
The Seventh Grave (1965)

Who wants to open the seventh grave?

Gênero : Terror

Runtime : 1H 17M

Director : Garibaldi Serra Caracciolo


Ghosts and dead bodies infest a small nineteenth-century village.


Stefania Nelli
Stefania Nelli
Nando Angelini
Nando Angelini
Armando Guarnieri
Armando Guarnieri
Ispettore Martin Wright
Bruna Baini
Bruna Baini
Antonio Casale
Antonio Casale
Germana Dominici
Germana Dominici
Ferruccio Viotti
Ferruccio Viotti
Crabbe the Priest
Calogero Reale
Calogero Reale
Umberto Borsato
Umberto Borsato
Sir Percival
Gianni Dei
Gianni Dei
Fred Jenkins
Francesco Mulè
Francesco Mulè
Marco Kramm
Marco Kramm
Jo O'Bryan
Jo O'Bryan
Carriage attendant
Rosalind Mayer
Rosalind Mayer
Woman in tavern #1
Mary Smith
Mary Smith
Woman in tavern #2


Garibaldi Serra Caracciolo
Garibaldi Serra Caracciolo
Garibaldi Serra Caracciolo
Garibaldi Serra Caracciolo
Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore
Leopoldo Perez Bonsignore
Original Music Composer
Alessandro Santini
Alessandro Santini
Antonio Casale
Antonio Casale
Felice Falvo
Felice Falvo
Executive Producer
Aldo Greci
Aldo Greci
Director of Photography
Mariano Arditi
Mariano Arditi
Giuseppe Ranieri
Giuseppe Ranieri
Production Design
Maria Mastrocinque
Maria Mastrocinque
Makeup Artist
Umberto Borsato
Umberto Borsato
Production Manager


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