
A documentary from the front lines of Australia's battle against coal and gas expansion.

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 13M


The Bimblebox Nature Refuge lies in the path of what will be the earths largest coal mines. One woman, Paola Cassoni, decides to resist the "China First" project that will destroy her Nature Refuge and supply energy to Asia for the next thirty years. Paola's decision brings the viewer on a tour of Australia's "Quarry Vision". At this critical time, when so much coal and coal seam gas expansion is planned in Australia, this film aims to win the hearts and minds of the people, exposing the destructiveness of this industry to our climate, communities and environment. It tells the stories of the people fighting for their homes and culture. Australia is the worlds largest exporter of coal supplying one third of the worlds supply. It is impossible to address climate change without looking at Australia's role in the planets climate future.




Wolf Creek - Viagem ao Inferno
Liz Hunter (Cassandra Magrath) e Kristy Earl (Kestie Morassi) são duas mochileiras inglesas que estão em meio a uma viagem, juntamente com Ben Mitchell (John Jarratt). Ao chegar no Parque Nacional Wolf Creek, eles observam a paisagem da 2ª maior cratera do mundo. Quando decidem ir embora enfrentam problemas, pois seus relógios e o carro param de funcionar. É quando recebem a ajuda de um caminhoneiro, que passa pelo local e lhes oferece carona. Porém o que eles não contavam é que seriam levados a um acampamento localizado em uma mina abandonada, onde a viagem do trio se transforma em um grande pesadelo.
Os 33
Capiapó, Chile. Um desmoronamento faz com que a única entrada e saída de uma mina seja lacrada, prendendo 33 mineradores a mais de 700 metros abaixo do nível do mar. Eles ficam em um lugar chamado refúgio e, liderados por Mario Sepúlveda, precisam racionar o alimento disponível. Paralelamente, o Ministro da Energia Laurence Golborne faz o possível para conseguir que os mineiros sejam resgatados, enfrentando dificuldades técnicas e o próprio tempo.
O detetive caubói indígena Jay Swan chega na cidade fronteiriça de Goldstone para um inquérito sobre pessoas desaparecidas. O que parece ser uma simples investigação abre uma rede de crime e corrupção. Jay deve retomar sua vida e esquecer suas diferenças com o jovem policial local, Josh, e então juntos eles poderão trazer justiça para Goldstone. Sequência de Mystery Road (2013).
Margaret's Museum
In a town where half the men die down the coalpit, Margaret MacNeil is quite happy being single in her small Cape Breton island town. Until she meets Neil Currie, a charming and sincere bagpipe-playing, Gaelic-speaking dishwasher. But no matter what you do, you can't avoid the spectre of the pit forever.
Mike and Johnny are two mates who are mining sapphires in Emerald. Another bloke is trying to move in on their claim and things get ugly
Red Billabong
Aparentemente a palavra australiana Billabong se refere a um tipo de lago comum no país e que aqui é o lar de uma criatura monstruosa. No filme no interior da Austrália, dois irmãos descobrem antigos segredos e mentiras na família. Quando seus amigos começam a desaparecer, eles temem estar sendo perseguidos por alguém ou algo saído de seus piores pesadelos – ou seria apenas história? Lenda? Farsa? Ou realidade?
Strange Colours
Milena travels to a remote opal mining community to see her estranged, ill father. Lost and alone, she falls into his bewildering world, where men escape society and share ideals of freedom. Soon, he doesn’t want her to leave. Stuck in time, father and daughter try to mend their fractured bond, but their connection is fragile, like the strange, colourful gems he digs up from the earth.
Scenes from the Blackjewel Miners Blockade
In July of 2019 the Blackjewel coal company announced it was declaring bankruptcy. Miners were told to stop working mid shift, and their last paychecks bounced. The miners retaliated by blocking a train full of coal, camping out on the coal tracks for weeks. Queer regional organizers made their way to the encampment to support the miners. The encampment became a place for community gathering and mutual aid distribution. Sarah Moyer, a film maker living in Kentucky, also made their way to the encampment and filmed this short documentary on the blockade. (Summary from Queer Appalachia)
Mad Bastards
TJ is a mad bastard, and his estranged 13‐year‐old son Bullet is on the fast track to becoming one, too. After being turned away from his mother’s house, TJ sets off across the country to the Kimberly region of northwestern Australia to make things right with his son.
 Grandpa Tex has lived a tough life, and now, as a local cop in the outback town of Five Rivers, he wants to change things for the men in his community. Cutting between three generations, Mad Bastards is a raw look at the journey to becoming a man and the personal transformation one must make.
 Developed with local Aboriginal communities and fueled by a local cast, Mad Bastards draws from the rich tradition of storytelling inherent in Indigenous life. Using music from legendary Broome musicians the Pigram Brothers, writer/director Brendan Fletcher poetically fuses the harsh realities of violence, healing, and family.
Blood on the Coal
A story of struggle and tragedy, the film features harrowing underground disasters, heroic rescues and traces a history of strikes, industrial turmoil and the current push by global mining giants to destroy regional communities and replace local mineworkers with a subservient itinerant workforce.
Lightning Ridge: The Land of Black Opals
An insight into the lives of the miners who search for Australia’s famous black opals.
Das Wunder von Lengede