Khaïma (2023)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Mohamed Fekrane




Mohamed Fekrane
Mohamed Fekrane
Fadel Chouika
Fadel Chouika
Simo Saissi
Simo Saissi
El Ghali Graimiche
El Ghali Graimiche
Wail Ghaylan El Malki
Wail Ghaylan El Malki
Sound Director


Ondas do Destino
No norte da Escócia uma jovem mulher (Emily Watson) se apaixona e se casa com um dinamarquês (Stellan Skarsgard) que trabalha em uma plataforma de petróleo. Quando ele retorna ao seu serviço sofre um acidente, quebrando seu pescoço e provavelmente o deixando incapacitado para o resto da vida. Nesta situação ele pressiona a mulher a procurar amantes e lhe contar detalhes de suas relações.
An aged father and his younger, mentally challenged son have been working hard every day to keep the bathhouse running for a motley group of regular customers. When his elder son, who left years ago to seek his fortune in the southern city of Shenzhen, abruptly returns one day, it once again puts under stress the long-broken father-son ties. Presented as a light-hearted comedy, Shower explores the value of family, friendship, and tradition.
Novo Mundo
O siciliano Salvatore decide deixar sua terra natal com seus dois filhos e partir numa longa jornada com outros companheiros em busca de uma vida melhor no novo continente. Porém nem todos conseguem atravessar as portas do paraíso.
Rahul Seth is a dashing young millionaire who believes he is "western" enough to rebel against his mother and grandmother. They are not too keen about his Caucasian girlfriend Kimberly who, to make matters worse, is a pop star. Before you can say "karmic intervention," Kimberly dies in a freak accident and Rahul is devastated. Instead of allowing him to mourn in peace, Rahul's mother sees the opportunity she's been waiting for. She threatens to call off his sister's wedding unless he finds himself a "nice Indian girl." Rahul enlists the services of Sue, a fiercely independent escort whom he believes to be Hispanic, and therefore not "married" to the conventions taught to young Indian women. With a wink in her eye, Sue accepts the deal to pose as his Indian bride-to-be. She needs the money and having never been a fan of the typical Indian male, she feels her heart is safe. The charade begins....
Vianne Rocher, uma jovem mãe solteira, e sua filha de seis anos resolvem se mudar para uma cidade rural da França. Lá decidem abrir uma loja de chocolates que funciona todos os dias da semana, bem em frente à igreja local, o que atrai a certeza da população de que o negócio não vá durar muito tempo. Porém, aos poucos Vianne consegue persuadir os moradores da cidade em que agora vive a desfrutar seus deliciosos produtos, transformando o ceticismo inicial em uma calorosa recepção.
Hum Dil De Chuke Sanam
Nandini é filha de Pandit Darbar, professor de música clássica indiana, dono de uma escola de música em um sultuoso castelo no Rajastão. Com a chegada de Sameer, um jovem indo-italiano que entra na escola com o sonho de ser músico, Nandini se apaixona perdidamente, e é correspondida. Mas quando Darbar descobre o sentimento entre os dois, ele fica furioso, e arranja logo um casamento para a filha com Vanraj, para destruir de vez os planos da moça.
The Beauty of Vice
In the mountains of Montenegro people have lived by strict and Draconian laws for centuries, almost untouched by modern civilization. However, a young couple are going to seek their fortune on the more liberal coast and there they find jobs in the nudist colony. Hundreds of naked bodies and atmosphere of joie d'vivre make the husband and wife question their rigid way of life.
A Gorgeous Girl Like Me
Stanislas Previne is a young sociologist, preparing a thesis on criminal women. He chooses Camille Bliss as his subject of study and begins to visit her in prison for interviews. Camille became acquainted with trouble at a young age and justifies her actions by "fate-bets." She is currently in prison for allegedly murdering one of her lovers. As she tells Stanislas of her life and love affairs, his interest in her grows to more than just professional. Can he resist her charm?
Moon over Morocco
When one of their number tries to tear away the veil from the face of a woman of Morocco, five French tourists find themselves cursed by an Arabic sorcerer to die in a specified order before the next new moon appears - and one by one, in different ways, they begin to die as predicted...
Noiva Prometida
Em Tel Aviv, a jovem Shira está prestes a casar com um rapaz de boas famílias, por quem ela está apaixonada. No entanto, pouco antes do casamento, Esther, a irmã mais velha, morre durante o parto. Agora a preocupação da família é encontrar uma nova noiva para Yochay, o viúvo de Esther. Com medo de ver o genro e o neto deixar o país, a família de Shira prepara um outro plano: desfazer o casamento de Shira e obrigá-la a casar com Yochay.
Her Brother
Set in 1926 when Japanese tradition was much stronger, this drama looks at the inner workings of a small family, especially the relationship between a sister and brother.
Doña Perfecta
Liberal farmer Pepe has arrived in Santa Fe to visit his aunt, Dona Perfecta. While he's there, Pepe is eager to teach the traditional-minded townspeople a new way of living. Unfortunately for Pepe the people of Santa Fe aren't eager to embrace change, and when the citizens begin to voice resentment Pepe is forced to seek refuge with his sympathetic aunt. Dona Perfecta is just as traditional as any of the other townspeople though, and only suffers Pepe due to the fact that he is family. When Pepe and his cousin Rosario fall deeply in love, the situation quickly comes to a head.
Homens do Deserto
O sargento. Mike Kincaid da Legião Estrangeira Francesa aprende, a partir de um prisioneiro , que um ataque em breve será feito.
The Stone Face
After losing his son in a traffic accident and his wife to mental illness, Harry moves to a gloomy Stockholm suburb. A local youth gang is harassing the neighborhood and Harry comes up with the idea of hiring the gang to kill the bureaucrats who are responsible for the construction of the suburb. The film is a fierce critique of the political project of building suburbs designed only for workers to sleep in and also wants to have a say in the debate over nature vs nurture.
Mixed Kebab
Ibrahim chooses to fall for young and handsome Kevin over marrying his cute but expensive cousin Elif while kid brother Furkan converts to Islamic fundamentalism.
Com a ajuda do amante, uma mulher planeja o assassinato do marido no Marrocos, durante as férias do casal. Um acidente de carro em uma estrada remota, envolvendo o marido e o amante, acaba com o plano. Eles juntam-se a um grupo de sobreviventes que inclui um procurado da justiça, um policial disfarçado, um sequestrador, um bebê e um australiano inconsciente.
My Makhzen and Me
In the summer of 2011, Nadir Bouhmouch, a Moroccan student studying abroad in California returns to his home country and finds it in a state of turmoil. The uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt had spread to Morocco. Organized by a group of students called the February 20th movement through Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and a website called Mamfakinch; People were flooding the streets and demanding change. But the Makhzen (the ruling elite) refuses to abandon it's grasp. This film investigates what gave birth to the revolt and the obstacles it encounters on it's struggle for freedom, democracy, human rights and an end to corruption and poverty.
Amina Filali is a 16-year old Moroccan girl who committed suicide after being forced to marry her alleged rapist. Her tragic death dominated Moroccan and international media in March 2012. Amina had accused a young man in her village of rape, but because authorities failed to properly investigate her accusations, she was married to her rapist following a citation from article 475 of the Moroccan penal code. This article dismisses a rapist of his charges as long as he marries his victim. A year after her marriage, Amina swallowed rat poison, walked into the village market, and died. Through this horrifying affair, the film explores the legal, political, religious and social issues that plague Moroccan women - chipping away at the facade of equality that disguises a deep-seated patriarchal system.
L'ère des Ninjas
Maroc 7
The lady of a top fashion magazine doubles as a jewel thief and becomes involved in Moroccan intrigue.