
Lamentation of Silence (2023)

Lamentation of Silenced

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 37M

Director : Ifcha Nur Cahyo


"Growing increasingly elusive. A lingering lament remains unvanquished." The life of Atun (22), a girl with intellectual disabilities, along with her father and mother, is further besieged by tragedy after she became a victim of rape, leaving behind lingering trauma that disrupts her mental well-being.


Chindy Fitria
Chindy Fitria
Sri Jumaini
Sri Jumaini
Ibu Atun
Gunawan Trip
Gunawan Trip
Ayah Atun
Joko Prasetyo
Joko Prasetyo
Kepala Desa
Esti Wahyuni
Esti Wahyuni
Istri Kepala Desa
Darmawan Jaya
Darmawan Jaya
Surya Dewi Karisma Melati
Surya Dewi Karisma Melati
Yasmin Patricia
Yasmin Patricia
Sinden 2


Adika Pradhani
Adika Pradhani
Moch. Fajar Ramadhan
Moch. Fajar Ramadhan
Director of Photography
Ifcha Nur Cahyo
Ifcha Nur Cahyo
Abdul Rohim
Abdul Rohim
Gerry Bintang
Gerry Bintang
Line Producer
Gerry Bintang
Gerry Bintang
Producer's Assistant
Ifcha Nur Cahyo
Ifcha Nur Cahyo
Khofifah Faurida
Khofifah Faurida
Assistant Director
Rada Salfa
Rada Salfa
Assistant Director
Boni Hibatul Wafi
Boni Hibatul Wafi
Ahmad Ludfirrahman
Ahmad Ludfirrahman
Sound Recordist
Bernadus Ben Purwabrata
Bernadus Ben Purwabrata
Sound Assistant
Bayu Krisna Mukti
Bayu Krisna Mukti
Scoring Mixer
Idz Nada Aurora
Idz Nada Aurora
Art Direction
Marcel Sonnia
Marcel Sonnia
Makeup Artist
Marcel Sonnia
Marcel Sonnia
Makeup Effects Designer
Devi Khifdiya
Devi Khifdiya
Wardrobe Designer
Stephanie Saragih
Stephanie Saragih
Nishom Fahmi
Nishom Fahmi
BTS Photographer
Daffa Faras Alvaro
Daffa Faras Alvaro
Unit Production Manager
M. Richard
M. Richard
Location Manager
Sarah Rachma
Sarah Rachma
Unit Manager
Aditya Bintang Perdana
Aditya Bintang Perdana
Adika Pradhani
Adika Pradhani
Executive Producer
Moch. Fajar Ramadhan
Moch. Fajar Ramadhan
Executive Producer
Yasmin Patricia
Yasmin Patricia
Unit Manager
Lailatul Mukjizah
Lailatul Mukjizah
Unit Manager
Bintang Alfan Nur
Bintang Alfan Nur
Unit Manager
Miftachul Choir
Miftachul Choir
Unit Production Manager
Fauzian Kawirian
Fauzian Kawirian
Unit Production Manager
Anis Maya Fajriyani
Anis Maya Fajriyani
Ima Febrianti
Ima Febrianti
Casting Coordinator
Rizq Nasita Ayu Dwi
Rizq Nasita Ayu Dwi
Casting Coordinator
Haliza Ramadhania
Haliza Ramadhania
Casting Coordinator
Septia Rista Eka
Septia Rista Eka
Casting Coordinator
Ruth Aprilia
Ruth Aprilia
Casting Coordinator
Salsa Bila Iqmabelle
Salsa Bila Iqmabelle
Casting Coordinator
Ahmad Faisol
Ahmad Faisol
Camera Technician
Abdillah Lathif
Abdillah Lathif
Lighting Technician
Yulidya Ardiva
Yulidya Ardiva
Clapper Loader
Thival Ula Afro
Thival Ula Afro
Lighting Technician
Brmantio Eky Pribudi
Brmantio Eky Pribudi
Lighting Technician
Kevin Kevriando
Kevin Kevriando
Lighting Technician
Wawan Abri Canda
Wawan Abri Canda
Lighting Technician
Akbar Wibawanto
Akbar Wibawanto
Lighting Technician
Firdaus Febrian Ade
Firdaus Febrian Ade
Lighting Technician
Adam Dwi Cahyo
Adam Dwi Cahyo
Art Department Assistant
Hadi Mustofa
Hadi Mustofa
Art Department Assistant
Veri Cahyadi
Veri Cahyadi
Art Department Assistant
Bayu Krisna Mukti
Bayu Krisna Mukti
Music Sound Design and Processing
Dian Wisnu Pambudi
Dian Wisnu Pambudi
Boom Operator
Adika Pradhani
Adika Pradhani
Color Grading
Firman Fahreza
Firman Fahreza
Graphic Designer
Adika Pradhani
Adika Pradhani
Title Designer
Adika Pradhani
Adika Pradhani
Title Graphics
Ahmad Ludfirrahman
Ahmad Ludfirrahman
Dialogue Editor
Bernadus Ben Purwabrata
Bernadus Ben Purwabrata
Mixing Engineer
Nadhif Ainur Rofiq
Nadhif Ainur Rofiq
Location Manager
Firman Jaya Wardhana
Firman Jaya Wardhana
Location Manager
Dhimas Wicaksono
Dhimas Wicaksono
Location Manager
Prasetya Anggara
Prasetya Anggara
Mukhamad Rafi
Mukhamad Rafi
Muhammad Arkham Maulana
Muhammad Arkham Maulana
M. Ghazi Alghifari
M. Ghazi Alghifari
BTS Videographer
Isnah Ayu Septiani
Isnah Ayu Septiani
Public Relations
Ummi Arimbi Khalistasyani
Ummi Arimbi Khalistasyani
Public Relations
Idz Nada Aurora
Idz Nada Aurora
Adam Dwi Cahyo
Adam Dwi Cahyo
Isnah Ayu Septiani
Isnah Ayu Septiani
Ummi Arimbi Khalistasyani
Ummi Arimbi Khalistasyani
Irnanda Ana Safira
Irnanda Ana Safira
Bernadus Ben Purwabrata
Bernadus Ben Purwabrata
Yulidya Ardiva
Yulidya Ardiva
Muhammad Hisyam
Muhammad Hisyam
Video Assist Operator
Muhammad Naufal Asad
Muhammad Naufal Asad
Fawwaz Nidhom Siddiq
Fawwaz Nidhom Siddiq
Muhamad Luthfi Abudzar
Muhamad Luthfi Abudzar
Documentation & Support
Moch. Affandi
Moch. Affandi
Documentation & Support
Irnanda Ana Safira
Irnanda Ana Safira
Makeup Artist
Mutiara Sufi
Mutiara Sufi
Focus Puller
Dzikri Ilham
Dzikri Ilham
Assistant Camera


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She Said No
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Joana D'Arc
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