
Déclin (2022)

What if Alzheimer's was more than a disease?

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 15M

Director : Elise Huyssen


Suffering from Alzheimer's, a pensioner is facing his caregiver going mysteriously missing. Confused, he looks for her in his nursing home's hallways but he is prey to disturbing apparitions...


Laurent Claret
Laurent Claret
Mr. Vincent
Aurore Streich
Aurore Streich


Elise Huyssen
Elise Huyssen
Nicolas Herzock
Nicolas Herzock
Elise Huyssen
Elise Huyssen
Pierre-Yves Seurin
Pierre-Yves Seurin
Supervising Producer
Hippolyte Metairie
Hippolyte Metairie
Julien Renault
Julien Renault
Cillian Dupuis
Cillian Dupuis
Antonin Galichet
Antonin Galichet
Dialogue Editor
Alix Le Fur
Alix Le Fur
Boom Operator
Pierre Leygue
Pierre Leygue
Maëlle Seveno
Maëlle Seveno
Sound Editor
Julien Glénat
Julien Glénat
Marin Lainé
Marin Lainé
Marc-Antoine Roze
Marc-Antoine Roze
Camera Operator


Warlock: O Demônio
Na Boston do século XVII, a população assiste a condenação de um rapaz acusado de pactuar com o demônio. Mas ele é misteriosamente transportado para a Los Angeles de nossos dias, disposto a reunir as três partes da Bíblia do demônio e usurpar o poder de Deus.
O Que Terá Acontecido a Baby Jane?
A história do diretor Robert Aldrich é um thriller sobre uma veterana atriz de teatro que conheceu a fama na infância e agora inicia um reinado psicótico de terror sobre sua irmã, ex-rainha do cinema nos anos 30 e hoje presa a uma cadeira de rodas.
Comer Beber Viver
A retired and widowed Chinese master chef Chu and his family live in modern day Taipei, Taiwan. He lives with his three attractive daughters, all of whom are unattached. Soon, each of the daughters encounter new men in their lives. When these new relationships blossom, stereotypes are broken and the living situation within the family changes. Since the family has difficulty expressing their love for each other, the intricate preparation of banquet quality dishes for their Sunday dinners is the surrogate for their familial feelings.
O Pai da Noiva II
Após todas as confusões envolvendo o casamento de sua filha, George Banks (Steve Martin) vê sua vida virar de cabeça para baixo ao receber uma dupla notícia: sua filha recém-casada e sua esposa estão grávidas.
A história de amor entre a novelista e filósofa Iris Murdoch e seu marido, o professor John Bayley, contada em duas épocas distintas: na juventude, quando se conheceram, e na velhice, quando Iris sofre do mal de Alzheimer.
Pat Garrett & Billy the Kid
No Velho Oeste já em vias de se modernizar, o veterano Pat Garrett já não é mais um fora-da-lei. Pelo contrário, ele é eleito xerife local pela população de uma cidade, que acredita ser uma bela maneira de impor respeito. Já o ex-parceiro e amigo de Pat, Billy The Kid, continua levando uma vida errante como bandido sanguinário. Quando Pat Garrett recebe a incumbência de capturá-lo, inicia-se uma caçada sádica e um jogo de gato e rato que irá testar se a amizade entre ambos ainda existe.
Choke: No Sufoco
Victor Mancini trabalha como recreador em um parque temático colonial. Com sua mãe, Ida, internada por causa da demência, Victor completa sua renda fingindo engasgar em restaurantes e pedindo dinheiro emprestado de seus salvadores simpáticos. Um médico, nas instalações onde sua mãe está internada, lhe diz que a condição de Ida está se deteriorando.
How to Kill Your Neighbor's Dog
The story of Peter McGowan, a chain-smoking, impotent, insomniac playwright who lives in Los Angeles. Once very successful, he is now in the tenth year of a decade-long string of production failures. He finds himself bonding with a new neighbor's lonely young daughter who has mild cerebral palsy; and during one of his middle-of-the-night strolls, he encounters his oddball doppelgänger.
Em 1536, o alquimista Humberto Oganelli desembarcou em Veracruz, no México. Lá ele criou um objeto de ouro chamado Cronos, que concede vida eterna a quem o detém. Quatro séculos depois, a queda de parte de um prédio gera algumas vítimas. Entre elas está um homem de pele estranha, alquimista. As autoridades localizam sua residência, mas jamais divulgam o que encontraram no local. Após uma rápida investigação, o conteúdo da mansão é leiloado. Com isso Cronos chega às mãos de um vendedor de antiguidades que, acidentalmente, dispara seu mecanismo. De seu interior sai uma aranha, que injeta no corpo de seu portador um estranho líquido. Aos poucos ele percebe que seu corpo está rejuvenescendo, mas também passa a ter uma obsessão por sangue.
Direito de Morrer
Miniature Dwyer is named after her mother, who was making miniature doll houses when Minnie was born. Minnie, too, has built doll houses for years, and when she learns that she is terminally ill, she and her husband Teddy begin planning their joint suicide. She makes sure that her dolls are placed with people who will appreciate and cherish them. The couple refuse to allow their grief-stricken daughter or the solicitous social worker or anyone else to forestall the death they are determined is right for them
Assisted Living
"Assisted Living" chronicles a day in the life of Todd, a janitor who spends his days smoking pot and interacting with the residents for his own entertainment. Todd's detachment from his surroundings is compromised only by his unlikely friendship with Mrs. Pearlman, a resident who begins to confuse him with her son. On this particular day, Todd must choose whether or not to play the part. "Assisted Living" is shot and staged in a real nursing home and gains much of its unique effect and style from the participation of actual residents and staff members. During much of the film, it is impossible to distinguish between what is real and what is fiction.
Mercy or Murder?
Roswell and Emily Gilbert were married for fifty-one years, but for the eight final years of their marriage Emily suffered from Alzheimer's disease and the bone disease osteoporosis. Often in pain, Emily begged to die. In March 1985, 75-year-old Roswell shot Emily in the head. He said it was an act of mercy, but he was tried for murder and convicted as the nation debated euthanasia.
Andre omgang
Andre omgang is the story of a father and his two sons trying to adjust to life's later summers; the father becomes a member of a singles' club, Sverre joins a swingers club, and Erik finds a new woman to live with. The three of them are passionate supporters of Skeid Football Club.
Who's Afraid of Vagina Wolf?
After turning 40, filmmaker Anna confronts her future. She has no job and it's been ten years since her last girlfriend. No goals, plans or any idea of what she wants. And she's living in a garage. Just when she's about to give up, she meets Katia, who inspires her to set out on a new path of creativity.
Pablo's Villa
In 1985 a picturesque Argentinian holiday town was completely flooded, not to re-emerge until 2009. Now only Pablo remains in this modern day Atlantis.
The End
Once upon a time, Rowan, the earl of heaven, woke up old. From that moment on, all his future plans were in the form of the past. A film about a man's inability to cope with the aging of his body.
Summer Sounds
Three generations of Youngseok’s family live together in a house. Even though his mentally ill grandmother’s time on this Earth is gradually running out, Youngseok is embarrassed by the way she behaves like a child in front of his friends despite her efforts to take care of him. The film displays the challenges of a family who live with a dementia patient, told from young Youngseok’s perspective. Dreamlike summer nights in the film evoke the innocence of childhood, and the gathering of dear friends and family.
Onde Está Elizabeth?
Quando sua melhor amiga, Elizabeth, desaparece, Maud se convence de que algo terrível aconteceu e começa a resolver o mistério. Porém com o agravamento de sua demência, negócios inacabados são revelados, e o passado e o presente começam a se misturar.
This short film tells the story of a former university professor diagnosed with early onset Alzheimer's. The protagonist wakes up at dawn and begins the morning routine he used to follow during his time as a professor. Later, his wife and son discover him and try to bring him back to present time. In that early morning, the past and the present coexist. Revisiting these wounds, leads the Rivera Dávila family to accept the past, assume the present and heal those diseases that do not concern memory, but the heart.
Grandpa's Hands
A young professional, Jackson makes a rare visit with his Grandfather and struggles to reconnect due to his Grandfather's dementia.