No ano que antecedeu a Feira Mundial de St. Louis de 1904, as quatro filhas dos Smith aprendem lições de vida e amor, mesmo que se preparem para uma mudança relutante para Nova York. Agora Seremos Felizes é muito mais que um musical. É a encantadora história de uma família na virada do século, repleta de magias e recordações. Judy Garland é Esther Smith, uma garota da agitada cidade de St. Louis que, junto com sua família, tem que se mudar para Nova York. Como se não bastasse deixar todos os seus amigos para trás, ela ainda irá perder a sensacional Feira Mundial de St. Louis de 1904. Esther precisa fazer alguma coisa para evitar essa tragédia!
"À Beira do Abismo" é uma história do detetive particular Philip Marlowe, que é contratado por um rico general para descobrir e impedir que sua filha mais nova, Carmen, seja chantageada por suas dívidas de jogo. As coisas quase imediatamente se desvendam e explodem, enquanto Marlowe se vê profundamente emaranhado numa teia de triângulos amorosos, chantagem, assassinato, jogo e crime organizado. Marlowe, com a ajuda da filha mais velha do General, Vivian, habilmente trama para libertar a família desta teia.
Na sociedade inglesa de 1795, era o dinheiro que fazia funcionar a sociedade. O Senhor e a Sra. Austen planeiam casar a sua filha, Jane Austen, com o rico sobrinho de uma aristocrata, mas a jovem rebelde quer casar por amor. É neste momento que conhece o irlandês Tom Lefroy, um estudante de direito, bonito, inteligente e... pobre.
A legendary beauty salon that is sure to become a regular once you go!”Sir, would you like to have a very hot service?”In order to overcome the financial difficulties of the beauty parlor,It begins to attract the male guests with the special technique that makes it from head to toe.Kurt, Firm, and ‘it’ to open the hair salon is good!
Black Eagle is based on The Passing of Black Eagle, a short story by O. Henry. William Bishop stars as Jason Bond, who stays out of trouble by the simple expedient of avoiding other people. Unfortunately, the plot dictates that Bond must come into contact with several characters, all of whom end up fleecing our hero in one way or another. Even so, Jason manages to enjoy a brief romance with pretty Ginny Long (Virginia Patton) before returning to his life of carefree vagabondage. A very minor film, The Black Eagle makes the most of its excellent supporting cast, including Gordon Jones, Trevor Bardette, Will Wright and stuntman extraordinaire Richard Talmadge.
Believing their deceased son isn't at peace, Molly and Tom ask a medium to make contact. But after they invite a vengeful demon to cross over, the couple must enlist the help of a disgraced priest to attempt a dangerous exorcism.
A short story about a young witch, Alyssa, so envious of the genuine beauty and sweetness of her twin Alexya, that she seeks to destroy her.
Tal finds the mobile phone of her older sister who died 6 months ago. She starts dialing the last numbers on the phone's memory, trying to piece together moments from her sister's last day. When she reaches a man who is sure he's speaking to her sister, she finds herself sinking deeper than expected.
In the year after graduating college, Izzy struggles to navigate the seemingly incessant failures of adulthood, the reality of a substandard dating pool and a debilitating fear of top-sheets, all in between X-Files marathons. Comically unsuccessful in love over the course the year, including five half-hearted relationships with astoundingly self-centered men, Izzy resigns herself to the support of her mother and sister, who are struggling with their own relationship problems. Seeing herself in them, Izzy gradually gains the confidence to be honest and vulnerable.
Three brothers watched as pupil their sister and only trust George, their teammate from the football club where they play. George loves her secretly but not admitting to respect the trust
When we meet Eileen, we see her sabotaging her big sister's wedding. We find out that she blames her older sister, Claire for a car accident that has left her deaf and mute.
Modern dance is an evocative narrative tool in Georgia Parris' debut, which investigates a young woman's identity and the complex relationship she has with her mother and sister.
When left home alone, Dani will learn that her relationship with her older sister is worth more than what she made it out to be.
A good-natured paterfamilias who is struggling to make ends meet rests his hopes on his successful expatriate brother to finally see their older sister get married. However, is the wealthy sibling willing to help?
Aos 22 anos, Tori Coro (Chelsea Durkalec) se envolve em uma luta clandestina. Quando seu corpo é encontrado machucado e abandonado em uma floresta, rumores começam a circular que ela morreu no Vale da Luta, vizinhança onde os lutadores vão para conseguir dinheiro. Windsor (Susie Celek), irmã de Tori, se muda para a cidade para investigar. Ela começa a treinar a lutar para poder enfrentar a pessoa que matou sua irmã.
Molly é uma monstrinha muito fofa e divertida, a filha única de Popo e Etna Monstro. Ela passa os dias brincando com seu melhor amigo Edison, um relógio que tem vida própria. Seus pais irão até a Ilha do Ovo esperar pelo novo irmãozinho que logo nascerá, mas esquecem algo precioso. Molly parte em uma aventura para alcançá-los e, na viagem, compreende seu novo papel na família.
When Rebbeca' sister Diana returns home after being away for a while things seem odd. Diana's desperately trying to hide secrets from her sister. Rebbeca takes the detective approach to work out what's going on only to find Diana Is in serious trouble. Before Rebecca could get the truth from her sister, Diana commits suicide. Being convinced her death was more than just suicide, Rebecca searches deeper for answers in effect putting her life at risk.
An ex-con sets out in search of his kidnapped sister through the criminal underbelly of Shreveport, Louisiana.
Late at night, a brother and his sister ride in an elevator with their father. Suddenly, the lights go off, and the lift gets stuck between two floors. In the dark and unable to get any help, the father pushes his son through the narrow space between the shaft and the hallway. Alone in the claustrophobic box, the father and daughter stay silent, until a childish whining is heard from the shadows. Someone is inside the elevator... breathing by their side.
Duas irmãs são esquecidas e ficam presas numa piscina olímpica de mais de 50m de comprimento, embaixo da lona de fibra de vidro. As duas se veem à mercê de uma faxineira noturna com segundas intenções.