
Doctor Who: The Daleks in Colour (2023)

The Daleks return… and this time in COLOUR!

Gênero : Ficção científica, Drama, Aventura

Runtime : 1H 15M

Director : Christopher Barry, Richard Martin


The very first crew of the TARDIS land in a petrified forest on an alien planet. Determined to explore, the Doctor leads his companions into the metal city, where they discover danger at every corner and what will become his deadliest enemy... the mutant Daleks. It's time to encounter the Daleks once again, but this time in a way you've never seen them before. Originally transmitted in December 1963 to February 1964, the seven original episodes of the first Dalek story have received a cosmic makeover, dazzlingly colourised and woven together into a 75-minute blockbuster with brand-new sound and a brand-new score created by Mark Ayres. The Daleks has been gloriously updated, whilst ensuring the original story remains as thrilling as it was in 1963.


William Hartnell
William Hartnell
The Doctor (archive footage)
Carole Ann Ford
Carole Ann Ford
Susan Foreman (archive footage)
William Russell
William Russell
Ian Chesterton (archive footage)
Jacqueline Hill
Jacqueline Hill
Barbara Wright (archive footage)
Peter Hawkins
Peter Hawkins
Dalek (voice)
David Graham
David Graham
Dalek (voice)
Nicholas Briggs
Nicholas Briggs
Dalek (voice)
Alan Wheatley
Alan Wheatley
Temmosus (archive footage)
John Lee
John Lee
Alydon (archive footage)
Virginia Wetherell
Virginia Wetherell
Dyoni (archive footage)
Philip Bond
Philip Bond
Ganatus (archive footage)
Marcus Hammond
Marcus Hammond
Antodus (archive footage)
Gerald Curtis
Gerald Curtis
Elyon (archive footage)
Jonathan Crane
Jonathan Crane
Kristas (archive footage)


Richard Tipple
Richard Tipple
Phil Collinson
Phil Collinson
Executive Producer
Russell T Davies
Russell T Davies
Executive Producer
Jane Tranter
Jane Tranter
Executive Producer
Julie Gardner
Julie Gardner
Executive Producer
Joel Collins
Joel Collins
Executive Producer
Benjamin Cook
Benjamin Cook
Mark Ayres
Mark Ayres
Terry Nation
Terry Nation
Christopher Barry
Christopher Barry
Richard Martin
Richard Martin
Verity Lambert
Verity Lambert
Daphne Dare
Daphne Dare
Costume Design
Jack Brummitt
Jack Brummitt
Raymond Cusick
Raymond Cusick
Production Design
Jeremy Davies
Jeremy Davies
Production Design
Murray Gold
Murray Gold
Tristram Cary
Tristram Cary
Mark Ayres
Mark Ayres
Sound Designer
Mervyn Pinfield
Mervyn Pinfield
Associate Producer
David Whitaker
David Whitaker
Script Editor


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Flash Gordon
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Uma Aventura no Espaço e no Tempo
Uma viagem no tempo, até 1963 para ver como Doctor Who foi trazido pela primeira vez para a tela. O ator William Hartnell se sentiu preso por uma sucessão de papéis durões. A aspirante a produtora Verity Lambert ficou frustrada com o teto de vidro da indústria da TV. Ambos encontrariam esperanças improváveis e desafios inesperados na forma de um drama na hora do chá de sábado. Aliados a uma equipe de pessoas incomuns, mas brilhantes, eles criaram a série de ficção científica mais longa já feita.
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Broken Heart of the 56th Year
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De Volta para o Futuro II
Uma despretensiosa visita de McFly e Doc ao ano de 2015 revela alguns problemas com a futura família de McFly. Mas quando os dois voltam para casa, logo descobrem que alguém alterou a linha temporal e criou uma terrível Hill Valley em 1985. A única esperança é poder voltar de novo para o ano de 1995 e salvar o futuro.
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De Volta para o Futuro III
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Star Trek: O Primeiro Contacto
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Os 12 Macacos
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