
Colors (2023)

Do you see yourself in the colors?

Gênero : Animação

Runtime : 1M

Director : Nathan Chelf


An experimental stop motion film



Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf
Production Design
Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf
Director of Photography
Nathan Chelf
Nathan Chelf


The Pied Piper
A darkly brilliant stop-motion adaptation of The Pied Piper of Hamelin about a plague of rats that punish townsfolk corrupt with greed. One of Czechoslovakia's most ambitious animation projects of the 1980s, notable for its unusual dark art direction, innovative animation techniques and use of a fictitious language.
Komaneko's Christmas: The Lost Present
A short film featuring Komaneko the curious cat during the days leading up to Christmas Eve when her parents are scheduled to return home.
The Fern Flower
Jeannot, a young boy living in the countryside with his mother and grandfather, ventures into the forest at night to pick a fern flower before the cock crows.
Piratas Pirados!
Na trama, o pirata Capitão (Grant) é um aventuresco, embora nem sempre bem sucedido, terror dos Sete Mares. Seu sonho: derrotar Black Bellamy (Jeremy Piven) e Cutlass Liz (Salma Hayek) e levar o troféu de Pirata do Ano. Para conseguir, Capitão vai com sua tripulação da exótica Ilha de Sangue às ruas da Londres vitoriana, batalhando contra a Rainha Vitória (Imelda Staunton) e com a preciosa ajuda do jovem Charles Darwin (David Tennant).
Norman Babcock (Kodi Smit-McPhee) é um garoto que consegue ver e falar com os mortos. Entretanto, o único que acredita em suas habilidades é Neil, um amigo excêntrico. Um dia, o tio de Norman conta sobre um importante ritual anual realizado na cidade, com o objetivo de protegê-la de uma maldição jogada por uma bruxa séculos atrás. Norman resolve ajudar no ritual, mas as coisas não saem como planejado e uma nuvem mágica faz com que os mortos se levantem das tumbas da cidade.
The Fool of the World and the Flying Ship
Based on a Russian folk tale. A proclamation went out through all the land that whosoever could build a flying ship would win the hand of the Tsar's daughter. The youngest son of a simple peasant shows up to claim her, and the dumbfounded Tsar quickly has second thoughts, setting several 'impossible" tasks for 'The Fool of the World' and his remarkable friends.
Winter Days
Winter Days is a 2003 animated film, directed by Kihachirō Kawamoto. It is based on one of the renku (collaborative linked poems) in the 1684 collection of the same name by the 17th-century Japanese poet Bashō. The creation of the film followed the traditional collaborative nature of the source material – the visuals for each of the 36 stanzas were independently created by 35 different animators. As well as many Japanese animators, Kawamoto assembled leading names of animation from across the world. Each animator was asked to contribute at least 30 seconds to illustrate their stanza, and most of the sequences are under a minute (Yuriy Norshteyn's, though, is nearly two minutes long).
The Flying Windmill
Olli, the main character in the movie, got a very bad grade and is terribly annoyed. She runs away from home and, together with a dog and a horse, finds a (mad? nutty?) scientist in a windmill. They experience the strangest adventures in this windmill and find other interesting characters, a lot of excitement and peril. While you may well interpret something as the "socialist value system" into this movie, it is more meant to be a children's movie, showing the kids that there are more exciting things out there than the ones that your parents and teachers show you, and that you will only find out most of those things on your own, if you show enough curiosity.
The Mascot
A toy stuffed dog has just been sewn together when it hears a young child ask for an orange. The child's mother explains that they have no money, and so she cannot buy any oranges. The dog is then packed up along with a box full of other toys to be sold, but it soon winds up in the street. The dog picks up an orange from a curb side stand, and hopes to take it home to the child. But that night, before the dog can get back to the child's home, it must face a series of strange and frightening adventures.
Robbie the Reindeer: Legend of the Lost Tribe
Follow Robbie as he sets out to discover a mythical tribe of lost Viking warriors to help him save his friends from another dastardly plot by the evil Blitzen and his new-found partner-in-crime The White Rabbit. Robbie is having girl trouble too - Donner is feeling neglected and decides to give Robbie an ultimatum. Can Robbie save the day, keep his girl and unravel the mystery of the Legend of the Lost Tribe?
Cheburashka Goes to School
Fourth animation about Gena and Cheburashka.
Selkirk, O Verdadeiro Robinson Crusoé
Um pirata rebelde e egoísta decide sepultar seus desejos de vingança e sua ambição desmedida e encarar uma nova maneira de enxergar o mundo.
The Collected Shorts of Jan Svankmajer
For the past 40 years, Jan Svankmajer (Faust, Conspirators of Pleasure) has been hailed as one of cinema's most consistently surprising, wildly imaginative, and remarkable surrealists of our time. Utilizing a delirious combination of puppets, humans, stop-motion animation, and live action, Svankmajer's films conjure up a dreamlike universe that is at once dark, macabre, witty, and perversely visceral. KimStim (and Kino) is proud to to offer this collection of remarkable short works from an artist that has mesmerized audiences the world over and has inspired filmmakers from the Brothers Quay to Tim Burton and Terry Gilliam.
No Mundo Encantado dos Sonhos
In this hybrid of live-action and stop-motion animation, a young Hans Christian Andersen goes in search of knowledge in the Garden of Paradise in order to make his studies easier. Each time he falls asleep, he experiences in his dreams the different characters he would later write about in fairy tales including The Little Mermaid, Thumbelina and The Emperor's New Clothes.
The Legend of the Sky Kingdom
Three children make a daring escape from the underground city in which they are slaves of the Evil Emperor, and go in search of the fabled Sky Kingdom and the great Prince Ariel.
The Emperor's Nightingale
Adaptation of a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen, about an emperor who prefers the tinkling of a bejeweled mechanical bird to the song of a real nightingale. When the Emperor is near death, the nightingale's song restores his health.
The Junky's Christmas
Burroughs takes down a book and reads us the story of Danny the Carwiper, who spends Christmas Day trying to score a fix, but finds the Christmas spirit instead.
O Portão
Garotos descobrem, no quintal de casa, um buraco (de onde foi retirada uma árvore) que pode ser uma passagem para o inferno.
Wallace & Gromit: Um Grande Passeio
Wallace e Gromit descobrem que não tem mais queijo. Por isso eles decidem construir um foguete para viajar à lua em busca de queijo. Nela, o robô mágico sonha em visitar o planeta de nossos heróis para participar de campeonato de esqui. Quando chegam à lua, Wallace e Gromit experimentam alguns tipos de queijo. O robô flagra o foguete e nossos heróis, considera tudo uma ótima forma de visitar a Terra e quer viajar. Wallace e Gromit acham que o robô quer causar problemas e tentam fugir. O robô tenta entrar no foguete mas é expulso por uma explosão de gás, permitindo Wallace e Gromit a fugirem para casa. O robô vive feliz para sempre quando usa os restos do foguete de nossos heróis como equipamento de esqui. Wallace é dublado pelo famoso ator de cinema Peter Sallis e Gromit é quase mudo.
Wallace & Gromit: As Calças Erradas
Primeiro curta de Wallace e Gromit a ganhar um Oscar de Melhor Curta de Animação, no qual Wallace e Gromit, com a ajuda das encrenqueiras Tecno-Calças da NASA ( Administração Nacional da Aeronáutica e Espacial ), tentam caçar um ladrão pingüim Feathers McGraw que roubou um diamante do Museu Principal.