
Tom X (2018)

Gênero : Romance, Comédia

Runtime : 14M

Director : Arthur Barrow


Tom, somewhat lunar, is a cameraman for pornographic films. He is seized with a hallucination while filming the antics of star Emma Foxx: in the lens, he sees her resplendent, sitting in the middle of a deserted beach. Obsessed by this mirage, Tom will do everything to find this moment of grace.


Baptiste Lorber
Baptiste Lorber
Camille Claris
Camille Claris


Arthur Barrow
Arthur Barrow
Philippe Nessler
Philippe Nessler
Executive Producer
Arthur Barrow
Arthur Barrow
Line Producer
Mathieu Mouterde
Mathieu Mouterde
Director of Photography
Mathieu Mouterde
Mathieu Mouterde
Arthur Barrow
Arthur Barrow
Jonathan Lago Lago
Jonathan Lago Lago
Pauline Theissot
Pauline Theissot
Mathieu Barbier
Mathieu Barbier
Johan Rosigue
Johan Rosigue
Special Effects
Matthieu Fraticelli
Matthieu Fraticelli
Sound Mixer
Alice Neuville
Alice Neuville
Production Assistant
Luc Tailleur
Luc Tailleur
Scenario Writer
Mathieu Muller
Mathieu Muller
Focus Puller
Gaëlle Marchal-Dombrat
Gaëlle Marchal-Dombrat
Production Director
Mathieu Barbier
Mathieu Barbier
Sound Editor
Florian Vourlat
Florian Vourlat
Sound Editor
Thomas Barbey
Thomas Barbey
Mélissa Verdier
Mélissa Verdier
Jonathan Peru
Jonathan Peru
Makeup & Hair


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