
Terror Peak (2003)

Gênero : Ação, Aventura, Cinema TV

Runtime : 1H 36M

Director : Dale G. Bradley


Melanie Fraser has a problem. Her mother, Dr. Janet Fraser, thinks that she can bond with her stepfather by accompanying mom and dad on a simple business excursion to see if a small tour guide company is a good investment for clients. The fact that the trip will take the threesome to the site of a volcano in New Zealand is nothing for Melanie to worry about. Old "Mount Extreme" is inactive and mom is a former volcanologist who should know a safe hill when she sees one. So what's the problem? Answer: somebody forgot to tell the gods in charge of lava control that they were about to host a family therapy session. Mount Extreme decides to live up to its name just in time to make Melanie's quality time with the folks seem like a big mistake.


Lynda Carter
Lynda Carter
Dr. Janet Fraser
Parker Stevenson
Parker Stevenson
Kevin Fraser
Antony Starr
Antony Starr
Emily Barclay
Emily Barclay
Melanie Fraser
William Davis
William Davis
Peter Elliott
Peter Elliott
Emma Storry
Emma Storry
Joanne Baker
Joanne Baker
Crawford Thomson
Crawford Thomson
Brett the Scientist
Paki Cherrington
Paki Cherrington
John the Maori Elder
Alistair Browning
Alistair Browning
Dirksen Thatcher
Patricia Ngawati Faiers
Patricia Ngawati Faiers
Cherie McQuilain
Cherie McQuilain
Tour Guide
Peter Muller
Peter Muller
Gary Green
Emma Aubin
Emma Aubin
Campbell Rousselle
Campbell Rousselle
Adventure Tourist
Scott Harding
Scott Harding
Bus Driver
Cit Harris
Cit Harris


Dale G. Bradley
Dale G. Bradley
Dale G. Bradley
Dale G. Bradley
Bruce Lynch
Bruce Lynch
Original Music Composer
Terri De'ath
Terri De'ath
Valorie Massalas
Valorie Massalas


O Inferno de Dante
Harry Dalton, um vulcanologista, e Rachel Wando, a prefeita de Dante, uma pequena cidade, tentam convencer o conselho dos cidadãos e outros geólogos a declarar estado de alerta, pois um vulcão muito próximo, que está inativo há vários séculos, entrará em erupção. Mas interesses econômicos são contrariados com a notícia, que pode afastar um grande empresário que pretende fazer investimentos que iram gerar 800 empregos diretos na cidade.
Volcano - A Fúria
Em Los Angeles surge um desconhecido vulcão ativo, causando grande destruição e criando um rio de lava que atravessa as ruas, aniquilando tudo que surge no seu caminho. Assim, se decide se criar uma barreira que desvie a lava para o mar, antes que mais pessoas sejam mortas.
Céu em Chamas
A Ilha Tianhuo é tão bonita quanto um paraíso. Quase faz as pessoas esquecerem que está localizado no "Anel de Fogo", o mundialmente famoso cinturão vulcânico da Orla do Pacífico. O vulcão entrou em erupção e o destino das pessoas na ilha foi emaranhado.
100 Degrees Below Zero
After freak climate and weather events destroy the world around them, a group of rogue scientists attempt to reverse the deadly new ice age.
Lava Storm
Lori and John Wilson, employees of an emergency response center, must find a way to survive the initial lava storms, to save John's father and their two teenage children. Even more importantly, they must find a way to slow the path of the lava storms, to give humankind the time to find a solution to this natural disaster, in order to save humanity and our Earth.
Quando um vulcão adormecido entra em erupção, o especialista John Shepard a um grupo de estudantes são enviados para investigar. Emm poucos dias, acontece o mesmo em muitos lugares do mundo e tudo aponta para um grande desastre: o dia do julgamento final uma teoria desenvolvidapor Shepard, que ele chamou de Êxodo. Assim que sabe da série de explosões, o porfessor leva os estudos ao conhecimento do governo dos EUA, mas um antigo afirma que tudo não passa de mera fantasia. A corrida contra o tempo é grande e os números não mentem: se ignorado, o Exôdo trará uma segunda era glacial ao planeta, causando a extinção total dos seres vivos. A única chance é convencer os governantes da gravidade do problema antes que seja tarde demais.
Visita ao Inferno
Werner Herzog e o vulcanólogo Clive Oppenheimer embarcam em uma jornada global para explorar alguns dos vulcões mais míticos do mundo na Indonésia, Etiópia, Islândia e Coreia do Norte. Falando com os cientistas e os povos indígenas, eles buscam entender a relação complexa e profundamente enraizada entre a humanidade e uma das maiores maravilhas da natureza. O documentário combina reportagem, história e filosofia em uma experiência cinematográfica fascinante.
Dias antes da lendária erupção do monte Vesúvio, o escravo Milo está preso dentro de um navio, em direcção a Pompeia. Ele vai fazer de tudo para fugir e salvar a mulher que ama, além de ajudar o seu melhor amigo, um gladiador que está em dificuldades no interior do coliseu local.
Bilhões de habitantes da Terra não estão cientes de que o planeta tem uma data de expiração. Com os avisos de um cientista norte-americano, os líderes mundiais começam os preparativos secretos para a sobrevivência de alguns membros da sociedade. Quando o cataclisma global finalmente ocorre, o fracassado escritor Jackson Curtis tenta levar sua família para um lugar seguro quando o mundo começa a desmoronar.
When cracks in the Earth's crust large enough to swallow a city block appear, a team of scientists must go deep into the Earth to find a way to stop the destruction.
Giant lava breathing tarantulas – Lavalantulas – erupt out of ancient volcanos in the Santa Monica Mountains, raining death and destruction upon Los Angeles. With the City of Angels on the verge of incineration, only a washed up ‘90s action hero actor stands in the way of this monstrous swarm of bloodthirsty creatures who burn their victims alive.
Próxima Parada: Apocalipse
Quando uma misteriosa catástrofe transforma os Estados Unidos em uma zona de guerra, um homem decide cruzar o país com seu futuro sogro em busca da noiva grávida.
Los Angeles está prestes a ser atingida por um terremoto devastador, e o tempo está se esgotando para salvar a cidade do perigo iminente.
Terremoto: A Falha de San Andreas
Um forte terremoto atinge a Califórnia e faz com que Ray, um bombeiro especializado em resgates com helicópteros, tenha que percorrer o estado ao lado da ex-esposa para resgatar a sua filha Blake.
Turbo: Power Rangers 2
Uma nova geração dos Power Rangers, agora ainda mais poderosos, deve deter a perigosa Divatox. A maligna pirata espacial está prestes a libertar Maligore, preso há tempos num vulcão isolado, mas para isso precisa do auxílio do mago Lerigot, que decide buscar a proteção dos nossos heróis.
Superman IV: Em Busca da Paz
Após o Super-Homem acabar com todas as armas nucleares do mundo atirando-as contra o Sol, Lex Luthor consegue fabricar um vilão com a mesma estrutura molecular do nosso herói, e os mesmos poderes: o Homem Nuclear. A criatura está programada para destruir o Homem de Aço e, quando o duelo tem início, o confronto torna-se numa grande ameaça à paz mundial.
Jurassic World: Reino Ameaçado
Quatro anos após o fechamento do Jurassic World, um vulcão prestes a entrar em erupção põe em risco a vida na ilha Nublar. No local não há mais qualquer presença humana, com os dinossauros vivendo livremente. Diante da situação, é preciso tomar uma decisão: deve-se retornar à ilha para salvar os animais ou abandoná-los para uma nova extinção? Decidida a resgatá-los, Claire convoca Owen a retornar à ilha com ela.
Inferno na torre
O arquiteto Doug Roberts retorna de suas longas férias para encontrar quase concluído o trabalho de construção de seu arranha-céu. Ele vai para a festa de pré inauguração naquela noite e descobre que suas especificações de fiação elétrica não foram seguidas e que o edifício continua a apresentar curtos-circuitos. Quando o fogo começa, Michael O'Halleran é o chefe de bombeiros de plantão e comanda uma série de resgates ousados que ​​pontuam o terror de um edifício muito alto para ter um incêndio combatido com sucesso a partir do solo.
Madagascar 2: A Grande Escapada
Alex, Marty, Melman, Gloria, Rei Julien, Maurice, os pinguins e os chimpanzés estão no longínquo litoral de Madagascar. Para deixar o local os pinguins consertam um velho avião de guerra, mas logo em seu 1º voo ele cai. Isto faz com que os animais do zoológico de Nova York tenham que lidar, pela 1ª vez na vida, com espécies semelhantes a eles, só que habituadas à vida selvagem.
O Dia Depois de Amanhã
Uma alteração abrupta de clima irá provocar vários cataclismos em todo o Planeta. O meteorologista Jack Hall (Dennis Quaid), nos seus estudos, prevê a chegada de uma nova Idade do Gelo, mas não contando que isso fosse acontecer proximamente. Uma súbita e violenta mudança na temperatura global irá causar extremas perturbações em todos os cantos da Terra; inundações, tempestades de neves, tornados e temperaturas de uma magnitude que nunca antes haviam ameaçado o Planeta. Jack tem de convencer rapidamente o Presidente dos Estados Unidos a ordenar a evacuação do país no sentido de salvar milhões de pessoas que estão em perigo, incluindo o seu filho Sam (Jake Gyllenhaal). Quando Sam está isolado numa Nova Iorque abaixo de zero, Jack tem de fazer uma perigosa corrida contra o tempo para salvar o seu filho.


Feitiço do Tempo
Phil, um arrogante meteorologista de um canal de televisão, fica preso em uma espécie de túnel do tempo, condenado a reviver indefinidamente o mesmo dia até que mude suas atitudes.
Second Time Lucky
In the beginning the Devil made a bet with God. The Devil backed Eve, God backed Adam. What would have happened to love and sex if Adam hadn't taken the bite?
Trial Run
Housewife Rosemary Edmonds leaves her family to take up residence in a remote cottage on the Otago coastline so that she can conduct a photographic essay on the yellow-eyed penguin. No sooner has she moved in than she becomes the victim of a series of increasingly more malevolent attacks from an unknown assailant.
A group of young friends convene in the countryside to shoot a horror movie. But an experiment with LSD sees normal boundaries between them collapsing, and tragedy subsequently striking.
Men Shouldn't Sing
During the opening credits, a news report is heard reporting that 8 people have gone missing. Gina wakes up in an unfamiliar place. As she sings about it, she also sings about the fact that she has no idea why she is singing about it!
Old Scores
Former Welsh rugby hero Bleddyn Morgan has his life in New Zealand interrupted by a deathbed confession that leads to a replay of a controversial 1966 All Blacks/Wales rugby match - with the original teams. The now old men pull on their jerseys one more time while Morgan deals with his past on his return home. (from IMDB)
The Whole of the Moon
When Kirk, a top roller-blader, discovers that he has bone cancer in his leg, his pleasant affluent life is shattered. Even though amputation provides the best chance for survival; to him, losing skating means the end of life. His friends cannot cope with his condition, but his hospital isolation is relieved by Marty - a street kid survivor who was found dying of leukemia. Marty bullies, taunts, and challenges Kirk, until he begins to climb out of his depression. Marty seems afraid of nothing and, knowing she will die, wants to experience everything.
Deep within a dark, twisted forest, at a faraway adventure camp, a group of young 'camp leaders' play a fast and furious game of 'hide and seek'. The atmosphere is strange and thick with tension - there is a feeling in the air that all is not well. Alliances are formed; relationships are tested, and in some cases disintegrate to the point of violence. All the while they are being watched by someone... or something. In a spectacular climax, the mystery begins to unravel as everything becomes suddenly and painfully clear. The shocking, violent truth is far worse than could ever have been imagined...
Skin Deep
In small town Carlton Bob, the head of the Progressive Association, the local accountant and the boxing coach at the men-only gym, hires a masseuse from Auckland. Sandra is quite happy to give straight massage, but Bob pressures her to give "city massages". The wives are disturbed by her presence - perhaps with some justification. The climax occurs when accountant Phil, wants to leave his wife for Sandra; but when she rejects him, he smashes up the gym. The boys rally round to hush up Phil's indiscretion.
Toy Love
Boy meets girl. Boy is already in a relationship. Boy's girlfriend is having an affair with the mechanic. Girl has a room full of cereal and a complex about "mat". How can there be a happily ever after?
Topless Women Talk About Their Lives
Liz has missed an appointment to have an abortion. She has to keep her child, and neither her boyfriend Geoff nor child's father Neil are too happy about it. She can not decide which partner is better for her, and Neil makes a proposal to her when they attend the wedding of her best friend Prue and Mike. She probably prefers Geoff, but he is preoccupied with his girlfriend Bryony, who returned from abroad. Another friend, Ant, has written a script for documentary film, which is directed by a German and in which topless women, well, talk about their lives.
The End of the Golden Weather
Family drama set in New Zealand about Geoff Crome, a young boy (Fulford) who immerses himself in his own private fantasy world where he meets Firpo (Papps), a strange being who dreams of being an Olympic athlete. Together, the two begin a close friendship as Geoff attempts to help Firpo realise his dream. However, it is not long until the adult world begins to impinge on his fantasy.
Tongan Ninja
The Tongan Ninja is dispatched to the island nation of New Zealand in order to help a brother of his master with his floundering Chinese restaurant. But the mysterious Mister Big stands in the eatery's way as he sends numerous villains such as Knife Man, Gun Man, and the super-sexy Action Fighter who may know a lot about the hero.
Show of Hands
Jess is a solo mother and reluctant parking warden. Tom is a self-obsessed greetings cards salesman with an addiction to competitions who will do anything to win. Together they are just two of the competitors in a gruelling endurance contest to win a car - whoever keeps their hand on it the longest wins. As the sleepless days wear by, what price will they pay for winning this competition?
Savage Honeymoon
Dean is threatening to firebomb his ex-girlfriend's wedding. Mickey is filling the garage with stolen goods - again, and pierced teenage daughter, Leesa, is an accident waiting to happen on the family's beloved Triumph motorbike. An unconventional tough family, battling to survive with humour and love, in a world of motor bikes, rock 'n' roll, classic cars and alcohol. This is a family that you probably would not want next door, but they are fun to watch, and they have their ways of holding family together.
The Seekers
A western set in New Zealand during the 1820s following a group of British pioneers seeking a new life Down Under.
Romeo and Juliet: A Love Song
Shakespeare’s tale of teen love reimagined as a rock opera set in a beachside caravan park. A triumphant blast of style and 21st-century Kiwi trailer trash pop. Classic tragedy probably shouldn’t be quite this much fun.
The Most Fun You Can Have Dying
Michael has life pretty sweet. His girlfriend adores him, his best mate David is loyal to the end, plus David’s girlfriend doesn’t mind a quick hook-up either. But Michael’s self-regarding lifestyle comes crashing down when he is diagnosed with a terminal illness. Desperate not to let his life just fade away, Michael steals the $200,000 raised for his treatment, and catches a one-way flight to London. He isn’t there for long before his nerve and sense of humour earn him a vicious beating in a back alley. Waking up cold and bloodied, he finds himself being watched over by the ethereal Sylvie; a mysterious French drifter. They fall head over heels in love, and attempt to outrun death itself.
Mt. Zion
Singer Stan Walker makes his acting debut playing the lead role in feature film Mt Zion, shot in Pukekohe, Auckland. Walker stars as Turei, a talented young musician with a dream – for his band to win the audition to be the support act for Bob Marley’s 1979 concert in Auckland. Set amongst a Maori family of contract potato pickers in Pukekohe, in which Turei’s desperate ambition clashes with traditional whanau values, leading to an emotional showdown and powerful change. Temuera Morrison (Once Were Warriors), plays Turei’s father, the hard-working head contractor who has some lost ambitions of his own. Mt Zion is written and directed by Tearepa Kahi, who made the international award-winning short film Taua. Stan Walker won the 2009 Australian Idol singing contest and is now signed to Sony Music as a recording artist and EMI publishing as song writer.