
Omar Gatlato (1976)

Gênero : Drama

Runtime : 1H 30M

Director : Merzak Allouache
Escritor : Merzak Allouache


A watershed film, Omar Gatlato held a mirror up to Algerian male culture and the mirror cracked. The title refers to the expression "gatlato al-rujula," or, roughly, "machismo killed him" and the film's mordant insights into male posturing and alienation in Algerian society animate this bit of folk wisdom. In mock documentary style, a young man recounts with wry commentary a typical day in his life in the Bab el-Oued quarter of Algiers, while the camera playfully shows a different story. In following Omar and his friends in their pursuit of happiness, the film examines with shrewd humor the gang values of urban youth; their passion for popular culture (soccer, "Hindoo" movies, Rai concerts), their hidden fear of women, and their social insecurity in an environment where they are marginalized.


Boualem Benani
Boualem Benani
Omar Gatlato
Aziz Degga
Aziz Degga
Farida Guenaneche
Farida Guenaneche
Rabah Leghaa
Rabah Leghaa
Hamid Mechtak Maarifa
Abdelkader Chaou
Abdelkader Chaou
The singer
Krimo Baba Aïssa
Krimo Baba Aïssa
Dahmane Beeftack
Areski Nebti
Areski Nebti
The uncle


Merzak Allouache
Merzak Allouache
Merzak Allouache
Merzak Allouache
Ahmed Malek
Ahmed Malek
Moufida Tlatli
Moufida Tlatli
Smaïl Lakhdar-Hamina
Smaïl Lakhdar-Hamina
Director of Photography
Kamel Mekesser
Kamel Mekesser


Jamon Jamon
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Homens e Deuses
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