
The Eves (2011)

When calamity comes, the wicked are brought down...

Gênero : Thriller

Runtime : 1H 25M

Director : Tyler Glodt


A group of students are en route to the beach for spring break when their car overheats near a crumbling hunting lodge, leaving them alone and defenseless while an unseen force attacks them from all sides.


Matthew Albrecht
Matthew Albrecht
Cathy Baron
Cathy Baron


Tyler Glodt
Tyler Glodt
Melanie Deforrest
Melanie Deforrest
Makeup Effects
Matthew Albrecht
Matthew Albrecht


The Occultist
When a group of med students go to take their final exams, they find themselves subjects of a twisted and bloody Satanic ritual led by their professor. It's up to two of them to save all.
Zombie Campout
Four friends on a weekend camping trip having the time of their lives, when radioactive meteorites crash into a nearby cemetery all hell breaks loose. Who will make it out alive?
Molly Contra o Clã do Mal
Em um mundo pós-apocaliptico, um grupo de saqueadores desenvolve uma droga capaz de transformar pessoas comuns em animais, despertando seus instintos mais violentos. Uma vez transformadas, essas pessoas são colocadas para lutar brutalmente entre si. Quando a liderança do grupo ouve rumores da existência de uma garota incomum, muito mais forte e com poderes especiais, em uma praia perto do forte onde eles estão, os melhores soldados são enviados para capturá-la. Molly, a garota em questão, encontrou uma criança perdida e decide protegê-la. Agora, começa uma luta pela sobrevivência.
Southern Gothic
Hazel Fortune works in a strip club in the small Southern town of Redemption. Haunted by the death of his only daughter, Fortune has become a self-destructive, suicidal alcoholic, until he meets Starla Motes. Hazel's downward spiral is interrupted when is befriended by Starlas daughter, Hope. But when Hope is kidnapped by Enoch Pitt, a ruthless, psychotic preacher on a bloody crusade, Hazel must make the decision to rejoin the living and risk life and limb to save her from a terrible end.
The Girl
A kidnapped girl is rescued by a young boy, and in return is compelled to save him from the horrors that lie in his home.
Witches' Night
Halloween weekend. A jilted groom. A hastily-organized canoe trip. A pristine river. A deep, dark forest. The strange old woman behind the bait shop should've been a warning, but too much beer dulls the senses. When they stumble upon four beautiful women deep in the woods, it all seems too good to be true. And slowly they realize they'll be lucky to escape alive.
Brotherhood of Blood
Driven by vengeance, thirsty for blood... and damned to hell! Guarded by vampires and chained in a dark cellar by the mighty vampire King Pashek, crack vampire hunter Carrie Rieger's time is running out.her relentless quest to crush the world's undead scourge has brought her to the home of Pashek. But she is not here to hill him. Instead she wishes to join forces with her immortal enemies in an effort to rise up against an even more terrifying threat, one that would chill the soul of even the most blood-thirsty vampire; the mighty vampire demon Vlad Kossel.Thought to have been killed many hundreds of years ago, Kossel has now returned to wreak bloody vengeance on his kind before enslaving humanity. He will destroy everything in his path and there is only one hunter who can stop him...
Murder in the Dark
When a group of young people camping in the ruins of a medieval Turkish town play a party game called 'Murder in the Dark', they soon discover that someone is taking the game too far...Produced in an experimental shooting style, this murder-mystery features a cast of actors who were not allowed to see the script. The actors' choices interactively changed the shape of the story. They had to use clues to solve the mystery laid out before them by the filmmakers.
Wild Country
Wild Country is a low budget British horror film which was shot on location in and around Glasgow, Scotland in October.The cast was made up of mostly unknown actors with the exception of Martin Compston and a cameo appearance by Peter Capaldi. The budget of the film was an estimated £1 million. The film was released in selected cinemas in Scotland in February 2006. The film was also screened at film festivals worldwide, including the Cannes Film Festival and the London FrightFest Film Festival. The film will get a 2007 release in the U.S. due to Lionsgate.
Quando sua linda noiva, Lori, morre em um acidente de carro, Doug se retira sozinho para a casa de fazenda isolada que deveria ter sido o lar de sua nova família. Enquanto ele sofre e se isola ainda mais de seus amigos e da sociedade, ele descobre que não está sozinho nesta casa pitoresca .
The Minds of Men
WHAT IS THE “SCIENCE OF GOVERNMENT”? “The Minds of Men” is a 3+ year investigation into the experimentation, art, and practice of social engineering and mind control during the Cold War — a mind-bending journey into the past that gives startling insight into the world we are living in today. It reveals [redacted].
Dead Genesis
Seven months have passed since the dead took over. Many cities and states have been abandoned and left to die. Several self sufficient hunting groups have been established to take on the threat in a war aptly referred to as the 'War on Dead'. Jillian Hurst, a former news writer and amateur documentarian, has set out to make a pro-war propaganda film to support the W.O.D. She joins up with a pack of renegade hunters known infamously to North America as 'the deadheads'. The moral dynamics and hardships of fighting in a war against the undead are told from several different perspectives.
Espírito Da Floresta
Motivado pelo misterioso passado de seu avô, Sean procura desvendar o desaparecimento repentino de um homem em uma floresta sombria. Ele acredita haver uma conexão entre esse homem e uma árvore enigmática que assombra seus sonhos. Os amigos de Sean o acompanham em sua jornada, mas ela torna-se mortal quando Satinka, um espírito jovem e vingativo, parte em busca de vingança por um crime terrível cometido centenas de anos antes, fazendo com que o grupo embarque em um pesadelo aterrorizante...
O Segredo do Farol
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96 Souls
A university research scientist, about to lose funding and status, has a lab accident and discovers he can see people's true intentions -- making his situation even worse.
Dark Haul
O significado da profecia enigmática divide uma equipe de guardiões secretos, enquanto transportam em um caminhão de 18 rodas, uma criatura mortal e sua irmã meio-humana, de seu agora ineficaz local de retenção para um local mais seguro. Os planos secretos da irmã enfraquece a missão libertando a besta e eles acabam lutando pelo destino do mundo quando o verdadeiro significado da profecia é descoberto.
The Cabining
Todd and Bruce head to a remote artists retreat to pen a horror script. After they arrive, they find the perfect script when other artists are killed off in gruesome ways.
Knock Knock 2
On the night before Halloween, four friends decided to go on a self made tour of famous Hollywood murders and celebrity haunted houses. The tour led them to a house known as 1666. They have been missing ever since.
Grey Skies
A group of old college friends reunite to relive their glory days by renting a beautiful cabin in the woods. As the sun sets on their first day in the cabin, bright flashes of light announce the arrival of mysterious creatures. These friends will have to outwit a force that is both inhuman and extremely intelligent in order to survive. The outcome will shock and amaze you as we come to realize... we are not alone in the universe.
Death of the Virgin
In 1432 a stunning apparition of the Virgin Mary appeared in the sleepy town of Caravaggio becoming the inspiration for the gruesome yet extraordinary paintings of the artist, Michelangelo Merisi (better known as Caravaggio). Now, in modern day 2011, three women travel to Caravaggio -- Lisa, an aspiring art student, Claudia, a sexy Italian translator and May, a young woman about to enter the nunnery. Their world turns upside down when the apparition reappears and poor May becomes plagued by premonitions of shocking murders. Who will survive the terror of the supernatural as murders based on the paintings come true and the three women must discover an obscure secret to unlock a shocking destiny...