
Automobile Parade (1900)

Gênero :

Runtime : 2M

Director : William C. Paley


The famous Madison Square Garden forms the background of this excellent picture. A number of very fine automobiles pass in this strip, coming close to the camera and show clear and life size. A very strange coincidence in the closing of the picture is two old ladies who drive by in a dilapidates looking buggy drawn by a long eared mule. This is a remarkable picture showing up-to-date means of transportation in New York City, and the incident of the mule and the two old ladies adds a sufficient amount of humor.



William C. Paley
William C. Paley


Avenue de l'Opéra
A shot of a busy street in Paris is shown in reverse.
Danse Serpentine (In a Lion's Cage)
Madame Ondine performs a serpentine dance surrounded by big cats.
A Nymph of the Waves
A woman in ballet slippers wearing a large white hat and a long white dress - with ruffles, puffy sleeves and petticoats - dances across water with roiling waves behind her. She holds the edges of the skirt with her hands, lifting and twirling, sometimes exposing her bloomers and a dark garter on one leg. Her style combines ballet with the exuberant kicks and twirls of a burlesque dance hall. With churning waves behind her, the water seems to wash beneath her feet. The film of the dancer, "M'lle. Cathrina Bartho" (1899), is superimposed on that of the water, "Upper Rapids, from Bridge" (1896).
Let Me Dream Again
Possibly the first film to utilize the technique of focus pulling. A man kisses a beautiful and lively woman, then the image blurs and dissolves into a clear image of the man waking up to his nagging wife.
Pierrette's Escapades
Columbine resists Pierrette's courting in favour of Harlequin in this hand-coloured short by Alice Guy.
Faust and Marguerite
Marguerite is seated in front of the fireplace, Faust standing by her side. Mephistopheles enters and offers his sword to Faust, commanding him to behead the fair Marguerite. Faust refuses, whereupon Mephistopheles draws the sword across the throat of the lady and she suddenly disappears and Faust is seated in her place.
The Christmas Dream
Toda a história da época de Natal está aqui representado. A cena se abre em uma grande boudoir da casa de um homem aparentemente rico.
As Seen Through a Telescope
An elderly gentleman in a silk hat sits on a stool in front of a store on the main street of town. He has a telescope that focuses on the ankle of a young woman who is a short distance away. Her husband catches the gent looking. What will the two men do now?
Turn-of-the-Century Surgery
George Mélies made a version of this a few years later, often titled Une Indigestion, but Guy-Blaché’s earlier film Chirurgie Fin de Siecle (1900) is more widely available. And it’s not one to watch the night before an operation. In this clinic, a sign pleads “On est prie de ne pas crier/Please do not cry”, and the doctors set about the patient with saws, cheerily hacking off limbs, and then slopping them into a bucket, all the while arguing ferociously with each other. They then reattach arms and legs from a bucket of “exchange pieces” (using glue) before re-animating their victim, I mean patient, with bellows. (from http://silentlondon.co.uk/2015/01/23/10-disgusting-moments-in-silent-cinema/)
Neptune's Daughters
A combination of the picture entitled "The Ballet of the Ghosts," and a surf scene; the resulting effect being that the ghostly figures rise up out of the surf and come to the shore, cast their draperies aside and dance a few steps of the ballet, after which they again take up their draperies, and having covered themselves, retreat into the waves.
A Fantastical Meal
A family sits down to enjoy a meal that ends up being fraught with complications.
Little Tich and His Funny Feet
"This funny individual will make you laugh until your sides ache. He is funny in all his actions, yet when he puts on his shoes you can imagine the noise he can make when he dances an ordinary clog. The shoes referred to are made of some elastic material which enables Little Tich to bow almost to the floor without bending his legs, the spring in the shoes carrying him down and up again. He places his hat on the floor and, leaning over on the toes of his wonderful shoes, dips his head into the hat and comes up without having to move from the spot or to bend his legs. He is a comical looking sight at best, being made up to suit the part, and he will make you laugh whether you want to or not."
The Kiss
"Nothing new, but an old thing done over again and done well. Some one has attempted to describe a kiss as "something made of nothing," but this is not one of that kind, but one of those old fashioned "home made" kind that sets the whole audience into merriment and motion, and has always proven a popular subject. It is very fine photographically and an exhibit is not complete without it." -Edison film catalog.
Dois Papas
A relação e as diferentes visões dos dois líderes mais importantes e poderosos da Igreja Católica na época, o Papa Bento XVI (Anthony Hopkins) e o Cardeal Jorge Mario Bergoglio (Jonathan Pryce), que depois veio a ser o Papa Francisco.
Bloodshot é um ex-soldado com poderes especiais: o de regeneração e a capacidade de se metamorfosear. Assassinado ao lado da esposa, ele é ressuscitado e aprimorado com nanotecnologia, desenvolvendo tais habilidades. Ao apagarem sua memória várias vezes, ele finalmente descobre quem realmente é e parte em um busca de vingança daqueles que mataram sua família.
Army Life: Mounted Infantry
A film in which limbless Nikolai Kobelkoff demonstrates a series of tasks, from aiming a pistol to performing gymnastics. Kobelkoff was born without arms and legs but persevered, becoming an international star in the early 20th century as a "Human Torso".
How It Feels to Be Run Over
As the camera looks down an open road, a horse and carriage approaches, and passes by to one side of the field of view. Soon afterwards, an automobile comes up the road, straight towards the camera. As it gets nearer, the occupants start to wave frantically, but can a collision be avoided?
The Fat and Lean Wrestling Match
A series of fantastical wrestling matches.
Ataque a uma Missão Chinesa
Um homem tenta defender uma mulher e uma grande casa contra agressores chineses.