
Let Liv (2023)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 13M

Director : Erica Rose


A young alcoholic woman agrees to attend an AA meeting with her partner. When she unexpectedly runs into her estranged mother, she's forced to confront demons from her past.


Rosaline Elbay
Rosaline Elbay
Jordan Carlos
Jordan Carlos
Monica Wyche
Monica Wyche
Sarah Herrman
Sarah Herrman
Olivia Levine
Olivia Levine


Erica Rose
Erica Rose
Olivia Levine
Olivia Levine
Lyman Creason
Lyman Creason
Nicole Kay Payson
Nicole Kay Payson
Sarah Herrman
Sarah Herrman
Executive Producer
Hannah D. Kettering
Hannah D. Kettering
Executive Producer
Bryan Keller
Bryan Keller
Original Music Composer
Alexa Carroll
Alexa Carroll
Director of Photography
Chelsea Taylor
Chelsea Taylor
Charlotte Arnoux
Charlotte Arnoux
Claire Deliso
Claire Deliso
Production Design
Lizzie Donelan
Lizzie Donelan
Costume Design
Emily McCann Lesser
Emily McCann Lesser


Terra sem Pão
Documentário mostra de forma crua e extremamente realista a pobreza e miséria da região do norte da Espanha. Denúncia pungente de 1932, esse curta-metragem de Buñuel reflete suas preocupações sociais e forte personalidade.
Corações Livres
Cæcilie (Sonja Richter) e Joachim (Nikolaj Lie Kaas) são namorados e estão prestes a se casar. Só que a felicidade do casal acaba quando ele é atropelado e fica tetraplégico. Procurando consolo, Cæcilie começa a ter um caso com o médico Niels (Mads Mikkelsen), casado com a mulher que atropelou Joachim. Produção dirigida sob os preceitos do Dogma, que repudia qualquer tipo de intervenção tecnológica na confecção de um filme.
Italiano para Principiantes
No subúrbio de uma cidade dinamarquesa, um jovem pastor chega para trabalhar na igreja local e é persuadido por um assistente a freqüentar aulas de italiano em um curso noturno. Não demora muito e o sacerdote torna-se o centro de um grupo de pessoas para quem o destino reservou golpes um tanto duros, e, aos poucos, cada uma delas vai tentando superar seus problemas, buscando a melhor solução.
O Senhor dos Anéis: A Sociedade do Anel
Em uma terra fantástica e única, um hobbit recebe de presente de seu tio um anel mágico e maligno que precisa ser destruído antes que caia nas mãos do mal. Para isso, o hobbit Frodo tem um caminho árduo pela frente, onde encontra perigo, medo e seres bizarros. Ao seu lado para o cumprimento desta jornada, ele aos poucos pode contar com outros hobbits, um elfo, um anão, dois humanos e um mago, totalizando nove pessoas que formam a Sociedade do Anel.
O Senhor dos Anéis: As Duas Torres
Após a captura de Merry e Pippy pelos orcs, a Sociedade do Anel é dissolvida. Frodo e Sam seguem sua jornada rumo à Montanha da Perdição para destruir o anel e descobrem que estão sendo perseguidos pelo misterioso Gollum. Enquanto isso, Aragorn, o elfo e arqueiro Legolas e o anão Gimli partem para resgatar os hobbits sequestrados e chegam ao reino de Rohan, onde o rei Theoden foi vítima de uma maldição mortal de Saruman.
O Senhor dos Anéis: O Retorno do Rei
O confronto final entre as forças do bem e do mal que lutam pelo controle do futuro da Terra Média se aproxima. Sauron planeja um grande ataque a Minas Tirith, capital de Gondor, o que faz com que Gandalf e Pippin partam para o local na intenção de ajudar a resistência. Um exército é reunido por Theoden em Rohan, em mais uma tentativa de deter as forças de Sauron. Enquanto isso, Frodo, Sam e Gollum seguem sua viagem rumo à Montanha da Perdição para destruir o anel.
A Vida Secreta das Palavras
Hannah (Sarah Polley) tem 30 anos, é introvertida, solitária, misteriosa e trabalha numa indústria têxtil. Ela vai passar as férias num pequeno povoado costeiro, em frente a uma plataforma petrolífera. Um incidente faz com que ela permaneça alguns dias na plataforma cuidando de Josef (Tim Robbins), que sofreu uma série de queimaduras que o deixaram cego temporariamente. Com ele trabalham vários outros homens, cada um com uma personalidade marcante.
Paparazzi explores the relationship between Brigitte Bardot and groups of invasive photographers attempting to photograph her while she works on the set of Jean-Luc Godard's film Le Mépris (Contempt). Through video footage of Bardot, interviews with the paparazzi, and still photos of Bardot from magazine covers and elsewhere, director Rozier investigates some of the ramifications of international movie stardom, specifically the loss of privacy to the paparazzi. The film explains the shooting of the film on the island of Capri, and the photographers' valiant, even foolishly dangerous, attempts to get a photograph of Bardot.
The Pinkie
Since they were both five, Ryosuke has been stalked by Momoko - the ugliest girl in the village. Her love for Ryosuke is so boundless that she has her face surgically altered to suit his taste - but still he wants nothing to do with her. Ryosuke goes in for fleeting romance - for example, with the girlfriend of a gangster boss. But when he finds out about their affair, he has Ryosuke's little finger hacked off. Magically, the finger falls into Momoko's hands, and she uses it to clone Ryosuke, so she can finally have him (or almost him) for herself. And this is just the first five minutes of Lisa Takeba's short-but-powerful feature debut. Just like in her previous short films, the director - who cut her teeth in the advertising world and as the writer of a video game - throws a lot of genres and techniques into the mix: from science fiction to gangster films, from hospital eroticism to animation. Hectic and absurd, but with its heart in the right place. © IFFR
Erik likes to have a drink once in a while. The day after a good party, sitting with his girlfriend having a chat, he meets people he doesn't remember. Has he arrived at a crossroads? Is Erik in deeper trouble than usual?
Costa Brava
In Barcelona, Anna is a tour guide working on her monologue, in which she's a Communist housewife whose lesbian neighbor is an object of curiosity. She's sent an audition tape to San Francisco's Another Stage. While giving a tour, she meets Montserrat, American, Jewish, teaching in Barcelona and unhappy with her job. Montserrat, claiming "I'm not a lesbian," approaches Anna; they start a relationship, and with occasional trips to the Costa Brava, it becomes a romance. Anna helps Montserrat find another job, but it's in the States. Their parting seems inevitable. They take a last trip to the Costa Brava and keep praying. Does God have a miracle in store?
Hannah: Buddhism's Untold Journey
'Hannah' tells the story of Buddhist pioneer Hannah Nydahl and her life bringing Tibetan Buddhism to the West. From her idealistic roots in 1960's Copenhagen to the hippie trail in Nepal, Hannah and her husband Ole became two of the first Western students of His Holiness the 16th Karmapa - the first consciously reincarnated lama of Tibet in 1110. Hannah went on to become an assistant and translator for some of the most powerful Tibetan lamas and a bridge between Buddhism in the East and the West.
Wexford Plaza
An isolated and friendless female security guard finds a glimmer of hope when a charming bartender shows her kindness.
When adults are ineffectual, children have to grow up quickly. Ola is 14 and she takes care of her dysfunctional father, autistic brother and a mother who lives apart from them and is mainly heard the phone. Most of all she wants to reunite a family that simply doesn’t work — like a defective TV set. She lives in the hope of bringing her mother back home. Her 13 year old brother Nikodem’s Holy Communion is a pretext for the family to meet up. Ola is entirely responsible for preparing the perfect family celebration. “Communion” reveals the beauty of the rejected, the strength of the weak and the need for change when change seems impossible. This crash course in growing up teaches us that failure is not final. Especially when love is in question.
A rock performs an acrobatic feat for the assembled crowd.
Proyecto Arcoíris: What Do I Want To Say to the World?
A short film that showcases what LGBTQ+ migrants residing in Tijuana want to say to the world, as well as the human connection and healing process that can be found through dancing.
Fishtown Soldier
In the heart of the rapidly gentrifying Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia three streets meet to form a bustling intersection of born-and-raised locals and dilettante millennials. Dennis Bowers falls in the former camp. He grew up playing handball on that intersection and although he can no longer afford to live there, he still comes back every week to play on the same wall at age 50 that he did at age 12. Even if he doesn’t live in the neighborhood, it’ll always be his corner.
Open Strong
An uninspired stand-up comedian and a witty med school graduate tackle the ups and downs of life as they are forced to choose between their relationship and their careers.
Caminandes: Gran Dillama
Curta-metragem que apresenta uma Lhama presa em uma área restrita, em um deserto com pouca grama seca para se alimentar. Certo dia a Lhama pula uma das cerca e avista uma flor cheia de frutinhas, logo seus olhos se enchem de desejo, mas não será tão simples coletar aquelas frutinhas, já que a Lhama deve passar por uma barreira elétrica, a Lhama tenta de todas as formas tentar burlar a cerca mas acaba levando vários choques, até que um a leva para o outro lado da barreira onde está sua tão desejada frutinha, mas infelizmente seu corpo com cargas de energia torram a frutinha ao toca-la.