
Destination astéroïdes (2022)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Bertrand Loyer, Jacques Bedel




Bertrand Loyer
Bertrand Loyer
Jacques Bedel
Jacques Bedel


A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Moon
Are the manned moon landings of Apollo one of the greatest hoaxes ever devised - perhaps even the greatest government conspiracy of all time? Were the moon walks filmed in a secret studio? Do you believe in the Moon Landing Hoax? The evidence will surprise you!
Beyond Gravity
This autobiographical story about a love affair between two men was filmed on location in inner-city Auckland. Richard an astronomy-obsessed worrier spends his time fantasising about outerspace and the cosmos, an activity which antagonises friends and family. Then one day he meets Johnny, a handsome Italian man, with an enormous appetite for life, whose idea of a holiday involves breaking into the nearest small holiday home. He offers him love and an escape from the monotony of work. This short New Zealand film is a joyous celebration of the love between two eccentrics. It is also a refreshingly matter-of-fact and comic treatment of a romance between two men who both have their sights aimed firmly amongst the stars. Released on the compiliations: Boys on Film Volume 3 (1994)
400 Years of the Telescope
A documentary chronicling the history of the telescope from the time of Galileo. Featuring interviews with leading scientists discussing Galileo's first use of the telescope to the latest discoveries in cosmology.
Gog, O Monstro de Cinco Mãos
A mechanical brain is programmed to sabotage the government's secret lab while working on the first space station.
Eclipse do Sol com a Lua
Neste filme, Méliès inventa uma combinação de conto de fadas e moralidade sobre a tolice de tentar olhar muito profundamente para o funcionamento de um universo instável e inescrutável. Em uma escola medieval, um velho astrônomo começa a ensinar uma classe de jovens, todos armados com telescópios, sobre a arte de examinar um eclipse iminente. Quando um relógio mecânico bate meia-noite, todos os jovens correm para as janelas e fixam seus telescópios no céu.
The people of the planet Aeon, blessed with six suns, have never experienced night. When an archeological excavation uncovers evidence of an ancient catastrophe, all signs point towards the impending darkness of the very first Nightfall. Panic erupts as the suns slowly disappear one by one. Science struggles against superstition as the people race to comprehend the approaching Nightfall... the end of the world as they know it. Based on Isaac Asimov's classic story "Nightfall," voted "The Greatest Science-Fiction Story OF All Time."
The City Dark
THE CITY DARK is a feature documentary about the loss of night. After moving to NYC from rural Maine, filmmaker Ian Cheney asks a simple question - do we need the stars? - taking him from Brooklyn to Mauna Kea, Paris, and beyond. Exploring the threat of killer asteroids in Hawaii, tracking hatching turtles along the Florida coast, and rescuing injured birds on Chicago streets, Cheney unravels the myriad implications of a globe glittering with lights - including increased breast cancer rates from exposure to light at night, and a generation of kids without a glimpse of the universe above. Featuring stunning astrophotography and a cast of eclectic scientists, THE CITY DARK is the definitive story of light pollution and the disappearing stars. Written by Wicked Delicate Films
Nostalgia da Luz
In Chile's Atacama Desert, astronomers peer deep into the cosmos in search for answers concerning the origins of life. Nearby, a group of women sift through the sand searching for body parts of loved ones, dumped unceremoniously by Pinochet's regime.
The Great Year
The Great Year is a compelling documentary that explores the possibility that the fall of ancient civilizations around the globe, and the rise of modern civilization, might be related to our Sun’s motion around a companion star. The film examines evidence that ancient civilizations may have known of this celestial cycle and that our Sun may indeed display the characteristics of binary motion. Just as the Earth’s spin on its axis causes day and night and our planet’s annual orbit around the Sun is responsible for the ongoing cycle of the seasons, what if there is some greater celestial cycle, lasting thousands of years, slowly influencing the rise and fall of civilization across the globe? Where is the evidence? What could be the cause?
Bury Me High
In a mountainous region in an Asian backwater banana republic, it is said that the descendents of all those buried in its earth will be blessed with fantastic fortune and good health. However, if a special ceremony is not performed on the grounds, then the luck will only last for 24 years. A trio of Chinese Americans decide to venture into these mountains hoping to change their luck; Anna Wong (Moon Lee) is an executive facing a corporate meltdown, Wisely (Chin Ka-Lok) is dying of brain cancer, and UCLA Prof. Chang (Tsui Siu-Ming) is an expert in feng shui. Tin can potentate General Nguen (Yuen Wah) also has designs on the grounds -- hoping to turn his third world, fourth rate country into a superpower. Along the way, the three heroes fall in with a group of local rebels, including the high-kicking Nguen Van Vong (Sibelle Hu).
TimeScape, é o primeiro do mundo em tecnologia 4k. A empreitada quem financiou foi o compositor e empresário neozelandês Nigel “John” Stanford, que forneceu a Tom Lowe uma câmera digital MX Red 4K. A multinacional japonesa Canon patrocinou a produção, fornecendo Lentes 5.6K 5D Mark II e DSLRs. O filme apresenta em câmera lenta e impressionante cinematografia timelapse paisagens, pessoas e a vida selvagem da América do Sul. Para rodá-lo, Lowe passou 2 anos vagando em sua caminhonete Toyota pelo continente. A produção, naturalmente, envolveu muitas dificuldades, como passar 250 noites ao ar livre, dormindo no chão, sem barracas, sob as estrelas e ao lado de sua câmera, enquanto o timelapse estava sendo capturado. A tecnologia 4k, utilizada no filme, permite a altíssima definição de 4096 x 2160 pixels.
Max Minsky and Me
Nerdy Jewish Nelly Sue Edelmeister, daughter of a New York mother and Berlin musician in Berlin gets straight A's, except for gym. When she hears her dream prince, actual royal Edouard, a fellow astronomy buff who studies in Luxemburg, patronizes the basketball tournament hosted there by a European school she wants to join her school's girls team.
Undaunted: The Forgotten Giants of the Allegheny Observatory
This film tells the surprising story of how the Allegheny Observatory has been a world leader in the study of the stars since the 1860s. Self-educated, and often facing unrelenting hardships, the people associated with the Allegheny Observatory defied the odds to make enormous contributions to the founding of astrophysics and early aviation.
Good News
A college football star falls for his mousy French tutor.
After an unknown event, the world has changed forcing people to return to a simpler way of life. We follow the leadership trials of the Varosha Tribe with Eiren, Ares and Thade all in line to lead the next generation of their colony. The three embark on a journey away from the safety of their home towards a remote forest and current leader Nus - who will choose his successor by trial. But when their trial is interrupted by the arrival of another tribe, their courage, friendship and loyalty will be tested in conditions far more dangerous than they expected.
Journey to Palomar, America's First Journey Into Space
The film traces the story of the Chicago-born astronomer George Ellery Hale, considered the father of astrophysics, as he struggles personally and professionally to build the greatest telescopes of the 20th century at the Yerkes and Mount Wilson Observatories, and finally the 20-year effort to build the million-pound telescope on Palomar mountain beginning in the 1930s. Hale's observatories revolutionized our understanding of the universe.
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"What's on your mind?" It's the friendly Facebook question which lets you share how you're feeling. It's also the question that unlocks the details of your life and helps turn your thoughts into profits.
Oscar Saa, O Técnico das Estrelas
Entrevista não incluída no corte final de "Nostalgia da Luz" com um engenheiro de um observatório astronômico chileno que explica a importância dos técnicos terrestres nestes postos de observação do universo.
Jose Maza, O Viajante do Céu
Entrevista não incluída no corte final de "Nostalgia da Luz" com um renomado astrônomo e astrofísico chileno a respeito de eventos cósmicos, como a energia escura, o espaço-tempo e as supernovas.
María Teresa e a Anã Marrom
María Teresa é uma mulher notável que pratica três atividades aparentemente opostas. Por um lado ela é astrônoma (Prêmio Nacional de Artes), responsável pela descoberta da primeira Anã Marrom, mas ao mesmo tempo é colecionadora de pedras preciosas encontradas no mar (ágatas, aqueles cristais luminosos que trazem as ondas do oceano), além de se dedicar à tapeçaria. É também professora, ensaísta e diretora do Observatório da Universidade do Chile. Este documentário, que reúne um material não incluído em "Nostalgia da Luz", apresenta-nos mais uma personalidade da astronomia chilena que nos revela sua paixão pela vida e pelos detalhes que a formam.