
Die Show (2022)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 12M

Director : Frederic Kau


The well-known activist couple Max and Lou made an extreme statement and had themselves sterilized under full media coverage: they do not want to bring children into this dying world. Following their sterilization they are now invited to their first TV show. The problem: shortly before they enter the studio, Max confesses to Lou that he couldn't bring himself to undergo the vasectomy.


Mercedes Müller
Mercedes Müller
Leonard Carow
Leonard Carow
Stefanie Döbler
Stefanie Döbler


Sophie Dittmer
Sophie Dittmer
Frederic Kau
Frederic Kau
Alexander Gruber
Alexander Gruber
Director of Photography
Paula Maria Martin Karg
Paula Maria Martin Karg
Creative Producer
Emilie Girardin
Emilie Girardin
Daniel Negenborn
Daniel Negenborn
First Assistant Director
Charlotte Ramcke
Charlotte Ramcke
Second Assistant Director
Daniel Goldhahn
Daniel Goldhahn
First Assistant Camera
Maurice Aldenhoff
Maurice Aldenhoff
Second Assistant Camera
André Stahlmann
André Stahlmann
Key Grip
Alexander Kiro Friedrich
Alexander Kiro Friedrich
Key Grip
Christian Jirmann
Christian Jirmann
Matthias Pöltinger
Matthias Pöltinger
Lighting Technician
David Krätschmer
David Krätschmer
Lighting Technician
Tom Lonitz
Tom Lonitz
Lighting Technician
Nils Schwan
Nils Schwan
Lighting Technician
Sophia Fahrian
Sophia Fahrian
Production Assistant
Wendy Anschütz
Wendy Anschütz
Production Assistant
Maria Guck
Maria Guck
Production Assistant
Marc Dauen
Marc Dauen
Fabian Marquardt
Fabian Marquardt
Elias Müller
Elias Müller
Daniil Vidanov
Daniil Vidanov
Sound Assistant
Dorian Behner
Dorian Behner
Paul Timmich
Paul Timmich
Richard Reitinger
Richard Reitinger
Friedemann Fromm
Friedemann Fromm
Stefan Krohmer
Stefan Krohmer
Beate Langmaack
Beate Langmaack
Achim Poulheim
Achim Poulheim
Heike Wiehle-Timm
Heike Wiehle-Timm
Tim Stellwag
Tim Stellwag
Production Design
Sophie Nedwidek
Sophie Nedwidek
Production Design
Maya Maria Schwarz
Maya Maria Schwarz
Costume Illustrator
Monika Gill
Monika Gill
Makeup Artist
Lucy Werrmann
Lucy Werrmann
Makeup Artist
Nico Sanft
Nico Sanft
Rolf Manzei
Rolf Manzei
Sound Mixer


Olhos de Serpente
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Steal This Film
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A Corporação
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The leaders of Egypt's 2011 revolution discuss the fire, courage and resiliency behind their movement to remove President Hosni Mubarak from office.
Underground is a 1976 documentary film about the Weathermen, founded as a militant faction of the Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), who fought to overthrow the U.S. government during the 1960s and 1970s. The film consists of interviews with members of the group after they went underground and footage of the anti-war and civil rights protests of the time. It was directed by Emile de Antonio, Haskell Wexler and Mary Lampson, later subpoenaed by the Federal Bureau of Investigation in an attempt to confiscate the film footage in order to gain information that would help them arrest the Weathermen. (Wikipedia)
Tomorrow's Children
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The Mad Songs of Fernanda Hussein
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Blood of the Condor
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Summer Crisis
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Women in Bondage
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James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket
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A Good Day to Die
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