On Any Sunday: Revisited (2000)

Gênero : Documentário

Runtime : 1H 0M

Director : Dana Brown


In 1971, Bruce Brown and his son Dana filmed a documentary featuring the rev and roar of the racetrack. The project was a success, earning the men an Academy award nomination. Twenty-eight years later, the two are back with another ode to speed, On Any Sunday Revisited. While the video features some of the same footage, most of it is entirely new. Brown includes memories from David Aldana, Chuck Palmgren, Sammy Tanner, Met Lawwill, Eddie Mulder, Skip Van Leeuwen, and Gary Nixon. The film explores the making of On Any Sunday with special concentration on star racer Steve McQueen.


David Aldana
David Aldana
Chuck Palmgren
Chuck Palmgren
Sammy Tanner
Sammy Tanner
Met Lawwill
Met Lawwill
Eddie Mulder
Eddie Mulder
Skip Van Leeuwen
Skip Van Leeuwen
Gary Nixon
Gary Nixon
Steve McQueen
Steve McQueen


Dana Brown
Dana Brown
Dana Brown
Dana Brown


Titanic: 100 Years On
The "unsinkable" floating palace set sail from Southampton on 10th April 1912 on her maiden voyage to New York. An iceberg ended this monumental journey 5 days later. Only 705 of the passengers and crew survived. This program features an exclusive look at the Sea City Museum Titanic Exhibit in Southampton, interviews from both survivors and the cast of the blockbuster film.
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Avatar Spirits
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His teachers, coaches, childhood friends and Barça teammates, together with journalists, writers and prominent figures from the history of football, come together in a restaurant to analyze and pick apart Messi's personality both on and off the field, and to look back at some of the most significant moments in his life. Viewed from Álex de la Iglesia's unique perspective, Messi recreates the player's childhood and teenage years, from his very first steps, with a football always at his feet, through to the decision to leave Rosario for Barcelona, the separation from his family, and the role played in his career by individuals such as Ronaldinho, Rijkaard, Rexach and Guardiola.
Avatar: Scene Deconstruction
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Zumbis Uma História Viva
A maioria das pessoas acredita que os zumbis são um fenômeno recente, que surgiu a partir das histórias em quadrinhos, de filmes e da televisão. A verdade é muito diferente. Este especial de duas horas explora a sua verdadeira história desde os primórdios da civilização até a atualidade. Veremos como o Antigo e o Novo Testamento da Bíblia revelam inúmeras histórias de mortos-vivos, e vamos detalhar como a Peste Negra na Europa tornou-se um dos períodos mais prolíficos em mitos e lendas sobre zumbis. Examine conosco ainda outras lendas sobre essas criaturas, incluindo as histórias secretas da China e os rituais do vodu no Haiti.
No Half Measures: Creating the Final Season of Breaking Bad
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Cobain: Montage of Heck
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Nascidos na China
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Cuidado com o Slenderman
Nos anos 2000, um concurso na Internet encoraja pessoas a criarem um monstro fictício. Assim nasce o Slenderman, homem altíssimo, de braços longos e tentáculos nas costas. Ele não tem rosto, não fala uma palavra sequer, mas ataca criancinhas. Em 2014, uma história real desafia a ficção: duas garotas de doze anos de idade acreditam que o Slenderman pode ameaçar suas famílias caso elas não matem uma colega de sala. As duas entram numa floresta e esfaqueiam a amiga dezenas de vezes, antes de deixá-la para morrer. O documentário investiga a história particular das agressoras e o poder das lendas da Internet entre os adolescentes e pré-adolescentes.
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Sexo oral
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Toy Story at 20: To Infinity and Beyond
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Wanda Landowska: Uncommon Visionary
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Seremos História?
Um problema de longas datas está se mostrando cada vez mais grave. Mudanças de temperatura, inundações, e outros fenômenos semelhantes têm se tornado cada vez mais comum, e o que tem sido feito na tentativa de amenizar essa situação? É na busca por respostas para essas questões que Leonardo DiCaprio abraça a missão de testemunhar as mudanças climáticas em diversos países, e de uma forma nunca vista antes.
Tokyo Idols
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The Story of Star Wars
The Skywalker family is at the heart of the Star Wars saga. Now hear the inside story of Luke and Anakin Skywalker from the characters who witnessed it all: the famous droid duo C-3PO and R2-D2. Episodes IV,V and VI are explored in "The Story of Luke Skywalker," which follows the young man escaping from his daily chores on Tatooine to his becoming a hero in the Rebal Alliance. In "The Story of Anakin Skywalker," you'll go behind the mask of the greatest Star Wars villain and discover how Darth Vader started life as a young Podracing Champ on Tatooine and later became a headstrong young Jedi seduced by the Dark Side of the Force. With clips from the Star Wars films, C-3PO and R2-D2 take you on an hour-long journey through the saga and prepare you for the explosive final chapter: Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
Star Wars : L'incroyable Légende