
Kino Kopf (2024)

I dream a dream of an electric cowboy.

Gênero : Ficção científica, Drama, Família

Runtime : 10M

Director : Jack Cosgriff


Born from steel and glass Kino Kopf is created by two inventors. They are assembled by their mother, a nurturing artist, and their Father a greedy entrepreneur. Kino Kopf is the first of its kind a sentient humanoid VHS camera. They are given a life by their mother but presented to the world by their father. Kino Kopf is the next big sensation and spurs a technological revolution. They are soon forgotten and alone as new models surpass them. Kino Kopf is left alone to contemplate if they ever had a soul, as visions of an electric cowboy dance through their dreams.


Mike Ackerman
Mike Ackerman
Gowri Shaiva
Gowri Shaiva
Raffety Lawless
Raffety Lawless
Joakim Karlsson
Joakim Karlsson
TV Host
Henry Von Thun
Henry Von Thun
Frame of man screaming at squirrel
Rowen Olless
Rowen Olless
Kino Kopf (Voice)
Shreyash Sarda
Shreyash Sarda
Paparazzi #1
Sydney Swihart
Sydney Swihart
Paparazzi #2
Siddharth Kabir Singh
Siddharth Kabir Singh
Paparazzi #3
Vasu Kalra
Vasu Kalra
Paparazzi #4
Swetha Yelamarthi
Swetha Yelamarthi
Paparazzi #5
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Paparazzi #6


Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Bharath Manthena
Bharath Manthena
Director of Photography
Vasu Kalra
Vasu Kalra
Assistant Camera
Swetha Yelamarthi
Swetha Yelamarthi
Shreyash Sarda
Shreyash Sarda
Siddharth Kabir Singh
Siddharth Kabir Singh
Raffety Lawless
Raffety Lawless
Sound Mixer
Raffety Lawless
Raffety Lawless
Assistant Director
Sydney Swihart
Sydney Swihart
Boom Operator
Sydney Swihart
Sydney Swihart
Script Supervisor
Jonas Gilbert
Jonas Gilbert
Jeremy Kramer
Jeremy Kramer
Bianca Lipton
Bianca Lipton
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
Second Unit Cinematographer
Jack Cosgriff
Jack Cosgriff
VFX Artist


Inspired by ‘elephant consciousness’, Clark Duke has created Virtology, an internet religion with which he plans to change the world. He attracts thousands of followers which fuel his desire to spread the word In Real Life. When his house burns down under suspicious circumstances he heads out on this fish-out-of-water tale where we witness the main character (now known as Satchimo) in his misadventures attracting new followers and the media, all the while being haunted by two online followers who he neglects in his offer of salvation. Godplex offers insight into the contemporary dogma that you can achieve your goals no matter how lofty – even achieve celebrity status – an occupation that anyone can take up, no matter your experience or abilities. Though the content can be surreal, poetic and philosophical, this tragi-comic story offers an accessible cinema experience featuring moments of incredible beauty and a great soundtrack comprised of industrial and big band jazz.
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Around the Fire
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O Móbile: Admiração
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Sentient Dirt
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Out of Breath
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Quarteto Fantástico
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Elefantes Sonham
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Quatro Amigas e um Jeans Viajante
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