Middle Watch (2022)

Gênero : Guerra, Thriller

Runtime : 12M

Director : John Stevenson, Aiesha Penwarden


As World War Two draws to a close, a sailor aboard ship in the Indian Ocean must do his duty. Watch must be kept, the horizon scanned for enemy craft and the bubble trails of deadly torpedoes fired from stealthy submarines. Haunted and scarred by conflict and the loss of fellow shipmates, our sailor's task is the Middle Watch, or the graveyard watch, as old mariners call it. But, as he goes about his duties, in the small hours of the morning, his routine is shattered by an encounter that could tip the balance of his delicate state of mind.


Boris Hiestand
Boris Hiestand
Starkey (voice)
Ryan Hill
Ryan Hill
Crewman (voice)
Joel Correia
Joel Correia
Crewman (voice)
Jem Brookes
Jem Brookes
Crewman (voice)


John Stevenson
John Stevenson
Aiesha Penwarden
Aiesha Penwarden
Giles Healy
Giles Healy
Dimana Bratanova
Dimana Bratanova
Production Manager
Robert Strachan
Robert Strachan
Animation Director
Dimana Bratanova
Dimana Bratanova
Background Designer


The White Ship
Although released anonymously, as was the custom with all films produced by the Italian Navy, La Nave Bianca is the first feature-length effort directed by Roberto Rossellini; it is also very much the work of its co-writer and supervisor Francesco De Robertis. The film combines a documentary look at the Italian Navy during World War II with newsreel combat footage and a scripted love story performed by non-professional actors.
World War III
This mock documentary uses archival footage, interviews and reports taken out of context and staged interviews to highlight a possible escalation into a nuclear war. In this feature, tension in East Germany, and an uprising triggered by a visit by Gorbachev sees a successful military coup taking place in the USSR. Western actions against brutal crack-downs on civilians involved increases tension between the sides, finally resulting in nuclear war.
A young woman who has just become engaged has her life completely shattered when she is raped while on her way home from work.
Hostile Environment
Toxic waste has contaminated the world's fresh water supply. A select few with the ability to de-contaminate the supply now control the world. Minna rules the de-contaminators from a giant warship, forcing desperate land dwellers to trade anything and everything for meager water rations. The dwellers seek a leader to battle Minna's tyrannical rule. Jennifer, daughter of the rebel leader, implores outcast Mike Erikson to lead the battle against the warship. Help also comes from an unexpected source in the from of Jennifer's brother Rocky.
Speed & Angels
Inspired by the passion of two young Navy officers, director Peyton Wilson captures Jay and Meagan as they pursue their childhood dream of becoming naval aviators flying the F-14 Tomcat. Shot in epic Hi Definition, the aerial footage and stunning cockpit photography provide a dramatic backdrop for the more universal story of what it’s like to fight for your dreams. From dogfights in the Nevada desert, to night landings on aircraft carriers in the Atlantic what begins as a story of realizing a childhood dream turns into a story of fighting for one's life.
On Christmas Eve, a relentlessly cheerful woman escapes from the killers hired by her husband, and embarks on a series of strange encounters.
Sinking of the Lusitania
The story of the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 after she was torpedoed off the Irish coast. The story is told from the perspective of Prof. Holbourn (a passenger), the German U-boat and its captain and crew, and other passengers, crew and Admiralty staff
One Piece 3D: A Perseguição do Chapéu de Palha
O East Blue está em crise? A notícia atinge os Chapéus de Palha ao longo de sua jornada. Com suas cidades natais enfrentando momentos difíceis, Luffy e seus amigos colocam suas aventuras em espera e decidem voltar para o East Blue, quando de repente um misterioso navio pirata aparece voando no céu. O homem que dirigi o navio não é outro senão o usuário de Akuma no Mi, Shiki “O Leão Dourado”, o mesmo lendário pirata que conseguiu escapar da grande prisão submarina Impel Down, e ficou entre os mais infames piratas como o “Rei dos piratas” Gol D. Roger e Barba Branca. Depois de seqüestrar Nami por suas habilidades de navegação intuitivas, Shiki envia Luffy e sua tripulação hurdling para baixo a suas próprias ilhas flutuantes pessoais. Separando, a tripulação encontram-se então colocados em uma batalha de sobrevivência com feras terríveis em ambientes misteriosos.
Segredos de uma Alma
O professor Mathias é atormentado por um irracional medo de facas e uma irresistivel compulsão em matar sua mulher. Com medo de ficar louco e tendo horriveis pesadelos, ele procura um psicanalista que se oferece para tratar do problema.
O Massacre da Serra Elétrica
Em 1973, a polícia texana deu como encerrado o caso de um terrível massacre de 33 pessoas provocado por um homem que usava uma máscara feita de pele humana. Nos anos que se seguiram os policiais foram acusados de fazer uma péssima investigação e de terem matado o cara errado. Só que dessa vez, o único sobrevivente do massacre vai contar em detalhes o que realmente aconteceu na deserta estrada do Texas, quando ele e mais 4 amigos estavam indo visitar o seu avô.
A Descida
Um ano após um trágico acidente, algumas amigas vão explorar uma caverna. Uma delas, Juno (Natalie Jackson Mendoza), sem avisar as outras, as levou para uma caverna que nenhuma pessoa tinha explorado. Logo elas descobrem que talvez alguém tenha entrado ali, mas nunca saído vivo. Um acidente faz com que uma rocha se desprenda e as amigas fiquem presas na caverna. Com a saída bloqueada, elas passam a explorar o local, buscando outro meio de sair. Porém elas passam a ser perseguidas por estranhas criaturas, que se escondem na escuridão da caverna.
No Limite do Amanhã
A Terra está dominada por alienígenas e o major Bill Cage, um relações públicas das Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos, é obrigado a ir para a linha de frente. Inexplicavelmente, ele acaba preso em um ciclo do tempo, revivendo repetidamente sua última batalha. No entanto, quanto mais vezes ele luta, suas habilidades de guerreiro melhoram e ele fica mais perto de descobrir como derrotar o inimigo.
Camp 14: Total Control Zone
Shin Dong-Huyk was born on November 19, 1983 as a political prisoner in a North Korean re-education camp. He was a child of two prisoners who had been married by order of the wardens. He spent his entire childhood and youth in Camp 14, in fact a death camp. He was forced to labor since he was six years old and suffered from hunger, beatings and torture, always at the mercy of the wardens. He knew nothing about the world outside the barbed-wire fences. At the age of 23, with the help of an older prisoner, he managed to escape. For months he traveled through North Korea and China and finally to South Korea, where he encountered a world completely strange to him.
Dare Remember
"It's been 25 years and there is so little I remember. I can not remember the police investigation and I can not remember the trial. I have never talked to my parents about the rape, but it is always there anyway. " Dare Remember is an exceptionally brave documentary film that put words to what has been hushed. About meeting what you prefer to forget. A movie about moving forward.
O Hipnotista
Uma família é brutalmente assassinada e há apenas um sobrevivente, um garoto gravemente ferido e traumatizado, o filho mais novo da família. Depois que ele se recupera, os investigadores não conseguem extrair dele nenhum detalhe a respeito do crime, apesar de saberem que ele sabe de alguma coisa e o trauma está dificultando suas lembranças. Numa tentativa de solucionar o caso, o detetive que chefia a operação relutantemente convoca um terapeuta conhecido por usar a hipnose como método de trabalho para acessar o subconsciente de seus pacientes. Entretanto, o que o hipnotista revela é muito pior do que todos esperavam e todos que se envolveram no caso podem estar em perigo.
New Boy
A young African boy with a haunting back story starts school in Ireland, and finds out quickly exactly what it means to be the new kid. Winner of Best Narrative Short at the 2008 Tribeca Film Festival and nominated for an Oscar.
A Grande Muralha
Quando um guerreiro mercenário é preso dentro da Grande Muralha, ele descobre o mistério por trás de uma das maiores maravilhas do mundo. Como onda após a onda de bestas a assediar a estrutura maciça, a sua busca por fortuna transforma-se numa jornada rumo ao heroísmo. E com ele se junta um enorme exército de guerreiros de elite para enfrentar a força inimaginável e aparentemente imparável.
The Way
The Algerian War is seen through the eyes of a group of Algerian freedom-fighters who have been captured and incarcerated in French-run military prisons both in France and Algeria. In addition to attempts at escape, this prison drama also includes propaganda and brainwashing attempts by the French and scenes of torture. In what is possibly the most horrible torture of all, the inmates are forced to listen to broadcast speeches by General Charles de Gaulle -- speeches which illustrate the changing relations between the French and the Algerians.
Red Poppies on the Wall
The film mainly takes place in an orphanage of Tirana in the years of the city's occupation from the Italian fascists at the start of WW2.
Il grande appello
An Italian proprietor of a squalid Djibouti bar collaborated in selling arms to Ethiopians fighting his own country's invasion but after finding his long lost son on the Fascist front he decides to choose patriotism over selfish profit.