Panorama pris d'un bateau (1896)
Gênero : Documentário
Runtime : 1M
Director : Constant Girel
Panorama of the docks, the city and the bridge of a boat sailing the Rhine river in Cologne, Germany.
Three young women dance in Drury Lane, London.
Two women and a man come aboard a small boat. On the dock, friends and family are waving goodbye, until the boat moves out of focus.
A barber's customer is not accustomed to the blade. Luckily, the coiffeur has a modern solution.
A steamboat coming to port.
Annabelle (Whitford) Moore performs her popular serpentine dance routine. She twirls around, and as she does so, she uses her long skirts to create a variety of patterns.
A mother takes her children for a walk, lifts her baby girl out of the buggy and gently sets her down to the ground. She then moves a few steps away and calls her name, to demonstrate that her baby can walk.
Three people playing cards.
Working men and women leave the Lumière factory, through the main gate. Three separate versions of this film exist, this is the second remake "no horse" version.
Panorama da cidade depois da estação.
A trains arrives at Perrache station and people disembark.
Three men are sitting around a table, two of them playing a game of Écarté. When the game is over, a domestic serves drinks.
Panorama das fachadas dos palácios.
Three men hammer on an anvil and pass a bottle of beer around. Notable for being the first film in which a scene is being acted out.
William K.L. Dickson plays the violin while two men dance. This is the oldest surviving sound film where sound is recorded on the phonograph.
Fred, um ladrão de cofres, se refugia no metrô de Paris depois de ser perseguido pelos capangas de um homem de negócios a quem acaba de roubar alguns documentos. Enquanto se esconde nas condutas do metrô, ele encontra uma sociedade subterrânea de personagens excêntricos e pequenos criminosos…
Tanguy is 28 years old and still living with his parents. They think it's time he moves out. He doesn't, so they hatch a plan.
The story centers around a graduating class of "less-gifted" students in a private Versailles high school. Only a miracle has brought the students this far along, and after a practical joke misfires and the whole school is dynamited, the students are in deep trouble. They have to present themselves in court for their punishment and it could not be worse: If they don't pass their high-school graduation exams, they go to prison!
Ryu Saeba (Jackie Chan), detetive mulherengo, é contratado para encontrar a bela filha de magnata japonês. Seguido por sua assistente ciumenta, acaba em um navio de cruzeiro onde tem que enfrentar uma gangue que planeja sequestrar o barco.
Eddie Yang e Arthur Watson, são policiais que são enviados para uma missão que tem como objetivo prender um dos líderes do tráfico de drogas de Hong Kong, SnakeHead. Eles chegam até a Irlanda e são assassinados pelos traficantes, mas devido ao Highbinder, um personagem da mitologia irlandesa que tem poderes sobrenaturais, ressuscitam e voltam ao combate com o tráfico.
A luta legal da escritora Deborah E. Lipstadt (Rachel Weisz) para provar uma verdade histórica contra David Irving (Timothy Spall), que a acusa de difamação por declarar que ele não acredita na existência do Holocausto.