Tumsa Nahin Dekha (1957)
Gênero : Romance, Drama
Runtime : 2H 36M
Director : Nasir Hussain
Twenty years ago, after killing his brother, Sardar Rajpal flees from his hometown in Shillong and re-locates in the rural area of Assam along with his adopted daughter, Meena. He asks his wife, Kamla, to send their son, Shankar, so that he can employ him and get him married to Meena. Shankar arrives and he is welcomed by Sardar who employs him and introduces him to Meena. A few days another young man shows up at his door claiming that he is Kamla's son. A baffled Sardar also welcomes him, and puts both the young men under observation in order to find who the real Shankar is. The question remains why would anyone want to impersonate Shankar, and what will happen to Sardar himself after the Police catch up with him for killing his brother 20 years ago.
Humbert é um professor europeu que muda para os Estados Unidos e aluga um quarto da viúva Charlotte, com quem acaba de casando. Porém, se apaixona pela filha sedutora de sua esposa, Lolita, de 12 anos, na esperança de tê-la só para si.
Quando tinha apenas cinco anos, o indiano Saroo se perdeu do irmão numa estação de trem de Calcutá e enfrentou grandes desafios para sobreviver sozinho até de ser adotado por uma família australiana. Incapaz de superar o que aconteceu, aos 25 anos ele decide buscar uma forma de reencontrar sua família biológica.
David Gordon (John Cusack) é um escritor de ficção científica que ficou viúvo recentemente. Ele então decide adotar Dennis (Bobby Coleman), um menino órfão que acredita ser um marciano em missão de exploração na Terra. Liz (Joan Cusack) tenta dissuadir David da ideia, alegando os perigos da paternidade. mas ele está decidido e adotar o garoto. A partir de então passa a contar com ajuda da amiga Harlee (Amanda Peet), já que se vê completamente perdido.
A young man who lives with his mother and has never known his father, heads off to look for him. He finds a cynical and Machiavellian man who works as a publisher in Paris. After he attempts to kill him, he finds filial love thanks to his uncle.
Frank Morrison (John Travolta) é um humilde construtor de barcos de madeira da cidade e tem uma relação extremamente verdadeira com seu filho. Coisa que não acontece com sua mãe, Susan (Teri Polo), que está prestes a se casar com o novo xodó da cidade, o famoso Rick Barnes (Vince Vaughn). Quando o filho do casal, Danny (Matthew O´Learey) presencia um assassinato cometido pelo padrasto, as coisas complicam para ele, pois ninguém acredita no que ele diz, a não ser seu pai, que fará o possível para ajudá-lo a sair dessa enrascada.
Em Nova York, um casal adota um menino e com o tempo o pai adotivo (Woody Allen) decide saber quem é a mãe biológica de seu filho. Ele descobre que ela é uma prostituta chamada Linda (Mira Sorvino), que em filmes pornográficos usa o nome Judy Cum e que nem sabe quem é o pai do garoto. O pai adotivo decide então aconselhá-la a abandonar este tipo de vida.
In the late 1970s, when a mentally handicapped teenager is abandoned, a gay couple takes him in and becomes the family he's never had. But once the unconventional living arrangement is discovered by authorities, the men must fight the legal system to adopt the child.
Questions of race, identity and heritage are explored through the lives of young American women growing up as adoptees from China. These four distinct individuals reflect on their experiences as members of transracial families.
From 2000 to 2008, China was the leading country for U.S. international adoptions. There are now approximately 70,000 Chinese adoptees being raised in the United States. Ninety-five percent of them are girls. Each year, these girls face new questions regarding their adopted lives and surroundings. This is a film about Chinese adopted girls, their American adoptive families and the paradoxical losses and gains inherent in international adoption. The characters and events in this story will challenge our traditional notions of family, culture and race.
A dark comedy about a gay couple trying to adopt a newborn from a drug-addict and her abusive girlfriend.
Mina was adopted from Ethiopia by Judith and Lionel, a married couple who already were the parents of a biological daughter. Though she was abandoned by her mother as a baby, it didn't really seem to have much of an impact on her. But when Mina turns thirteen, an identity crisis takes a hold of the girl. She is caught between two worlds - and feels nowhere at home. Mina snaps and descends into a destructive downwards spiral. Jealous of her non-adopted sister, she starts acting out, pitting her father and mother against each other and thereby dividing the entire family. Judith and Lionel don't know what to do. Will their parental love and kindness be enough to heal Mina's wounds?
Martin quer adotar um bebê, mas seu parceiro, Leonardo, que foi adotado, tem suas dúvidas. Martín entra em um grupo de apoio aos pais imersos no processo de adoção, mas sua determinação altera a estabilidade do casal.
A precocious child has a profound effect on the lives of a successful Broadway producer and her husband.
A movie about two women who are mothers to the same child, and a child who belongs to two different worlds.
In this powerful tale about the rise of Korea’s global adoption program, four adult adoptees return to their country of birth and reconnect with their roots, mapping the geographies of kinship that bind them to a homeland they never knew.
They were forced to assimilate into white society: children ripped away from their families, depriving them of their culture and erasing their identities. Can reconciliation help heal the scars from childhoods lost? "Dawnland" is the untold story of Indigenous child removal in the US through the nation's first-ever government-endorsed truth and reconciliation commission, which investigated the devastating impact of Maine’s child welfare practices on the Wabanaki people.
YouTube musician and Korean American adoptee Dan Matthews travels to South Korea to perform and reunite with his biological family, including a long lost twin he never knew he had.
When he finds out his girl is pregnant, a troubled teen changes his ways and tries passionately to prepare for fatherhood, but he has an extremely hard time coping with the unexpected challenge.