
Pontianak Vs Orang Minyak (2012)

Who is more horror? [Siapa lagi horror?]

Gênero : Comédia, Terror

Runtime : 1H 43M

Director : Afdlin Shauki


Also known as "Ponti Vs Omi", Afdlin Shauki's latest comedy tells the story of a rivalry between two supernatural beings, a Pontianak (Vampire) and a Orang Minyak (Oil Man) who have just been inducted into the otherworld, however, in order for newbies to be accepted by the others, they have to be tested on their skills to scare the villagers of Kampung Puaka, which also consist of five Malay shamans. Ponti is a male vampire who is hated by the other vampires because most of them are women while Omi is a soft-hearted orang minyak who drives his kind crazy because of his naivety. To make things worse, the villagers of Kampung Puaka are not afraid of supernatural beings, as they descend from lineages of shamans or are supernatural beings who have repented. What will happen to Ponti and Omi?


Nabil Raja Lawak
Nabil Raja Lawak
Afdlin Shauki
Afdlin Shauki
Pak Rejab
Awie Akmal
Awie Akmal
Rombongan Pengantin
Fizz Fairuz
Fizz Fairuz
Isma Hanum
Isma Hanum
Bunga Cinta Melor
Adibah Noor
Adibah Noor
Lana Nordin
Lana Nordin
Khir Rahman
Khir Rahman
Sharifah Shahirah
Sharifah Shahirah
Ratu Pontianak


Afdlin Shauki
Afdlin Shauki


A Vingança do Pontianak
Um casamento em um vilarejo na Malásia tem um convidado indesejado: um fantasma vampiro que quer acertar as contas com o noivo e não vai poupar ninguém pelo caminho.
Paku Pontianak
After the incident when ADAM hit a girl named Melati with his car, Adam and his family decided to take care of her. Melati wakes up the day after but she cannot remember a thing except her name. Seri feels threatened by Melati’s presence because Seri been dreaming to make Adam her husband.
Pontianak Vs Orang Minyak
Also known as "Ponti Vs Omi", Afdlin Shauki's latest comedy tells the story of a rivalry between two supernatural beings, a Pontianak (Vampire) and a Orang Minyak (Oil Man) who have just been inducted into the otherworld, however, in order for newbies to be accepted by the others, they have to be tested on their skills to scare the villagers of Kampung Puaka, which also consist of five Malay shamans. Ponti is a male vampire who is hated by the other vampires because most of them are women while Omi is a soft-hearted orang minyak who drives his kind crazy because of his naivety. To make things worse, the villagers of Kampung Puaka are not afraid of supernatural beings, as they descend from lineages of shamans or are supernatural beings who have repented. What will happen to Ponti and Omi?
Misteri Bisikan Pontianak
A movie about Geena who is always bullied by the villagers because of his character, which is soft and feminine. His grandmother is the only person who understand him and encourage him to overcome the difficulties that he facing. Unfortunately Geena was burnt to death and no one knows who did that to Geena. At the same time, Hakim, who stays at the same village starts to see ghosts. Curious about what is actually happening, Hakim’s sister decides to investigate the connection between Geena and her brother.
1957 Vampire/ghost horror/drama from Malaysia
Sumpah Pontianak
The original "Pontianak" was made in 1957 directed by B.N. Rao and starred Maria Menado.The film was such a hit that in quick succession, two sequels were made "Dendam Pontianak" aka "Revenge of Pontianak" later in the same year (1957) and "Sumpah Pontianak" aka "The Curse of Pontianak") in 1958,both with Maria Menado."Dendam Pontianak" started the trend of introducing more than one supernatural being into the story,the other character being an old witch Nenek Kebayan(The Old Woman of the Forest)and by the time "Sumpah Pontianak" was made that had increased to four-female vampire Pontianak,an Orang Hutan(Wild Forest Man),a kind of bird-lizard creature and a Hantu Raya or "King Ghost"."Sumpah Pontianak" is an entertaining Malay horror movie with cheap special effects.The main female character Comel is infected by been infected with sumpah pontianak,the curse of the vampire and the villagers begin to die!
Little P the Pontianak
Little P the Pontianak is the story of a young Pontianak (female vampiric ghost in Malay mythology) who is quite different from her peers.
Kuntilanak Kesurupan
Wesley Jabrik, Kevin and Momon Nganga were best friends. One day Wesley assigned to write a horror novel, but he got a writer's block. Then Wesley got another job to write Indra Devian's biography, which was a hot shot celebrity. Since he started to write the biography, soon he got haunted by a Kuntilanak.
Pontianak Menjerit
Datuk Pengiran Abdul Rahman has asked his lawyer to find the people to inherit his fortune worth RM30 million. Besides his two sons, Azlee, a businessman and Mazlan, a fashion designer, there are still two more people on the list. One of them is Saiful, an orphan and a mechanic who do not see that he will be inheriting his dad's million-dollar fortune, because he has never seen his dad before. The other is Ratnapuri, a Siamese woman. Azlee, Datuk's eldest son, cannot accept the presence of Saiful and also Ratnapuri when his father's will is read at Datuk's residence.
Ms. Pontianak
A beloved horror actress questions the triviality of her career starring in Pontianak films, all the while being filmed by a group of documentary filmmakers.
A singer catches sight of a woman in the audience. The couple leaves the nightclub in the singer's sports car. When the boy finds a suitable spot to park, he's very surprised to see his companion's dark hair has turned pure white. What's more, her skin has turned grey, and she has enormous pointy fangs sticking out of her mouth. He tries to run away but she catches up to him... meowing and snarling all the while. She leaves his body in the crook of a tree... swingin'...
Dendam Pontianak
After the success of Pontianak, Balakrishna Narayana Rao (B. N. Rao) directed and released a sequel to his horror film – Dendam Pontianak. It came out in the same year as Pontianak, and Menado reprised her role in this sequel.
Pontianak Kembali
Sequel to Anak Pontianak.
Filth: O Nome Da Ambição
Bruce Robertson é um homem viciado em cocaína, misantropo, bipolar e obcecado por sexo.Ele também é um policial, responsável por investigar um assassinato brutal. Na verdade, Bruce deseja mais do que encontrar o culpado: ele pretende usar este caso para conseguir uma promoção, e conquistar novamente o afeto de sua ex-esposa e de sua filha.
A história do primeiro vibrador. A trama se passa na Londres vitoriana, quando dois médicos (Dancy e Jonathan Pryce) se juntam para tratar de histeria - condição que, na época, se associava à irritabilidade das mulheres. Inicialmente o personagem Pryce "alivia" as suas pacientes manualmente, mas o parceiro inventa um aparato elétrico que pode revolucionar o tratamento desse mal.
Inferno de Tortura
Japão, século XIX. A alta procura por gueixas tatuadas gera uma indústria inteira para a sua "produção". Os europeus pagam mais por belezas tatuadas. Nesse contexto, e considerando as lindas mulheres tatuadas, desenvolvem a história do confronto entre dois mestres altamente qualificados de tatuagem.
Gantz: Resposta Perfeita
Kurono ainda está lutando contra aliens sob a ordem de Gantz, uma misteriosa esfera negra, e ele está próximo de ressuscitar seu amigo Kato. Além de suas missões a noite, Kurono continua a viver sua vida normal e passar tempo com sua nova namorada, Tae. Enquanto isso, a jovem pop star Eriko está sendo secretamente ordenada por Gantz a realizar assassinatos e o policial Shigeta está centímetros mais perto de descobrir a verdade sobre suas missões. Assim que elas começam a ficar cada vez mais perigosas, Kurono descobre que o fim de Gantz está se aproximando rapidamente.
Aliens vs Avatars
Six college friends blowing off steam on a camping trip, find themselves caught up in a cat and mouse hunt with an Alien monster. Not knowing what to do or who to trust, they struggle to protect themselves. Reluctantly, they join forces with another, seemingly friendly, alien, Ava, who orbits the Earth and appears to them in the form of an avatar. Having only one chance at stopping the monster, they must race to locate and repair the Ava’s earth sent robot, before it slaughters them one by one.
O Lado Bom da Vida
Ao perder o emprego e a esposa, Pat Solatano vai morar com os pais. Ele quer reconstruir sua vida, mas seus pais ficariam felizes se ele simplesmente gostasse tanto do Philadelphia Eagles quanto eles. Tudo se complica quando Pat conhece Tiffany, que oferece ajuda para ele reconquistar a esposa.
Como Treinares o Teu Dragão 2
Enquanto Astrid, Escarreta e o resto do grupo se divertem com corridas de dragões (o novo desporto favorito da ilha) o nosso inseparável par vagueia pelos céus descobrindo territórios e explorando mundos novos. Quando uma das suas aventuras conduz à descoberta duma secreta caverna de gelo que é o ninho de centenas de novos dragões selvagens e do misterioso Dragão Cavaleiro, os nossos dois amigos ficam bem no centro duma batalha para protegerem a paz. Agora Hiccup e Desdentado têm que trabalhar em conjunto para defender aquilo em que acreditam, convencidos de que, só unidos, têm o poder de mudar o futuro de homens e dragões.