
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die (2011)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 58M

Director : Charlie Russell


In 2008, celebrated author Sir Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Nearly three years on, Pratchett considers ways to end his life before the disease consumes him. His search takes him to Switzerland, where he meets some of the staff and clients of a non-profit organisation that provides assisted suicide to people suffering from severe ailments and terminal illnesses. In a quiet cottage outside Zurich, we—along with Sir Terry—witness a man's final moments with his wife.


Terry Pratchett
Terry Pratchett


Charlie Russell
Charlie Russell
Gary Scott
Gary Scott


Million Dollar Baby - Sonhos Vencidos
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Vivendo no Limite
Frank Pierce trabalha como motorista de ambulância em umas das áreas mais violentas de Nova York há anos e sofre com a pressão constante do trabalho. Ele e seus diferentes parceiros resgatam bêbados e traficantes, levando-as a hospitais superlotados e sem estrutura, onde a ordem de chegada determina quem morre e quem vive. Atormentado pela angústia, ele é assombrado pelos espíritos das pessoas que não conseguiu salvar. Frank quer deixar o emprego, mas algo o impede.
Mar Adentro
Ramón Sampedro (Javier Bardem) é um homem que luta para ter o direito de pôr fim à sua própria vida. Na juventude ele sofreu um acidente, que o deixou tetraplégico e preso a uma cama por 28 anos. Lúcido e extremamente inteligente, Ramón decide lutar na justiça pelo direito de decidir sobre sua própria vida, o que lhe gera problemas com a igreja, a sociedade e até mesmo seus familiares.
Kurt Gerstein (Ulrich Tukur) é um oficial do Terceiro Reich que trabalhou na elaboração do Zyklon B, gás mortífero originalmente desenvolvido para a matança de animais mas usado para exterminar milhares de judeus durante a 2ª Guerra Mundial. Gerstein se revolta com o que testemunha e tenta informar os aliados sobre as atrocidades nos campos de concentração. Católico, busca chamar a atenção do Vaticano, mas suas denúncias são ignoradas pelo alto clero. Apenas um jovem jesuíta lhe dá ouvidos e o ajuda a organizar uma campanha para que o Papa (Marcel Iures) quebre o silêncio e se manifeste contra as violências ocorridas em nome de uma suposta supremacia racial.
Um Homem Bom
A ascensão do socialismo nacional na Alemanha não deve ser considerada como uma conspiração de loucos. Milhões de pessoas "boas" se encontraram em uma sociedade em espiral em terrível caos. Um filme sobre isso, que ilumina os terrores de agora.
Ethan Mascarenhas, um dos maiores mágicos do seu tempo, ficou imobilizado com uma lesão na coluna vertebral durante os últimos 14 anos da sua vida. Porém, ele ainda consegue espalhar magia e esperança através do seu humor irreprimível para cada ouvinte do seu programa de rádio. Ethan, é auxiliado a cada momento da sua vida pela sua enfermeira, Sofia D'Souza. Entre eles existe um amor formoso, no seu silêncio implícito, e no 14º aniversário do seu acidente, Ethan, faz uma petição ao tribunal que choca o mundo e deixa Sofia, num impasse. Ethan, luta para exigir o direito mais básico a que todo o ser humano tem direito, o direito de acabar com a sua própria vida.
Piedade Homicida
A man kills his terminally ill wife to prevent her further suffering.
Último Taxi Para Darwin
Rex é um solitário, e quando descobre que não tem muito tempo de vida, embarca em uma viagem épica através do outback australiano, de Broken Hill até Darwin, para morrer em seus próprios termos. Mas o seu percurso revela que, antes de você acabar com sua própria vida, você tem que vivê-la, e vivê-la muito, você tem que compartilhá-la.
Terry Pratchett: Choosing to Die
In 2008, celebrated author Sir Terry Pratchett was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease. Nearly three years on, Pratchett considers ways to end his life before the disease consumes him. His search takes him to Switzerland, where he meets some of the staff and clients of a non-profit organisation that provides assisted suicide to people suffering from severe ailments and terminal illnesses. In a quiet cottage outside Zurich, we—along with Sir Terry—witness a man's final moments with his wife.
Emma's Bliss
Upon being informed that he is fatally ill with cancer, Max, who works at a used car store, steals money which his boss has gained through illegal means. When fleeing from the scene of the crime Max crashes his car. He is pulled unconscious from the destroyed vehicle by a homely young woman, Emma, who lives alone on a farm where Max decides to stay in order to hide from the police and his boss.
Euthanizer tells the story of a mechanic who euthanises sick and old pets as a side job. Despite the grim work, he has a soft spot for the animals. Trouble stirs when the owner of a dog he was supposed to end realises that the canine is still alive. The only innocent party in the drama that ensues is the dog itself.
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I accuse
In this film, the wife of a renowned doctor becomes ill with multiple sclerosis. Trying to spare her beloved husband the ordeal, the woman turns to a family friend, Dr. Lang, to help end her life. When this doctor declines to help with the assisted suicide, however, she is forced to turn to her husband. After much soul-searching, Dr. Heyt, her husband, assists in her suicide. The act, however, is witnessed by a chambermaid, who reports him to the police. Dr. Heyt is put on trial for murder and, at first, Dr. Lang testifies against him in court. Soon, however, Dr. Lang is faced with a similar case in his professional practice and this, along with Dr. Heyt’s impassioned performance in court, convinces Dr. Lang that, in some instances, mercy killing may be the right thing to do. A very rare film, which, no matter on which side of the debate you stand, has relevance to this very day.
Direito de Morrer
Miniature Dwyer is named after her mother, who was making miniature doll houses when Minnie was born. Minnie, too, has built doll houses for years, and when she learns that she is terminally ill, she and her husband Teddy begin planning their joint suicide. She makes sure that her dolls are placed with people who will appreciate and cherish them. The couple refuse to allow their grief-stricken daughter or the solicitous social worker or anyone else to forestall the death they are determined is right for them
Living and Knowing You Are Alive
Documentary about Emmanuèle Bernheim's autobiography "Tout s’est bien passé" who provided euthanasia to her dying father, but later died by herself from cancer before filming began. Alain Cavalier works with the images of his video diary.
Ludovico accepted the last choice of his wife, out of love. Now he has to find the courage to reveal this to his daughter.
An elderly woman in a wheelchair and a hormone driven teenage boy arrive to a beach cabin where, through rare moments of lucidity, she will persuade him to kill her.
The Good Death
Janette is terminally ill and wants to die in a dignified way but this is not permitted under British law. She refuses to wait for death in unbearable pain so she opts for a physician-assisted suicide in Switzerland. Before departing on the final journey she has to explain her intention to the family members and close friends.
Twelve Nights
Raye’s devastating documentary follows the plight of some 450 dogs brought through a single animal shelter during the winter of 2013. Policy dictates that any animal not adopted within 12 nights will be destroyed. Only around 10% of residents will be so lucky as to survive. As they wait, their time in the shelter is fraught with anguish, disease, and only the slimmest possibility of a better life. Executive produced by novelist and filmmaker Giddens Ko (You Are The Apple Of My Eye).
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