
'Twas the Night Before Bumpy (1995)

Gênero : Animação

Runtime : 1H 4M

Director : Ken Pontac, David Bleiman Ichioka


Join Mr. Bumpy, the crazy monster eat-socks, and friends Squishington, blue goo ball, and Molly Coddle, a sensible doll.


Rob Paulsen
Rob Paulsen
Squishington (voice)
Gail Matthius
Gail Matthius
Molly Coddle (voice)
Jim Cummings
Jim Cummings
Mr. Bumpy/Destructo (voice)
Cheech Marin
Cheech Marin
Juaquin Gusanito Sin Manos (voice)


Ken Pontac
Ken Pontac
David Bleiman Ichioka
David Bleiman Ichioka


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