
Lora from Morning Till Evening (2011)

Dare to wish it all?

Gênero :

Runtime : 1H 33M

Director : Dimitar Kotzev


After a night of partying with her friends Lora has to get herself together and attend an important meeting. At her office she finds two packages which contain two mysterious dice. The sides of one of them are all marked with the number two and of the other - with the number five. In the course of the day Lora will have to find out the truth behind the magical properties of a set of six dice. She'll be betrayed and helped, chased and abducted. She'll fall in love and help a friend deal with a complicated relationship. After this roller-coaster ordeal she'll come out stronger and happier having reasserted the importance of true friendship.



Dimitar Kotzev
Dimitar Kotzev


Some time between childhood and adulthood, when life is a string of easy decisions, the world of half-sisters Iva and Maya is about to change drastically. They would have to find answers to questions grown-ups don’t even dare to ask. Can the two teenagers make decisions of life and death?
A group of Bulgarian soldiers go on a mission during the Balkan War.
The Singing Shoes
After the fall of the Berlin wall, now in his old age, the composer Edward Kazasyan discovers that his late wife, the singer Lia Ivanova, who survived communist labor camps, was forced to work for the secret services. Their dossiers in the State Security archives and her diary from childhood reveal the complicated fate of the singer, who strove the conquer the big stage while juggling a "second life" imposed on her by the system. Torn by doubts that his life was contrived and false, he once again relives their love and career in his loneliness, trying to find his place in this living puzzle.
The Hare Census
The daily routine in the village of Yugla is broken by the statistician clerk Asenov, who comes with a mission to count the hare population in the locality. He makes the village mayor Bay Georgi mobilize the local men in realization of the absurd task. Same day all the village men are in the field - the mayor, the teacher, the veterinarian… Naturally all the efforts failed in fulfilling the mission since not a single hare was seen.
Teenage Koko lives in a nondescript town in Southern Bulgaria. His parents moved to Greece where the wages are higher, leaving Koko alone to care for his grandmother, an elderly and unwieldy woman with Alzheimer's. Koko is in love with Elena, an aspiring singer who seems only to care about a famous rock band scheduled to pass through town. On the night of the big event, the social fabric of the teens' provincial lives is thrown into disarray, paving the way for new constellations.
Looking for a Husband for Mum
8-year old Alek's parents are divorced and he lives with his mother. He can feel that after the divorce there has been a big void in her life. He decides to help her by finding a suitable husband. He first decides on an athlete, then a driver but none of them seem to be good enough for her. Then he runs into Chony, who immediately feels as the perfect fit for mum. Alek has to figure out how to make the two of them meet and at the same time divert mum's attention from uncle Mincho. All of his plans eventually fail but Alek comes to realize that he should not meddle with his mother's personal life and let her choose for herself.
1971, Bulgaria under Communist regime. A time when people are systematically oppressed a father decides to walk almost 100km to the nearest town so he can buy a new radio for his rock 'n roll obsessed son.
Indian Summer
The day that the financial clerk Metodi Rashkov is getting retired comes. He is a shy and quiet man and he accepts all tasks given to him by his son and daughter in law without argument. With time, he becomes a housekeeper; he shops, cooks and looks after his grandson. In order to save his face in front of his friends he lies to them and falls in a number of uncomfortable situations. The "Expolsion" becomes imminent. The reason is insignificant but with great consequences. Rashkov leaves his home. Soon the freedom which he wanted becomes boring for him. The abandoned family begins to miss the grandfather. At the end everyone sees their mistakes and is ready to fix them. The birth of a second grandson is the event which brings everyone under the same roof again.
Rezervat za rozovi pelikani
The film is a children comedy about six fat boys who experience great adventures while fighting hunger. They realize what friendship means and finally turn into little men.
The Central Warmth
A tenement house needs to have steam heating installed. The residents find the necessary workers to do it, sign the contract and pay them in advance. The workers show up and start their job, but disappear immediately. Panic-stricken, the residents set up to search for them, only to find the workers in jail. Totally desperate, their only chance is to come up with an ingenious plan how to bring the work to the end.
Follows the parallel stories of a number of characters who are trying to change their lives via the Internet or are simply having fun online.
A Nameless Band
Velko, Filip, Pavel and Gosho have different professions but are connected by the love they have for music. They rehearse all year to make it big on the sea resorts in the summer. The head of the cultural center where they play is willing to give them the musical equipment if they replace their singer Maria (Filip's girlfriend) with the attractive but untalented Reni. This is the first, but not the last compromise they have to make on the way to the dream.
The Thirteenth Bride of the Prince
A silly prince wants to marry a beautiful peasant girl. His guards kidnap her, but the girl escapes and returns to her beloved. Meanwhile, a UFO lands in the kingdom and the aliens witness nuisances, court intrigues, and lies. They are not allowed to meddle in other people's affairs, but they still influence the happy ending.
Os históricos manifestos de arte podem ser aplicados à sociedade contemporânea? Uma homenagem às declarações artísticas e inovadoras do século XX, dos futuristas e dadaístas ao Pop Art, Fluxus, Lars von Trier e Jim Jarmusch, esta série de re-encenações interpretadas por Cate Blanchett explora os componentes performativos e o significado político dessas declarações. O filme participou dos festivais de TRIBECA, SUNDANCE e ROTERDÃ 2017.
Grandes Esperanças
Na história, Pip (Philip Pirip), um órfão de 11 anos, é amigo da cruel Estella , filha da senhorita Havisham, diretora de um orfanato, que acredita que o garoto está predestinado a ter um grande futuro. No entanto, através de sua ajuda, ele se torna aprendiz de ferreiro. Acreditando que sua vida se resumirá a isso, Pip dedica-se a aprender essa profissão. Após alguns anos, já adolescente, Pip é abordado por um advogado que lhe diz ser ele o herdeiro de uma grande fortuna. Porém, Pip somente receberá a herança depois que completar 21 anos, na condição de que jamais tente descobrir a identidade de seu benfeitor. Assim, Pip parte para Londres em busca de seu futuro e na esperança de reencontrar Estella.
Uma Mãe para o Meu Bebê
Surpreenda-se com Kate Holbrook, uma famosa mulher de negócios que durante um bom tempo deixou a vida pessoal de lado. Agora, aos 37 anos ela está decidida a ter um filho. Mas o sonho de ser mãe acaba quando descobre um problema que a impossibilita de engravidar. Determinada a ter um bebê a qualquer custo, ela resolve contratar uma barriga de aluguel e a eleita é Angie Ostrowiski. Kate vê sua vida organizada virar de cabeça para baixo quando Angie aparece na porta de sua casa alegando não ter onde ficar.
As Apimentadas: Entrar para Ganhar
A veterana Carson (Ashley Benson) chega à principal competição de líderes de torcida determinada a vencer com sua equipe, os West High Sharks. Ela não contava com mesma ambição do time da novaiorquina Brooke (Cassie Scerbo), os East High Jets. As duas descobrem que a rivalidade não está apenas dentro de campo, mas também fora dele.
As Apimentadas: Tudo ou Nada
A jovem Britney Allen (Hayden Panettiere) é popular e vive o sonho de ser líder de torcida no colégio em que estuda, o Pacific Vista High School. O entusiasmo da estudante aumenta ainda mais quando ela descobre que a cantora Rihanna está realizando uma seleção de grupos de meninas para participar de seu novo videoclipe. No entanto, ela é obrigada a se mudar com a família para o bairro de Crenshaw Heights, onde não é bem recebida.
A Pantera Cor-de-Rosa 2
Quando famosos tesouros ao redor do mundo são roubados, entre eles o lendário diamante Pantera Cor-de-Rosa, o inspetor-chefe Dreyfus (John Cleese) é obrigado a convocar o inspetor Jacques Clouseau (Steve Martin) para integrar uma equipe internacional de investigação. Para realizar o trabalho Clouseau conta com a ajuda de seu parceiro Ponton (Jean Reno) e de Nicole (Emily Mortimer), por quem sente-se atraído.
Sonhos no Gelo
Uma estudante CDF acerta a fórmula perfeita para fazer uma pirueta tripla na patinação sobre o gelo. Ela acaba se encantando pelo esporte, para desespero de sua mãe, que sonha em vê-la ingressando na faculdade de Harvard.