
MAI (2024)

Gênero : Romance

Runtime : 0M

Director : Trấn Thành



Phương Anh Đào
Phương Anh Đào
Tuấn Trần
Tuấn Trần
Trấn Thành
Trấn Thành
Uyển Ân
Uyển Ân
Hồng Đào
Hồng Đào
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Việt Anh
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Quốc Khánh
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Lý Hạo Mạnh Quỳnh


Trấn Thành
Trấn Thành


Dalagang Nayon
The Melody
Win, a famous singer and songwriter has come to the worst moment in his life when he realizes that his fame is going to fade. Win cannot face the truth and escapes from the city to quietly stay in Mae Hong Sorn province where he meets Mok, a competent pianist girl who becomes his inspiration to redeem his fame.
Suicide Me
Kiang has just been dumped by his girlfriend and is suicidal. He unsuccessfully tries several ways to kill himself. He bumps into a girl who hastily marries him and forces him to move in with her. She is obsessed in getting rich quick and now has a sinister plan on how to reach her goal.
The Prince, The Witch, and The Mermaid
Two princes get banned from Rattana by their father, King Sudas. During their journey, one of the brothers, Apai Mani, gets kidnapped by a giant sea witch who fell in love with him. His brother Sri Suvan and a couple of warriors want to rescue him.
Haani is a romantic saga spanning two different generations of a family. It tells the story of love, friendship and honor immortalized by commitment. The film simultaneously narrates 2 plots. Ranjit (Harbhajan) and Jagga (Sarabjit) are best friends in 1964 where Ranjit falls for Sukhaan (Mahreen) and loves her to death. Other plot involves Harman (Anuj) and Preet's (Sonia) love story in 2013 and Tony (Rupan Bal) who has similar role to Jagga in the movie. Somehow fate connects these love stories together.
A Blonde Dream
Rival window cleaners Willy I and Willy 2 befriend Jou-Jou, an aspiring dancer, who has been tricked out of money by a con-man posing as an American movie mogul, and together they turn an old railway carriage into a "Villa Hollywood" for her.
Roter Mohn
Moi et ses ex
Half Salmon Man
Dika and his family want to move out of his house for a reason, but Dika doesn't feel well about it. As time goes by, he found Patricia, his high school old friend. Problem arise when his old love comes back to his life.
A Simple Case
As a response to criticism for the allegedly excessive “mass appeal” of his earlier epic STORM OVER ASIA (1928), Vsevolod Pudovkin unleashed his flair for experimentation in what was supposed to be the director’s first sound feature. Everything went wrong: technical problems forced him to complete the film as a silent; viewers were baffled by the lack of a recognizable plot; then, the ideological climate of the Soviet Union changed. He was now being blamed for catering to bourgeois taste! Time has come to set the record straight. Here’s lyrical cinema at its best, deliberately operatic and yet intimate as it matches the characters’ inner life with the solemn rhythms of nature, and depicted through breathtaking black-and-white photography. A sensation at last year’s Pordenone fest, Pudovkin’s long-forgotten swan song to the art of montage is resurrected by Gabriel Thibaudeau’s emotionally charged live music performance. –PCU (USSR, 1930, 75m)
Loucos Por Nada
Lily é extremamente tímida e trabalha como caixa em uma rede de fast-food. Um belo dia ela ganha de Jarrod um convite para uma festa anual conhecida como "Venha Vestido como seu Animal Preferido". Lá, ambos descobrem que têm muita coisa em comum.
Ladra e Sedutora
In a small town in post-World-War-II France, an unhappy sixteen-year-old (Janine Castang) tries to escape her dreary situation by any means at her disposal. Three successive friends (Michel Davenne, a married lover; Raoul, a fellow thief; Mauricette Dargelos, a photographer and fellow prisoner) help her learn from her mistakes.
Uma Mãe para o Meu Bebê
Surpreenda-se com Kate Holbrook, uma famosa mulher de negócios que durante um bom tempo deixou a vida pessoal de lado. Agora, aos 37 anos ela está decidida a ter um filho. Mas o sonho de ser mãe acaba quando descobre um problema que a impossibilita de engravidar. Determinada a ter um bebê a qualquer custo, ela resolve contratar uma barriga de aluguel e a eleita é Angie Ostrowiski. Kate vê sua vida organizada virar de cabeça para baixo quando Angie aparece na porta de sua casa alegando não ter onde ficar.
Legalmente Loira
Elle Woods namora o mais bonito garoto de seu colégio, Warner Huntington III, com quem inclusive planeja se casar no futuro. Mas Elle tem um problema que incomoda Warner: ela é fútil demais! Até que, quando Warner vai estudar Direito na Universidade de Harvard, ele passa a namorar uma nova garota e decide largar Elle, que não se dá por vencida e decide estudar a fim de também passar para o curso de Direito e ainda por cima provar sua inteligência.
Contra Tudo e Contra Todos
Jackie Kellen (Meg Ryan) cresceu em meio ao mundo do boxe profissional, já que em sua família há vários boxeadores. Decidida a se tornar uma empresária de sucesso, ela aposta suas fichas em Luther Shaw (Omar Epps), um lutador iniciante mas de grande potencial. Determinada em atingir seu objetivo, Jackie passa a trabalhar para tirar Luther do gueto onde vive e, enfim, aceitá-la como sua empresária.
Maria is a student at the university of Essen, Germany, living and working in a gray, unpleasant, and anonymous environment. While she has little problem finding someone for a one night stand, she rebuffs her lovers in such a rude way that they actually don't know what's going on. But what seems to be a negative attitude at first glance is in fact much worse: Maria is suffering from borderline syndrome, a serious psychotic disease that makes her fail to develop a continuous, reliable personality, from her own perspective as well as from the perspective of those she meets. Then one day, she bumps into Jan, a student who falls in love with her without delay. He's awaiting a hard time when he has to learn how hard it is to stay loyal and faithful to a person who, in her own words, "has a different world inside of her head" and who feels that "there is something inside of me that eats me up."
Alfie - O Sedutor
Alfie (Jude Law) é um homem mulherengo, que pula de cama em cama com a facilidade com a qual troca de roupa. Charmoso, ele possui uma legião de conquistas em sua vida amorosa. Porém, quando uma das mulheres com quem se relaciona lhe diz que está grávida, ele passa a enfrentar dilemas morais sobre seu modo de vida.
Kalt ist der Abendhauch
Love story spanning 60 years of the lives of Charlotte and Hugo. As a teenager before the war she is in love with him, but he marries her sister. They share some brief happy moments during the difficult post-war period, then they are separated for the longest time. They meet again as 80-year olds.
Karatê Kid 2: A Hora da Verdade Continua
Ao descobrir que seu pai está à beira da morte, o professor Miyagi volta para Okinawa, no Japão, junto com seu aprendiz, Daniel LaRusso. Na terra natal, o mestre de caratê é surpreendido com a notícia de que Yukie, seu grande e antigo amor, está solteira.
Cara, Cadê Meu Carro?
Conheça Jesse e Chester, dois garotos totalmente imaturos que acordam um dia com uma intrigante pergunta: Cara, Cadê Meu Carro? A única pista que eles têm é uma caixa de fósforos do clube de striptease Kitty Kat e um estoque de pudim para um ano. À medida que tentam percorrer os passos da noite anterior, esses caras passam pela aventura de suas vidas, encontrando sexy garotas alienígenas, escapando de avestruzes assassinas e tentando conseguir "favores especiais" de suas enfurecidas namoradas gêmeas.