
Seal Island (1948)

True-Life Adventures

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 27M

Director : James Algar


Seal Island is a 1948 American documentary film directed by James Algar. It won an Academy Award in 1949 for Best Short Subject (Two-Reel).


Winston Hibler
Winston Hibler


Walt Disney
Walt Disney
Oliver Wallace
Oliver Wallace
Alfred Milotte
Alfred Milotte
James Algar
James Algar


Sleep Has Her House
The shadows of screams climb beyond the hills. It has happened before. But this will be the last time. The last few sense it, withdrawing deep into the forest. They cry out into the black, as the shadows pass away, into the ground.
Broken Fall (Organic)
Bas Jan Ader hangs from the branch of a tall tree, until he loses his grip and falls into a river below.
A Princesa Mononoke
Ashitaka é o jovem guerreiro do clã Emishi que é amaldiçoado ao defender a sua aldeia de um demónio criado pela violência humana. Assim, viaja até à região controlada pelo clã Tatara na esperança de compreender a maldição que lhe fora posta, antes que esta o mate. O que Ashitaka vai encontrar é um conflito entre os humanos e os deuses da floresta. Apanhado no meio do conflito, Ashitaka conhece San, a Princesa Mononoke. Criada por lobos, Mononoke fará tudo o que puder para acabar com os humanos que ameaçam a floresta
O Encantador de Cavalos
Uma nova-iorquina leva sua a filha e o cavalo dela a um homem conhecido como o "encantador de cavalos" no estado de Montana, pois a jovem e o animal estão traumatizados após um terrível acidente.
A Volta do Todo Poderoso
O congressista Evan Baxter, cujo desejo é "mudar o mundo", é ouvido por ninguém menos que Deus. Quando Deus aparece com o pedido desconcertante de construir uma arca, Evan tem certeza de que a está perdendo.
National Geographic- Iceland River Challenge
A remarkable film from the National Geographic's daring EXPLORER series, ICELAND RIVER CHALLENGE follows twelve modern-day pioneers on a treacherous expedition down a remote Icelandic river. Crash through waterfalls and glide through sparkling glacial tunnels on this breathtaking journey. Using kayaks, inflatable rafts, and ultralight aircraft, the adventurers journey through the beauty and isolation of this dangerous waterway. Come explore a river that has, until now, defied exploration; witness the heart-stopping power of nature in all its glory with ICELAND RIVER CHALLENGE.
Reino dos Tubarões
Um oceano de gigantes. A África do Sul tem uma costa rochosa dramática e banhada por correntes agitadas. Águas quentes, frias e turvas criam um "centro de tubarões", com comida suficiente para sustentá-los. Tubarões gigantes como os tubarões-tigre, tubarões-touro, tubarões de dentes esfarrapados e tubarões-baleia reinam supremos nessas águas.
Wildlife in the Rockies
After many years of careful conservation, Banff and Jasper National Parks have become vast zoological gardens. Deer, moose, bear, big-horn sheep, birds and small animals that live above the treeline are natural subjects for the close-up camera, with a backdrop of snowy peaks.
Im Land des Schamanen
Not Without My Dogs
Out of love for Huskies, nature and cold winters Dave and Kristen Olesen moved from Minnesota to the North West Territories in Canada 25 years ago to create their own little universe on the magnificent East arm of Great Slave Lake. With their two daughters Annika 15 and Liv 12 and their 37 dogs, the Olesens enjoy a unique lifestyle in the wide open wilderness far away from civilization. One winter they all leave their self-built homestead with ten dogs on a two and a half thousand mile family expedition allowing Annika to run the Junior Iditarod in Alaska. As unexpected obstacles all along the trip culminate in three heavily injured dogs the whole endeavor is at risk. Optimism, love and loyalty prevail on this exciting epic family voyage.
The contrast of a hippie style commune up in the mountain and a drug addicts rehab center in the valley. What could go wrong if someone escapes the rehab?
Port Meadow
"Port Meadow" is an experimental landscape film. It was shot in the eponymous location––an ancient grazing land located in Oxford, England––during the nationwide lockdown of November 2020. Consisting of various long takes, the film examines the relationship between human life and the natural environment, and meditates on the ability of filmic technology to simultaneously articulate and contribute to the (illusory) stratification that underscores this association.
Among Ravens
The story of a group of friends who reunite for their annual 4th of July weekend only to be confronted by Chad, a strange and beautiful nature photographer who begins to change their lives one by one.
Little Forest
Clássico drama de coming-of-age, "Little Forest" segue a história de Hye-won, uma jovem que desiludida com a vida na cidade, decide retornar à sua cidade natal no campo. Lá, ela encontra paz e significado em seu dia-a-dia, redescobrindo valores importantes através do cultivo de alimentos, das estações e da natureza. O filme explora a relação entre humanos e natureza, e a maneira como a culinária pode conectar e unir pessoas de diferentes gerações.
Reconnaitre les Rapaces
Águas Perigosas
Durante as férias, pai convence rapaz a acampar numa região montanhosa. Ele não se dá muito bem com o instrutor de seu grupo, que faz do acampamento um teste de sobrevivência, muito mais duro que qualquer um poderia imaginar.
The Wet Guy
There is a Man, called Mitrais by locals, who is one of the first professional nature inspectors in Latvia. For an older generation people his name is associated with an image of a real ranger, while youngsters who know him highly respect him. Mitrais is sure that among today’s youth there are more idealists than ever before. And they are ready to do something real and tangible, and not surrender to the overwhelming virtual pseudo-reality.
A music movie featuring a performance of Taiko Performing Arts Ensemble ‘Kodo’ and Koshiro Hino. Filmed entirely on Sado island.
A Spot for Frog
Locked out of the school art room, a creative non-binary teen named Frog grapples with anxiety as they seek a new place to eat lunch. Imagination blurs with reality in this hybrid work of live action and animation about finding a place to belong.
The Feast
Durante uma noite, uma família privilegiada se reúne com seus convidados para um farto jantar em sua mansão nas montanhas galesas. Eles só não imaginam que estão prestes a ter sua última ceia, servida por uma misteriosa jovem.