Tierra en llamas (2021)
Gênero : Drama
Runtime : 1H 39M
Director : Marcos Almada
Quando todos pensavam que o pesadelo havia acabado, uma nova ameaça atinge a cidade de forma selvagem e sangrenta.
A beautiful woman, Kate (Tina Grenville), is released from a sanatorium unaware that while she was away her husband John (George Lazenby) has begun an affair with her sister Marianne (Wendy Hughes). The two sisters live together in a creepy apartment block while John is away, and find themselves stalked by some mysterious strangers.
Keith and Kim Russell have just tied the knot and have set out on an adventure packed honeymoon in the wilderness. But much to their surprise, they find more action than they were looking for when they stumble upon a pair of cave dwelling savages.
An apathetic teenager with sex on his brain decides to ditch school. The decisions he makes culminate into something of a waking nightmare, tearing apart any facade he has put on and revealing his true personality.
Após um acidente de trem, quatro passageiros ficam presos na estação e contam histórias de seus recentes pesadelos. Assassinos mascarados, pé-grande, amante maluco e culto satânico são apenas o começo do terror que o grupo logo irá realizar e o verdadeiro pesadelo está prestes a começar.
A lonesome man at the threshold of death finds himself trapped in a place called the Endless.
The Special is loosely inspired by horror classics of the time, such as "Carry" and "Fury."
The story is about a little girl who has nightmares and a series of murders in the area, which in a strange way, are related to them.
Torment follows a boy (Kadin Gervalla) is haunted by a mysterious figure (Chloe Dowling) and investigates the clues she leaves him to find out why.
Zach é um estudante muito esperto e desde pequeno conviveu bastante com seu melhor amigo e vizinho Josh. Eles têm muita coisa em comum, inclusive a atração pela colega de sala de aula Allison. Um dia, em um parque com outros amigos, uma combinação de hormônios adolescentes, drogas e uma espada samurai, termina em consequências sangrentas.
Torn by years in an abusive marriage, an emotional Ellie Rose arrives alone at the family cabin on the East Coast. Her story and motives for being there are unclear. Arriving unprepared and packed with few supplies she seems anxious at either leaving or someone else arriving. The cabin unused for years, still holds memories providing hints of a shattered family.
A young woman with precognition realizes she is being stalked by a killer -- a mass murderer she previously had used her psychic powers to identify to the skeptical police.
Ao retornar do serviço no Exército dos EUA, o capelão Darren Turner enfrenta uma crise que quebra a família e a fé em Deus, mas com a ajuda de ex-soldados, eles o ajudam a retornar à sua fé e à sua família.
Uma adolescente fugida de casa toma parte num estudo do sono que se torna uma terrível descida às profundezas de sua mente e um exame assustador do poder dos sonhos.
An innocent essay in a college-creative writing class sets off a terrifying and deadly chain of events. Will they be able to stop her, or will she take them all?
Uma mulher problemática que vive em uma comunidade isolada encontra-se deve escolher entre uma vida controlada por sua família opressiva e o fascínio de um estranho secreto suspeito de ter cometido uma série de assassinatos brutais.
A group of shark-attack survivors is hunted by a supernatural shark that haunts their dreams.
Two teenage girls discover the terrible secret lying within the walls of the decaying, once-magnificent vacation destination, The Hotel Calicoon -- a deadly secret that has been concealed for nearly four decades.
Eli (Parker Smerek) acredita que há uma terrível entidade monstruosa a viver em sua casa. E para piorar, ele também tem motivos para crer que o monstro está tentar roubar a sua alma.
A woman with an abusive lover and a boss who sexually harasses her is tormented by nightmares involving a dead psychotic nymphomaniac named Bebe who once tried to murder her. And then a new string of killings begins. Sequel to Love Is a Stranger (1994).
A young boy explores his home at night to fight his fear of monsters.