
The Call Of The Peaks (1946)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 23M

Director : Alain Pol


L'Appel Des Cimes, directed by Alain Pol, is a documentary commissioned by the CAF and the various French ministries on the practice of post-war mountaineering. In 1946, climbers trained at the Fontainebleau Climbing School. Guy Poulet and Jacques Poincenot try to climb the Aiguilles de Chamonix but fail during the climbing phase. After a night in a refuge with Denise Rouzeau and the guide Pierre Allain, the mountaineers make a new attempt. Successful demonstration for those who continued the approach walk then the passage of the seracs of the glacier. On the rock, the roped party crosses a chimney and a crack to reach the summit and abseil down. Led by high mountain scouts, Guy and Jacques rediscover the glaciers and needles of the Mont-Blanc massif during the next lesson.


Pierre Allain
Pierre Allain
Guy Poulet
Guy Poulet
Jacques Poincenot
Jacques Poincenot
Denise Rouzeau
Denise Rouzeau
Yves Ballu
Yves Ballu
Richard Francoeur
Richard Francoeur


Alain Pol
Alain Pol
Georges Tairraz II
Georges Tairraz II
Andrée Laurent
Andrée Laurent
Marcel Gilot
Marcel Gilot
Assistant Director of Photography
Jacques Fuller
Jacques Fuller


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Days after
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