
Pete 'n' Tillie (1972)

Honeymoon's over... it's time to get married.

Gênero : Drama, Comédia, Romance

Runtime : 1H 40M

Director : Martin Ritt


A fun-loving bachelor woos and weds a secretary, but the bonds of this marriage aren't strong enough to stop his philandering from continuing.


Walter Matthau
Walter Matthau
Pete Seltzer
Carol Burnett
Carol Burnett
Tillie Shlain Seltzer
Geraldine Page
Geraldine Page
Gertrude Wilson
Barry Nelson
Barry Nelson
Burt Wilson
René Auberjonois
René Auberjonois
Jimmy Twitchell
Lee Montgomery
Lee Montgomery
Robbie Seltzer
Henry Jones
Henry Jones
Mr. Tucker
Kent Smith
Kent Smith
Father Keating
Philip Bourneuf
Philip Bourneuf
Dr. Willet
Whit Bissell
Whit Bissell
Funeral Minister
Timothy Blake
Timothy Blake
Lucy Lund


Martin Ritt
Martin Ritt
Peter De Vries
Peter De Vries
Julius J. Epstein
Julius J. Epstein
Jennings Lang
Jennings Lang
Executive Producer
Frank Bracht
Frank Bracht
Edith Head
Edith Head
Costume Design
Julius J. Epstein
Julius J. Epstein
George C. Webb
George C. Webb
Art Direction
John Williams
John Williams
Original Music Composer
John A. Alonzo
John A. Alonzo
Director of Photography


Mirror for a Hero
Sergei and Andrei are walking through a city park and see that a film shoot set just post World War II is taking place . They climb over the park fence to get a better view but hit some cable lying on the ground and find themselves in the past - on May 8, 1949, a day which they seem doomed to relive over and over again.
A Viagem
O filme percorre séculos para revelar a formação das almas e o impacto duradouro das ações. Um escravo em fuga ajuda um advogado em 1849; um compositor na Inglaterra antes da Segunda Guerra tenta terminar a sua obra-prima; um trabalhador geneticamente modificado em 2144 sente o peso da consciência.
Sleepwalk with Me
Um comediante em ascensão luta contra o estresse de uma carreira paralisada, um relacionamento estagnado e os surtos selvagens de sonambulismo que ele está desesperado para ignorar.
Smashed: De Volta à Realidade
Kate, uma professora de Los Angeles, e seu marido Charlie têm problemas com a bebida. Até agora, a vida dela parece ser uma grande festa de embriaguez, mas sua última bebedeira a afeta no trabalho e, mais tarde, ela passa a noite sozinha na rua. Kate, então, percebe que atingiu o fundo do poço. Ela concorda em participar de reuniões dos Alcoólicos Anônimos com o vice-diretor da escola e toma seu primeiro passo no caminho desafiador para a sobriedade.
A Vida Íntima de uma Mulher
A popular singer, Marian Washburn, suddenly and unexplainably loses her voice, causing a shake-up at the club where she works. Her worried but loyal piano player, Luke Jordan, helps to promote a new, younger singer, Susan Caldwell, to temporarily replace Marian. Susan finds some early acclaim but decides to leave the club after a few performances. Soon after Susan quits, she is gunned down, and Marian quickly becomes a suspect.
San Francisco Docks
Longshoreman Johnny Barnes is in love with Kitty Tracy, barmaid at her father's waterfront saloon, and he beats up Cassidy, a crooked politician who has been annoying her. Cassidy is murdered that night and Johnny is jailed for the crime. Kitty, her father Andy Tracy, and waterfront-priest Father Cameron believe Johnny is innocent but all evidence points to his guilt.
Niskavuoren Aarne
Niskavuori's Aarne (Arne från Niskavuori) is a Finnish drama film from 1954. It is based on Hella Wuolijoki's play Niskavuori's Bread. In chronological order of the Niskavuori series, the film is the fourth. Aarne has married Ilona and left the house in Niskavuori, which he hosts, where his former wife Martta still lives, while the old mistress is holding the reins. Aarne and Ilona live in Helsinki, but Aarne has not been able to completely break away from Niskavuori, but keeps secretly in touch with the headmaster and gives instructions on the farm management.
The Fastest Guitar Alive
Confederate super-spy Johnny and his partner in crime Steve travel to San Francisco near the end of the Civil War, masquerading, respectively, as a singer/guitar instructor and a magic-elixir vendor. Once there, Johnny dons a fake wig, beard and mustache, and steals Union gold to bring back to the South, aided by a guitar that doubles as a gun.
Sex & more
Valerie (Stefanie Stappenbeck) is about to get married to the first and only man she ever slept with. But before that happens, she wants to at least try on other guy. So she asks her friends Minza (Mina Tander) and Edda (Simone Hanselmann) to find her a single and suitable match. When they realize there is no other choice than best man Tim, long buried feeling are revived.
Don't Change Your Husband
Leila porter comes to dislike her husband James, a glue king who is always eating onions and looking sloppy. But after she divorces him and marries two-timing playboy Schuyler Van Sutphen the now-reformed James looks pretty good.
Anna Karenina
Anna Karenina, casada um alto funcionário do governo russo, envolve-se com o Conde Vronsky, oficial da cavalaria, chocando a alta sociedade de 1874. Ela pede o divórcio, mas o marido, além de se recusar a concedê-lo, ainda a impede de ver o filho.
My Wedding and Other Secrets
A journey through a cultural minefield, navigating the divide between the traditional values of immigrant parents and the contemporary aspirations of their children in a new land.
Um Homem de Sorte
Depois de retornar de seu terceiro turno de serviço no Iraque, o sargento da Marinha dos EUA Logan Thibaut sai em busca de uma mulher desconhecida cuja foto ele acredita que traz boa sorte e salvou sua vida durante a guerra.
Uma jovem compra uma caixa antiga em uma venda de jardim, sem saber que dentro do objeto de colecionador vive um espírito antigo malicioso. O pai da garota se une à ex-mulher para encontrar uma maneira de acabar com a maldição sobre a filha.
O Nono Mandamento
Larry Coe (Kirk Douglas) é um arquiteto bem sucedido que deixa de amar Eve Coe (Barbara Rush), sua esposa. Um dia cele onhece Maggie Gault (Kim Novak), sua vizinha, que tem um marido que perdeu o interesse sexual por ela. Neste contexto eles começam a ter um affair, mas logo estão se amando intensamente.
Melanie is married to Tom, a controlling, cold and self-centered man who happens to be a prison warden. He finds her to be a liability to his career aspirations and secretly plans to have her kidnapped and killed, by Jack, a dangerous inmate.
Georges e Anne são octogenários, pessoas cultas, professores de música reformados. A filha, igualmente música, vive no estrangeiro com a família. Um dia, Anne é vítima de um acidente. O amor que une este casal vai ser posto à prova…
Com Minha Mulher, Não Senhor!
During the Korean War, Italian nurse Virna Lisi falls in love with two American fliers, Tony Curtis and George C. Scott. Lisi marries Curtis after he convinces her that Scott has been killed in a plane crash. She soon discovers Scott is alive, but remains happily married to Curtis until Scott re-enters their lives 14 years later.
Twin Beds
Mike Abbott just wants to spend a quiet evening at home with his wife, but her collection of zany friends make hash of his hopes.
A Gentleman After Dark
A greedy woman betrays her jewel thief husband to the police, for the reward. Her husband's friend, a detective, adopts the couple's child and raises her as his own. Eighteen years later the husband, still in prison, finds out that his ex-wife is now blackmailing their daughter. He vows to break out and put a stop to her once and for all.


Tico e Teco: Defensores da Lei
Tico e Teco vivem entre desenhos animados e humanos em Los Angeles nos dias de hoje, mas agora suas vidas são bem diferentes. Já se passaram décadas desde que a série de sucesso da dupla foi cancelada, e Tico se rendeu a uma vida doméstica suburbana como um vendedor de seguros. Enquanto isso, Teco passou por uma harmonização facial em CGI e trabalha no circuito de convenções nostálgicas, desesperado para reviver seus dias de glória. Quando um ex-colega de elenco desaparece misteriosamente, Tico e Teco devem consertar a amizade rompida e assumir mais uma vez suas personalidades de Defensores da Lei para salvar a vida do amigo.