Motorcycle Fever

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Emmanuel Blanchard


In the middle of a laundry we discovered an improvised mechanical workshop. An older man talks with his tools. His son invades the space wanting to film it and at the same time making him an unusual proposal: rebuild a motorcycle together. The proposal baffles the father who little by little allows the son to enter into his world. The son begins to delve into questions and questions that go from the mechanical to the personal and open up seemingly hidden conflicts. Is it possible to restore a relationship like you repair a machine?



Emmanuel Blanchard
Emmanuel Blanchard
Julia Silva
Julia Silva
Doménica Guarderas
Doménica Guarderas
Production Assistant
Iván Mora Manzano
Iván Mora Manzano
Director of Photography
Analía Torres
Analía Torres
Camera Supervisor
Franz Córdova
Franz Córdova
Sound Recordist


My Dad and the Volcano
A story of a father and son and... a volcano. Gavin built a 6-foot volcano and he asked his Dad if he could store it in his shed for a short while until he figured out what to do with it, but that turned into five years and his Dad has threatened to destroy it over the years. Gavin aspires to bring him and his Dad together through the volcano, to help his father see it as he does. However, there's a challenge - his dad holds no interest in modern art and has declined any involvement in the documentary.
De Volta às Aulas
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Cats A-Weigh!
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My Good Dad
Os Viúvos Também Sonham
Um viúvo bom vivant tenta manter seu hotel em Miami e seu filho de 12 anos de idade. Tony Manetta administra um hotelzinho em Miami onde não consegue nem pagar as despesas. Outro problema é a sua fraqueza para damas (Shirl, sua paixão sexy atual, é ainda menos responsável do que Tony). Mas uma pessoa sólida em sua vida é Ally, seu filho sensato de 12 anos de idade. Quando Tony quer que seu tranquilo irmão Mario o resgate, Mario impõe uma condição: desista da guarda de seu filho Ally, ou pelo menos se case com uma "mulherzinha agradável e tranquila" que ele escolherá. Tony e Ally aceitam apenas por diplomacia, mas quando a "mulherzinha" em questão se parece com Eleanor Parker ...
Pop 'im Pop!
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The Cave
The boy longs for his father's affection, but his father is only interested in fishing. One day, his father dies of pneumonia, and the boy's sense of loss turns into an obsession with his father's belongings. In the imaginary cave, he curses on his father’s relatives who took his father’s bike and fishing rods, and succeeds in revenge. But the curse begins to eat the boy's soul…
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The Island Within
Seymour Tahirbekov is an international chess grandmaster from Azerbaijan. Having won the Candidates Tournament, Seymour earns the right to challenge the defending world champion Skroten Gudmonson in the World Chess Championship match. With a few weeks left before the championship match, Seymour’s psychological and emotional state deteriorates under escalating abuse and pressure to succeed by any means.
Przytul mnie. Poszukiwacze miodu
Follows a bear cub and his papa bear as they embark on an adventure to find the Golden Land which is believed to harbor an endless source of honey, so they can prepare a birthday cake for the little one.
Fear Eats the Soul
Sung-geun wants his son, Jong-hun, to be a Major-leaguer. Someday, they find a dying man.
Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies
The story of Ace Eli Walford, a 1920s stunt flyer who barnstorms around the country, taking his eleven-year-old son Rodger with him as he goes from town to town. The place is rural Kansas, and the time is midsummer in the early nineteen-twenties, not long after World War I. Eli (Cliff Robertson), a barn storming pilot who has the emotional make-up of an 11-year-old, and Rodger (Eric Shea), his 11-year-old son who possesses the wisdom of the ancients, set off to see the world, which means flying all the way to San Willow. To Eli, San Willow seems to be as fabled as Xanadu and quite as remote. In essence, "Ace Eli and Rodger of the Skies" is about the adventures of Rodger and Eli getting from nowhere to nowhere. Eli, a killer with the ladies at first, always leaves them unsatisfied. He seems to have a sex problem. Rodger spends a lot of his time getting his dad out of scrapes. He also drinks, smokes and goes to sleep at night crying for his deceased mom.