O Garoto e a Rainha (1950)
At last it's here!
Gênero : Drama
Runtime : 1H 34M
Director : Jean Negulesco
Escritor : Nunnally Johnson
It's 1875 and a young street urchin wants to see Queen Victoria...
When the daughter of a minister gets kidnapped, Christy is called upon to rescue her. Although he manages to save her, he himself gets embroiled in the kidnapper's murder.
Morale-boosting story released in the middle of World War II. A journalist uncovers a peace organisation at the centre of disreputable dealings.
Neil (Simon Pegg), um professor desiludido com a vida, vê sua vida mudar após ser atropelado por uma van e ser atingido por um raio alienígena que lhe dá poderes mágicos. Com eles, Neil pode fazer tudo que quiser: desde calar a boca de seus alunos até ressuscitar pessoas! O problema é saber utilizar as palavras certas para conseguir o que ele quer. O uso dessas novas habilidades vai gerar uma série de confusões.
Jiantan é um garoto que tem que sair de Xian após a morte de sua mãe para ir para as pradarias tibetanas e começar a viver com o pai que ele mal se lembra. Seu pai, LaGeBa, é um médico ocupado que decidiu afastar-se da cidade e residem no Tibete, onde ele é o médico essencial dos pobres da comunidade em que vive. Para ajudar seu pai, Jiantan tem que aprender a pastorear ovelhas. Enquanto tenta aprender sua nova responsabilidade, ele é salvo por um mastim tibetano cor de ouro. Ambos, Jiantan e o grande cachorro, ajudam um ao outro enquanto tentam se adaptar a este novo ambiente.
An alcoholic London ex-cop becomes involved in a kidnapping drama and tries to free the daughter of a friend from a brutal gangster mob.
Melodrama set in Victorian Brighton. Scheming pub landlady uses the timorous son of a domineering pharmacist to assist in the poisoning of her drunkard husband. (The title is from the way pharmacists used to wrap parcels containing poison).
Joe Beckett, seasoned citizen of the bedsitter belt, aged about 22, is the renegade son of modest, respectable parents and, to use his own description, 'an emotional leper'. He decides that he needs a violent shock to shake him back into life, and as a result accepts a commission to carry out the murder of a total stranger for a man he meets in a coffee bar...
Depois de passar oito anos na prisão, Bill Hayward (Charlie Creed-Miles) é solto em liberdade condicional, e quando volta para casa descobre que seus dois filhos, de 11 e 15 anos, foram abandonados pela mãe e estão cuidando de si mesmos.
Georgie leva os filhos para assistir um desenho animado, com a participação do pianista Lang Lang. De repente, os filhos desaparecem no cinema e, com a ajuda do músico, ela vai buscá-los dentro do filme.
Newsman Mitch and teletype operator Jennifer, whose job is to see he doesn't send inappropriate stuff out of the country, dodge bombs during the blitz of London while falling in love.
On a quest for emotional healing and spiritual awakening, a naturopathic doctor and an accountant join others in the Peruvian Amazon to drink a psychedelic brew called ayahuasca.
In 19th century Victorian England, Mrs. Isabella Beeton produced what became an essential book for housewives of the day. She was married at a relatively young age to Sam Beeton, a publisher of books and magazines on a variety of subjects. Not someone to sit at home in the traditional role of a housewife, Mrs. Beeton started work in her husband's business, initially as an editor correcting English but then writing some of the columns herself. It as at this point that she developed an idea for a cookbook and Mrs. Beeton's Book of Household Management was born. Her life was not an easy one however. The publishing business went bankrupt, she lost two children at a young age and had several miscarriages. She died at the age of 28.
Inglaterra, 1763. Após ser condenada por um crime, a jovem e bela Abigail Hale concorda, a fim de escapar da forca, em servir catorze anos como escrava na colônia da Virgínia, cujos habitantes começam a ouvir e temer o canto ameaçador dos ameaçadores tambores de guerra que ecoam no vale selvagem do rio Ohio.
A história do primeiro vibrador. A trama se passa na Londres vitoriana, quando dois médicos (Dancy e Jonathan Pryce) se juntam para tratar de histeria - condição que, na época, se associava à irritabilidade das mulheres. Inicialmente o personagem Pryce "alivia" as suas pacientes manualmente, mas o parceiro inventa um aparato elétrico que pode revolucionar o tratamento desse mal.
1547, King Henry VIII's life has taken a turn for the worse and he is forced to look back over his life and the many loves which had brought him his three children, only one of which was the desired male heir to secure the Tudor dynasty.
In pre-WW1 England, a youngster is expelled from a naval academy over a petty theft, but his parents raise a political furor by demanding a trial.
Jane is young, French, pregnant and unmarried. Bucking convention, she is uninterested in settling with her baby's father or getting an abortion. After renting a room in a dingy London boarding house, Jane befriends the odd group of inhabitants and starts an affair with one boarder, Toby. As Jane's pregnancy threatens her new relationship, and the reality of single motherhood approaches, she is forced to decide what to do about both her baby and her budding romance.
Everything is not as it seems for a man who recovers from a plane crash in which his family is killed. After plastic surgery and rehabilitation, he determines that he worked for a secret agency for which he was an assassin. His former boss puts him back to work to assassinate a political leader, but when he proves unable to pull the trigger, it is he who becomes the target for assassins. As he avoids capture, the story unfolds about his true past and the reason why he has a tattoo of "chilly willy" inside his lip.
O coronel John Wister, em serviço com o exército britânico na região desértica de Dubik, retorna à Inglaterra de licença. Lá ele se apaixona por Julia Ashton, que se importa profundamente com ele, mas acredita-se incapaz de amar após a morte de seu noivo; algum tempo antes. Wister a convence de que ele a ama o suficiente para viver sem seu amor romântico e que ela deveria se casar com ele. Ela o faz e retorna a Dubik com ele. Lá ela encontra seu ajudante, o capitão Denny Roark. Roark é um jovem arrojado que lembra Julia completamente seu amor perdido. Logo ela descobre que é realmente capaz de amar, mas é com Roark com quem ela se apaixona, não seu marido. Enquanto a guerra com as tribos locais esquenta e à medida que Wister ganha consciência do romance não consumado que cresce entre sua esposa e seu melhor amigo, a tragédia se esconde.
Follow Robbie as he sets out to discover a mythical tribe of lost Viking warriors to help him save his friends from another dastardly plot by the evil Blitzen and his new-found partner-in-crime The White Rabbit. Robbie is having girl trouble too - Donner is feeling neglected and decides to give Robbie an ultimatum. Can Robbie save the day, keep his girl and unravel the mystery of the Legend of the Lost Tribe?