Black Hollywood (1997)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Eckhart Schmidt


Documentary by Eckhart Schmidt.


CCH Pounder
CCH Pounder
Laurence Fishburne
Laurence Fishburne
Melanie Jung
Melanie Jung
Udo Wachtveitl
Udo Wachtveitl


Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Eckhart Schmidt
Thomas Fuchsberger
Thomas Fuchsberger
Isi ter Jung
Isi ter Jung
Production Manager
Isi ter Jung
Isi ter Jung
Brett Brooke
Brett Brooke


Almas à Venda
A young woman hits Hollywood, determined to become a star.
The Phantom of Hollywood
The internationally famous Worldwide Studios has hit hard times and is forced to sell its backlot to Hollywood property developers. The trouble is someone keeps killing off the site surveyors. The studio chiefs then learn of the legend of a masked man who lives on the lot and is sworn to protect it from harm
Indo para LA-LA Land
Baseado no livro homónimo de Andy Zeffer, o filme dá-nos uma visão intrigante e verdadeira da Hollywood dos tempos modernos. Mostra-nos como a amizade é importante para seguirmos em frente com os nossos objectivos; um conto que reflecte a nossa cultura obsessiva de nos tornarmos celebridades; um olhar revelador sobre aqueles que anseiam e desejam ser amados, adorados e bajulados a qualquer custo. Os leitores habituaram-se a gostar dos imperfeitos e falhados, mas sinceros e simpáticos, personagens Adam (Mathew Ludwinski) e Candy (Allison Lane). Agora, os espectadores terão a oportunidade de os ver e seguir numa autêntica e louca viagem em Hollywood, com todos os bons momentos que dela farão.
In the silent film era, attorney Leo Harrigan and gunslinger Buck Greenway are hired to stop an illegal film production. However, they soon team up with the filmmakers and become important players in the show business industry. Leo learns he has a talent for directing, and Buck's cowboy persona quickly earns him leading-man status — but both men fall for beautiful starlet Kathleen Cooke, leading to a heated personal rivalry.
É o Fim
Durante uma festa na casa de James Franco, uma série de eventos catastróficos se iniciam e aos poucos destroem Los Angeles. Seis amigos conseguem escapar, porém a falta de suprimentos traz à tona intrigas do passado. Eventualmente, eles são forçados a sair da casa, encarando seu destino e o verdadeiro significado de amizade e redenção.
Coquetel de Estrelas
Pop, a security guard at Paramount has told his son that he's the head of the studio. When his son arrives in Hollywood on shore leave with his buddies, Pop enlists the aid of the studio's dizzy switchboard operator in pulling off the charade. Things get more complicated when Pop agrees to put together a show for the Navy starring Paramount's top contract players.
Quatro Garotas, Quatro Destinos
Quatro atrizes jovens, de várias partes do mundo, são chamadas à Hollywood para um teste para protagonista em um grande filme. Cada uma é romanticamente perseguida pelo diretor, compositor, playboy, e ator.
Gable and Lombard
A biography about the love affair between 1930s Hollywood superstars Clark Gable and Carole Lombard.
In 1950's Hollywood, movie star Guy Stone must marry a studio secretary in order to conceal his homosexuality. Sally has no idea her marriage is a sham, though, and turns Guy's life upside-down. Then he falls in love.
Bling Ring: A Gangue de Hollywood
Um grupo de adolescentes rebeldes faz pesquisas pela internet para conhecer os movimentos das celebridades e, assim, poder entrar em suas casas e roubar tudo o que encontram de valor dos famosos.
The Color of Fear
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Reel Injun
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The Lost Squadron
When World War I comes to an end, three pilots find themselves on hard times. They wind up in Hollywood, where they work as stunt fliers for a sadistic director.
Miragem Dourada
Dozens of star and character-actor cameos and a message about the Variety Club (a show-business charity) are woven into a framework about two hopeful young ladies who come to Hollywood, exchange identities, and cause comic confusion (with slapstick interludes) throughout the Paramount studio.
The Lonely Lady
A young screenwriter allows others to exploit her in the hopes of "making it" in Hollywood.
The Christian Licorice Store
A tennis champ falls in with the Hollywood crowd, finds himself being corrupted by the life in the fast lane.
New Suit
A once-idealistic writer inadvertently ignites a feeding frenzy in Hollywood with the mention of a mysterious new screenplay and its illusive author.
The Royal Family of Broadway
Julie Cavendish comes from a family of great Broadway actors. Her mother Fanny staunchly continues acting. Her boisterous brother Tony is fleeing a breach of promise suit in Hollywood. Her daughter Gwen must decide between going on stage, or settling down in a conventional marriage. Julie is just thinking that it would be nice to retire and get married, when who should turn up but her old beau, Gilmore Marshal, the platinum magnate from South America.
Os Três Patetas
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Ninguém Sabe Tudo
Para Sarah Wilder(Alanna Ubach), fazer um filme em Hollywood parecia fácil. Com a ajuda de seu tio e roteirista(Michael Lerner), essa sexy aspirante a diretora de filmes embarca em uma jornada selvagem pelo mundo do cinema, encontrando pela frente: executivos malucos, produtores insanos, além de gângsters quem concordarão em financiar seu filme... Mas tudo tem um preço. Em um esforço para encontrar a verdade sobre filmes, sexo e vida, Sarah se depara com um grande elenco de trapalhões(Mike Myers, Janeane Garofalo,Richard Kind, Kristen Johnston, Fred Willard, Ben Stiller, Robert Englund, Virginia Madsen e Wayne Rogers) e para sua surpresa descobre que...NINGUÉM SABE TUDO