
Pulejajar (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 10M

Director : Khusnul Khitam


A villager of Desa Jepitu named Rubiyanto conducted a water extraction project from Gua Pulejajar with a group of volunteers. Echa, a student of cultural anthropology, involved herself in the project for her research. The water reserve in Gua Pulejajar does not only give hope to Rubiyanto and the other villagers of Desa Jepitu, but also reignites spiritual relations between Echa and her late father, who was a former activist of Gua Pulejajar.



Khusnul Khitam
Khusnul Khitam
Lukito Teguh
Lukito Teguh
Lukito Teguh
Lukito Teguh
Lukito Teguh
Lukito Teguh
Director of Photography
Khusnul Khitam
Khusnul Khitam
Khusnul Khitam
Khusnul Khitam
Director of Photography
Dody Diwangkara
Dody Diwangkara
Director of Photography
Hendra Hidayat
Hendra Hidayat
Sound Designer


Rosa de Esperança
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A Viagem
Alan é um aspirante a jornalista conservador e Tommy é um advogado gay de espírito aberto. Encontram-se em 1973, enquanto eram adolescentes e mantêm-se essa relação até aos 80. Ao longo deste tempo as suas carreiras opostas e o crescente debate sobre a homossexualidade faz com que o amor que sentem um pelo outro seja posto à prova de muitas formas, algumas delas bem cômicas.
Jeanne and the Perfect Guy
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Orgulho e Esperança
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Bikes vs Carros
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Inside Fur
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Black Bus
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O Extermínio do Marfim
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Quando dois mundos colidem
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