornada para se tornar médico.Como médico,sabe localizações de orgãos em todo corpo,conhece os pontos vitais e tempo de recuperação após cada soco,oque torna uma luta extremamente dificil para ippo.um grande fato interessante do movie é o fato do treinador de sanada,Dankichi,ser um ex-boxeador que acabou sua carreira com sua mandíbula quebrada após um Counter(contra-ataque)de Kamogawa,treinador de ippo,na época em que era boxeador,Dankichi leva a luta de seus aprendizes como uma revanche,oque acontece? só vendo para saber,não perca tempo e veja essa obra de arte.
Money for Nothing - Inside the Federal Reserve
Quase 100 anos após a sua criação, o poder do Federal Reserve dos EUA nunca foi tão grande. Os mercados e os governos de todo o mundo seguram a respiração na expectativa de cada palavra do presidente do Fed. No entanto, a maioria das pessoas sabe muito pouco sobre o mais poderoso, e menos compreendida, instituição financeira na terra. Narrado por Liev Schreiber, Money For Nothing é o primeiro filme a levar o espectador para dentro do Fed e revela o impacto das políticas do Fed - passado, presente e futuro - em nossas vidas. Junte-se a funcionários atuais e antigos do Fed ao debater as críticas, e uns aos outros, sobre as decisões que ajudaram a levar o sistema financeiro mundial à beira do colapso em 2008. E por que pode estar indo para lá novamente.