
Golek Garwo (2020)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 30M

Director : Wahyu Utami


Golek Garwo is a matchmaking forum, held monthly vis-a-vis in Yogyakarta. Basri (62), a worker who longed for love and one out of hundreds of participants of the event, falls for Musiyem (56), who is also a participant. They then decide to join a mass wedding, but Basri’s wish for a life together turns out differently in reality.



Wahyu Utami
Wahyu Utami
Antonius Janu Haryono
Antonius Janu Haryono
Director of Photography
Wahyu Utami
Wahyu Utami
Director of Photography
Bani Nasution
Bani Nasution
Director of Photography
Akbar Romansyah
Akbar Romansyah
Sound Recordist
L.H. Aim Adi Negara
L.H. Aim Adi Negara
Sound Recordist
Adam Kurniawan
Adam Kurniawan
Sound Recordist
Satrio Budiono
Satrio Budiono
Sound Designer
Ukie Junx
Ukie Junx
Music Director
Wahyu Utami
Wahyu Utami
Muda Budiman
Muda Budiman
Amerta Kusuma
Amerta Kusuma
Wahyu Utami
Wahyu Utami


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