Vosaltres els blancs (2008)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 0M

Director : Lala Gomà





Lala Gomà
Lala Gomà
Aymar del Amo
Aymar del Amo
Assistant Editor
David Bou
David Bou
Director of Photography
Serge Dietrich
Serge Dietrich
Rodolphe Dietrich
Rodolphe Dietrich
Àngels Masclans
Àngels Masclans


Poderoso Joe
O ponto de partida na trama é a morte de uma cientista e de uma gorila fêmea em uma aldeia africana. As duas deixam seus respectivos filhotes, que se tornam inseparáveis. A narrativa avança e a situação se complica. Crescidos, a jovem Jill (Theron) e o gorila Joe passam a sofrer a perseguição dos caçadores. Para garantir a segurança do macaco, a moça aceita a oferta de um zoólogo (Paxton) e interna o bicho em uma reserva animal nos EUA. A empreitada não dá certo e a dupla tem então de bolar um plano mirabolante para levar o gorila de volta.
O Último Rei da Escócia
Nicholas Garrigan é um elegante médico escocês, que deixou recentemente a faculdade. Ele parte para Uganda em busca de aventura, romance e alegria, por poder ajudar um país que precisa muito de suas habilidades médicas. Logo após sua chegada Nicholas é levado ao local de um acidente bizarro, onde o líder recém-empossado do país Idi Amin, atropelou uma vaca com seu Maserati. Nicholas consegue dominar a situação, o que impressiona Amin. Obcecado com a cultura e a história da Escócia, Amin se afeiçoa a Nicholas e lhe oferece a oportunidade de ser seu médico particular. Ele aceita a oferta, o que faz com que passe a frequentar o círculo interno de um dos mais terríveis ditadores da África.
7 Dias em Entebbe
Em julho de 1976, um voo da Air France de Tel-Aviv à Paris foi sequestrado e forçado a pousar em Entebbe, na Uganda. Os passageiros judeus foram mantidos reféns para ser negociada a liberação dos terroristas e anarquistas palestinos presos em Israel, na Alemanha e na Suécia. Sob pressão, o governo israelita decidiu organizar uma operação de resgate atacar o campo de pouso e soltar os reféns.
Resgate Fantástico
A operação de resgate dos passageiros e tripulantes de um avião sequestrado por palestinos. Com a velada simpatia do ditador africano Idi Amin Dada, os terroristas permanecem em Uganda, exigindo a libertação de 53 palestinos presos pelos israelenses em troca dos reféns. Baseado em fatos reais.
Vitória em Entebbe
Filme relata a operação israelense que resgatou um avião sequestrado por palestinos em Uganda.
Rise and Fall of Idi Amin
The chronicle of Ugandan dictator Idi Amin and his tyranic rule from 1971 to his overthrow in 1979.
War Dance
Three children living in a displacement camp in northern Uganda compete in their country's national music and dance festival.
Bad Black
A mild-mannered doctor is trained in the art of ass-kicking commando vengeance by a no-nonsense ghetto kid in an effort to regain a family heirloom from Uganda’s toughest gang.
General Idi Amin Dada
Em 1971, Uganda foi assumido pelo autodenominado ditador General Idi Amin Dada. Seu reinado de terror resultou em centenas de milhares de mortes. Este filme revela o infame tirano como o homem dinâmico, encantador e terrivelmente perigoso, cujas neuroses fanáticas controlaram uma nação inteira.
A Garota do Moletom Amarelo
À medida que se espalha a notícia de que há um serial killer à solta que continua a cometer assassinatos, um policial fora de serviço deve levar de volta à cidade uma testemunha idosa que mora em uma parte remota de Uganda. Ao longo do caminho, o policial dá carona a um homem ferido. No trajeto para a cidade, o carona conta ao policial os acontecimentos que o levaram a acabar ferido no meio da estrada. Mas enquanto viajamos com esses personagens misteriosos no carro, o diretor Loukman Ali nos mostra que as histórias que eles contam são apenas versões fragmentadas e parciais dos eventos que aconteceram e que talvez haja verdades enterradas sob cada uma de suas palavras.
The War Against Women
Sexual violence against women is a very effective weapon in modern warfare: instills fear and spreads the seed of the victorious side, an outrageous method that is useful to exterminate the defeated side by other means. This use of women, both their bodies and their minds, as a battleground, was crucial for international criminal tribunals to begin to judge rape as a crime against humanity.
Chimpanzés Guerreiros de Uganda
Acompanhe a história real de um grupo de ambiciosos chimpanzés guerreiros que habitam o parque nacional Kibale, em Uganda.
Escape from Uganda
Shikha Samuel (Rima Killingal) and Jayakrishnan (Vijay Babu) have eloped and made Uganda their home with the help of Advocate Firoz (Mukesh), who is practising law there. The couple is leading a happy life with a girl child of their own. Jayakrishnan is employed as a manager in a coffee shop and Shikha runs a designer boutique of her own. The tranquillity of their life is shattered when Shikha is arrested on the charges of committing two murders, one of the victim is the daughter of the local Mayor, who has pledged to keep her in jail for the rest of her life.
Lost Children
For over 18 years a civil war in northern Uganda has dragged on almost completely unnoticed by the rest of the world. The rebels of the LRA ( Lord's Resistance Army) are waging a bloody guerilla campaign. They abduct children and conscript them as soldiers, forcing them to kill their own people. The film Lost Children documents the lives of four children, from 8 to 14 years old, who successfully escaped the LRA. They return home to be branded as killers. Will they ever forget? Will they be forgiven? Can you ever be a child again after being a soldier?
A Simpler Way
Four students from the President's Leadership Circle at Frostburg State University journey to a remote village in Uganda to discover a radically simple solution to an urgent global problem. What they find there changes their lives in unexpected ways. A Simpler Way is a documentary production from Frostburg State University and Interdependent Pictures that explores the need for simple, affordable solutions to global development issues and the role of personal experience in meaningful, transformative education.
The John Akii Bua Story: An African Tragedy
At the Munich Olympics of 1972, John Akii Bua, from the impoverished African country of Uganda, powered round the inside lane in the 400m hurdles, past the English favourite, and reigning Olympic Champion David Hemery, to win the gold medal, 10m clear of the field. John Akii Bua had become the first African to win gold in an event under 800 metres. He was also the first man to break the 48 seconds barrier in the 400 metre hurdles, an event so gruelling its nickname is 'The Mankiller'. This is the story about that amazing triumph - and what happened next. David Hemery retired to respectable fame and fortune, later becoming president of the UK's athletics federation. John Akii Bua returned to a Uganda carving the name of its military "President", Idi Amin, into genocidal notoriety. This is a film about the pinnacle of athletic achievement - and the search to discover what followed.
Across the World with Mr. and Mrs. Johnson
As if they were showing their film to a few friends in their home, the Johnsons describe their trip across the world, which begins in the South Pacific islands of Hawaii, Samoa, Australia, the Solomons (where they seek and find cannibals), and New Hebrides. Thence on to Africa via the Indian Ocean, Suez Canal, North Africa, and the Nile River to lion country in Tanganyika. (They are briefly joined in Khartum by George Eastman and Dr. Al Kayser.) Taking a safari in the Congo, the Johnsons see animals and pygmies, and travel back to Uganda, British East Africa, and Kenya.
Imperial Blue
Hugo Winter, a roguish American drug smuggler, travels to Uganda in an attempt to export a large amount of Bulu, a sacred herb that grants the user visions of their future. Upon arriving in Kampala, he soon discovers that his only means of achieving this is through two sisters with competing agendas, born-again Kisakye and rebellious Angela, who come from the remote village of Makaana where the Bulu is grown. As they lead Hugo deeper into the jungle and further into their web of deceit, it is unclear if his drug-addled prophecies are helping his quest or clouding his future.
Imba Means Sing
A character-driven heartfelt story of resilience and the impact of education. The film follows Angel, Moses and Nina from the slums of Kampala, Uganda through a world tour with the Grammy-nominated African Children's Choir; stunningly shot and told through Angel, Moses and Nina's perspectives on their one shot journey from poverty to education.
Tebaatusasula: Ebola
Ebola hunters stomp out the Ebola virus.