
Course en sacs (1896)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1M

Director : Louis Lumière


Several competitors take part in a friendly sack race, with widely varying degrees of success.



Louis Lumière
Louis Lumière


Transformation by Hats
Félicien Trewey uses a basic prop to create comical hats and their accompanying caricatures.
Poor Pierrot
One night, Arlequin comes to see his lover Colombine. But then Pierrot knocks at the door and Colombine and Arlequin hide. Pierrot starts singing but Arlequin scares him and the poor man goes away.
Serpentine Dance
Angelic and demonic serpentine dances from dawn of cinema. The dancer is Loie Fuller; the pioneer modern dancer. Recorded in Paris, and hand-colored frame by frame.
The Merry Skeleton
A skeleton dances joyously, often collapsing into a heap of bones and quickly putting itself back together.
Snowball Fight
Wintertime in Lyon. About a dozen people, men and women, are having a snowball fight in the middle of a tree-lined street. The cyclist coming along the road becomes the target of opportunity. He falls off his bicycle. He's not hurt, but he rides back the way he came, as the fight continues.
Panorama du grand Canal pris d'un bateau
Panorama das fachadas dos palácios.
Partie d'écarté
Three men are sitting around a table, two of them playing a game of Écarté. When the game is over, a domestic serves drinks.
Cordeliers' Square in Lyon
Pedestrian and horse-drawn vehicles traffic, across the Place des Cordeliers, in Lyon.
A Pesca do Peixe Dourado
A man, holding a baby up in his hands, is standing next to a fishbowl. The baby is trying, in vain, to catch a goldfish with his bare hands.
O Almoço do Bebê
Louis Lumière filma seu irmão e sua mulher dando comida ao seu filho.
Partie de boules
Friends and relatives playing a game of boules, arguing about who's team is winning.
Boules Game
The Little Girl and Her Cat
A little girl sits at a table, holding a container of what appears to be some sort of food. Suddenly there's a flash of movement: a tortoiseshell cat, with long hair and a very furry tail, has leapt onto the table.
The Blacksmiths
While his aide continuously turns the handle of the bellows, keeping hot a small furnace in front of him, a blacksmith is pounding a piece of metal on an anvil, then plunges the shaft into a tub of water, causing a cloud of vapor in the process.
Demolição de um Muro
Auguste Lumière comanda quatro operários na demolição de um velho muro na fábrica da família.
Aguirre, a Cólera dos Deuses
Em 1561 o conquistador espanhol Gonzalo Pizarro parte em uma expedição pelos Andes buscando a lendária cidade de El Dorado, uma lenda contada aos espanhóis pelos índios. Uma expedição de dezenas de pessoas cruzou as montanhas do Peru, e percebendo o cansaço dos soldados e escravos, Pizarro designou um pequeno grupo para explorar a região, nomeando dois nobres como líderes. Conforme buscam El Dorado, a ambição começa a crescer em Lope de Aguirre que trai o companheiro e toma o controle do grupo para si. Em meio às intrigas, nenhum deles contava que a natureza seria o seu inimigo mais poderoso.
Lancement du 'Varèse' à Livourne
The launching of the ship Varèse in Livourne.
Jérusalem : porte de Jaffa, côté Est
Small glimpse of city life in Jerusalem.
The Kremos: Perilous Jumps
A group of highly skilled acrobats perform.