
Love Virtually (2023)

Don't Hate the Player, Hate the Game

Gênero : Comédia, Romance

Runtime : 0M

Director : L.E. Staiman


In a world where the Metaverse has become widely adopted, four couples go to ridiculous lengths to find true love in a virtual world. Love Virtually is a retro future satirical rom-com for the Metaverse era, blending live action and 3D animation as It explores and exposes the absurd reality of our world and where we are heading, while probing life’s deepest questions such as: How does a celebrity find someone who loves them for their true selves? Is it cheating if it’s in VR? and, Is it cheating if it’s with an AI?


Stephen Tobolowsky
Stephen Tobolowsky
Dr. Divine
Cheri Oteri
Cheri Oteri
Dr. Evelyn
Paul F. Tompkins
Paul F. Tompkins
Adam Ray
Adam Ray
Tom Virtue
Tom Virtue
Nikki Alexis Howard
Nikki Alexis Howard
Ryan O'Flanagan
Ryan O'Flanagan
Peter Gilroy
Peter Gilroy
Paige Mobley
Paige Mobley
Danielle Krivak
Danielle Krivak
Henry Dittman
Henry Dittman
Vincent Washington
Vincent Washington
La Monte


L.E. Staiman
L.E. Staiman
L.E. Staiman
L.E. Staiman
Cheston Mizel
Cheston Mizel
Jeff Ackerman
Jeff Ackerman
Curtis Augspurger
Curtis Augspurger
Avi Richards
Avi Richards
Tara Tosten
Tara Tosten
Production Design
Tristan Alan
Tristan Alan
Line Producer


The Taste of Love
Aris, a lonely 48-year-old man, lives with a young beautiful girl who anticipates and fulfills all his desires without asking for anything in return, since she is a robot and the year is 2038. ELLi has a perfect human form, the most advanced artificial intelligence, and access to all the data of Aris in the Cloud, acting as the ideal personal assistant. Until its operational system is upgraded with Artificial Emotions - and now, feeling neglected, it demands to learn what love is.
Inteligência Artificial: Ascensão das Máquinas
Um relacionamento íntimo entre um humano e um androide testa os limites da natureza humana.
Pequenos Espiões 3: Game Over
Os agentes secretos Juni e Carmen Cortez partem para sua mais emocionante missão: uma aventura dentro da realidade virtual de um videogame, onde gráficos e criaturas aterrorizantes ameaçam suas vidas. Conforme eles enfrentam desafios através das crescentes dificuldades das fases deste jogo, a dupla precisa confiar no humor, nos truques e nos laços de família para poder deter um poderoso vilão determinado a controlar a juventude do mundo.
I Fall in Love With You Through a Robot
Set in the year 2060, it follows a love story as Tokyo's third Olympics draws near. Takeru Oosawa, who works for the AI Robot Technology Research Lab, is chosen as a member of the national secret project using humanoid robots. With the help of childhood friend and co-worker Youichirou Amano and his sister Saki, Takeru tries his best to reach his objectives. However, the situation changes when Saki's office receives a warning note for terrorism.
Love, Automated
It's hard to surprise your girlfriend when technology keeps spoiling your ideas. But this year - 2063, to be exact - Gemma has a daring plan.
Free Guy: Assumindo o Controle
Um caixa de banco preso a uma entediante rotina tem sua vida virada de cabeça para baixo quando ele descobre que é personagem em um brutalmente realista vídeo game de mundo aberto. Agora ele precisa aceitar sua realidade e lidar com o fato de que é o único que pode salvar o mundo.
Mariana 627
Mariana 627, a sci-fi short about Kurt, a lone technician aboard a remote monitoring outpost deep in space, who finally gets a chance to leave his station and make the long journey home. But before he can, he must first train an interfacing AI system named IZAK to run the facility in his absence.
The portrait of two young women – a loving team that complements each other with all their habits and rituals like two puzzle pieces. This is a declaration of love of a couple – a snapshot of their present and a speculation about our future, because what could happen if a piece of the puzzle is suddenly taken away?
The A.I. system in a home informs a woman that her husband has a certain condition. And now she has to make a very tough choice.
Em um futuro próximo, um escritor solitário desenvolve um relacionamento improvável com um sistema operacional projetado para atender todas as suas necessidades.
Ik ben geen robot
“Do people think your conduct is aloof?” When the young music producer Lara fails to convince her computer she is not a robot, she has her doubts too. Because no matter how often she identifies the traffic signs and trees in the tests, the computer will not accept her ticks. In panic, she calls her boyfriend for comfort, but this only complicates the situation further, in this absurd comedy full of black humour involving Lara's existential dilemma.
Cyborg: Deadly Machine
In an apocalyptic future, a group of hunted resistance fighters led by Stacy try to find a simple chef named Alex Rayne, who holds the key to the annihilation of the cyborg army, controlled by Magnatron Corp.
Não Olhe para Cima
Dois astrônomos descobrem um cometa mortal vindo em direção à Terra e partem em um tour midiático para alertar a humanidade. Só que ninguém parece dar muita bola.
The Nathan
Neila Johanssen opens her home to a vlogger to record her life with a NATHAN, a new consumer humanoid robot she has gotten to help around the house. But while the cameras roll, Neila struggles to keep the true nature of her relationship with the robot a secret.
Em 2045, a IA cuida de quase tudo, até na casa da nostálgica Alice. Então quando os robôs se rebelam, os androides dela trancam as portas para protegê-la.
Jeff Drives You
A lonely gay man falls in love with an artificially intelligent car over the course of a road trip.
Paulie Go!
A young AI prodigy gets rejected from a world-renowned robotics lab and does what any rational teenager would do -- steals a van and drive cross-country to Minnesota to track down the professor who turned him down.
Estrela Negra
A tripulação da Dark Star está numa missão de 20 anos que consiste em abrir um trilho no espaço destruindo planetas que estão no caminho das rotas de navegação. Só que, perto do fim da jornada, tudo começa a correr mal, com um alienígena que parece uma bola de pelo, sistemas informáticos avariados e uma bomba inteligente que acha que é Deus.
Um Robô em Curto Circuito
Atingido por um raio, o robô conhecido apenas como "Número 5" escapa de uma empresa de eletrônica experimental. Newton Crosby (Steve Guttenberg) e seu assistente Ben Jabituya (Fisher Stevens) são convocados para tentar localizá-lo. Nº 5 encontra a ecologista Stephanie Speck (Ally Sheedy), esperando ensinar tudo para o "alienígena", ela preenche o banco de memória de Nº 5 com cultura pop e é aí que começa a confusão. Filme também conhecido pelo título, O Incrível Robô.