
The Intruder (1933)


Gênero : Terror, Mistério

Runtime : 1H 6M

Director : Albert Ray
Escritor : Frances Hyland


A murder is committed aboard a cruise ship just before it sinks in a storm. The survivors, including the killer, land on a mysterious jungle island.


Monte Blue
Monte Blue
John Brandt
Mischa Auer
Mischa Auer
Wild Man
Lila Lee
Lila Lee
Connie Wayne
William B. Davidson
William B. Davidson
Det. Lt. Samson
Gwen Lee
Gwen Lee
Arthur Housman
Arthur Housman
Reggie Wayne
Sidney Bracey
Sidney Bracey
Carlo - Valet
Harry Cording
Harry Cording
Wilfred Lucas
Wilfred Lucas
Mr. Wayne
Lynton Brent
Lynton Brent
Ship's Officer Purser Jamison
John Beck
John Beck
Ship's Officer First Mate Hanson
Allan Cavan
Allan Cavan
Captain Rush
Gordon De Main
Gordon De Main
Grace Hayle
Grace Hayle
Ship Passenger


Albert Ray
Albert Ray
Frances Hyland
Frances Hyland
M.H. Hoffman Jr.
M.H. Hoffman Jr.
Associate Producer
Tom Galligan
Tom Galligan
Director of Photography
Harry Neumann
Harry Neumann
Director of Photography
Mildred Johnston
Mildred Johnston
Eugene Hornboestel
Eugene Hornboestel
Art Direction
Costume Design
Sidney Algier
Sidney Algier
Production Manager
Gene Anderson
Gene Anderson
Assistant Director


The Mysterious X
Not long before marine officer van Hauen goes off to war and heavy-heartedly leaves his family, he coincidentally discovers that his wife has a secret liaison with the dubious Count Spinelli. What the van Hauens do not yet know, is that the sleazy Spinelli has a hidden agenda. (stumfilm.dk)
Twilight Syndrome: Dead Cruise
In this J-horror flick based on a popular videogame series, honor students on a senior cruise get trapped in an alternate reality game brought on board by their vindictive classmate.
Navio Fantasma
Uma equipe de resgate descobre um navio de passageiros perdido desde a década de 60, chamado de Antonia Graza, flutuando inabitado em uma região remota do Mar de Bering. Ao tentar rebocá-lo, uma série de acontecimentos bizarros começam a acontecer, e a tripulação descobre que a embarcação em decomposição não está vazia. Ao contrário, é o lugar de algo muito mais mortal e terrível do que qualquer coisa que eles pudessem ter imaginado.
Marnie, Confissões de uma Ladra
Marnie é uma mulher perturbada psicologicamente que vai trabalhar para Mark Rutland e tenta roubá-lo. Só que Mark acaba casando com ela e tenta ajudá-la a curar sua doença, confrontando o seu passado.
Death Cruise
Several couples are notified that they have won an ocean cruise, but they actually have been lured onto a ship so that they can be murdered.
Cruzeiro das Loucas
Após romper com Felicia (Vivica A. Fox), sua noiva, Jerry (Cuba Gooding Jr.) entra em depressão. Tentando animar o amigo, Nick (Horatio Sanz) sugere que ambos façam um cruzeiro para solteiros, na intenção de conhecer novas mulheres. Porém, quando ambos já estão em alto mar percebem que algo está errado: ao invés de mulheres lindas e disponíveis o navio está repleto de homens, sendo que um deles, Lloyd (Roger Moore), está encantado com Nick.
Hotel Transilvânia 3: Férias Monstruosas
Solitário e infeliz, buscando um novo amor na internet, Drácula é surpreendido com um presente da querida filha: férias em um cruzeiro. Inicialmente resistente à ideia, ele acaba engajado no passeio ao se encantar pela comandante, que, no entanto, esconde um segredo nada amigável.
Alvin e os Esquilos 3: Naufragados
Dave arrisca levar Alvin, Simon, Theodore e as Esquiletes de férias, num cruzeiro. Os problemas (re)começam quando decidem abandonar o barco e ficam encalhados numa ilha aparentemente deserta...
O Último Cruzeiro
Documentário que acompanha o primeiro e maior surto de COVID-19 fora da China: o do cruzeiro de luxo Diamond Princess.
No Limite do Amanhã
A Terra está dominada por alienígenas e o major Bill Cage, um relações públicas das Forças Armadas dos Estados Unidos, é obrigado a ir para a linha de frente. Inexplicavelmente, ele acaba preso em um ciclo do tempo, revivendo repetidamente sua última batalha. No entanto, quanto mais vezes ele luta, suas habilidades de guerreiro melhoram e ele fica mais perto de descobrir como derrotar o inimigo.
O Destino do Poseidon
Em virtude de um maremoto, um transatlântico de luxo é atingido na véspera de Ano Novo por uma onda gigantesca, fazendo-o virar totalmente. Os sobreviventes do choque inicial são liderados pelo reverendo Frank Scott e tentam escapar de qualquer maneira da embarcação.
Velocidade Máxima 2
O cruzeiro que Annie faz ao Caribe com Alex Shaw, seu namorado (que secretamente é membro da elite da SWAT), é interrompido quando John Geiger, um gênio em informática, seqüestra a embarcação. Alex precisa rapidamente anular os planos de Geiger e fazer com que todos cheguem em segurança à costa, mas há um grave problema: como Alex vai enganar Geiger, se ele controla todo o navio através de um teclado.
Força Cruel
Um grupo de turistas - entre eles, praticantes de artes marciais - faz um cruzeiro a caminho de uma ilha onde supostamente foram sepultados todos os lutadores do planeta. Sem que eles saibam, uma quadrilha usa o local como base de tráfico de jade, trocando escravas brancas pelas pedras preciosas com um grupo de monges canibais.
Chupacabra Terror
Cryptozoologist Doctor Peña traps the legendary Chupacabra on a remote Caribbean Island to make his name in the scientific community. When he smuggles it aboard the cruise ship Regent Queen, commanded by Captain Randolph, the monster breaks out of the cargo hold and makes a smorgasbord out of the passengers and crew.
Lua de Fel
Um casal de ingleses ao fazerem um cruzeiro, conhecem uma bela e jovem francesa casada com um cadeirante. Ao notar o interesse por sua esposa, o cadeirante conta como eles se conheceram e se amaram loucamente.
Morte Sobre o Nilo
Como Hercule Poirot desfruta de um luxuoso cruzeiro pelo Nilo, uma herdeira de recém-casado é encontrada morto a bordo. Poirot pode identificar o assassino, antes que o navio chega ao fim da sua viagem?
Lua de Mel Sangrenta
Durante lua de mel em um cruzeiro pelo Pacífico, um rapaz desaparece e sua esposa é encontrada ferida e confusa. Uma agente do FBI que estava a bordo interrompe suas férias e inicia uma investigação, pois desconfia que os passageiros possam estar ocultando alguma coisa.
O Fim de Sheila
Um ano depois de Sheila morrer em um atropelamento, seu marido multimilionário convida um grupo de amigos para passar uma semana em seu iate, jogando um jogo de mistério no estilo caça ao tesouro. O jogo acaba sendo muito real e mortal.
A Última Viagem
Twenty five years ago, the SS Corona Queen disappeared in the region known as, "The Bermuda Triangle". Now, it has returned. Seven people go on board to learn the truth behind her disappearance but the ship did not return alone...
Com Amor e Ternura
J.P. Tannen (Jon Voight) wants a second chance to be a father to his children ... but someone else has taken his place. Determined not to just be a friendly 'uncle' in their lives, he gets permission from his ex-wife Kathleen (Millie Perkins) and her new husband (Richard Crenna) to take the kids on a Mediterranean cruise. On the journey he comes to realise it's not that easy and, feeling overwhelmed, begins to doubt his abilities until a tragedy back home forces him to become the father he always hoped to be.


Sorority House Vampires
The UFO-Demon, Rabaalhazor, has sent the vampire, Natalia to destroy the Earth. Each time she takes a victim a natural disaster rocks the planet. Humanity's only hope is the sexy sorority pledge, Buffy, and the members of her sisterhood. She must not only save the world but she also must save herself from the perverted desires of both Rabaalhazor and Natalia.
Dimension in Fear
Escaped murderer Cal Lewis wants revenge for those responsible for him being put away. Enroute from Texas to Las Vegas he crosses paths with young TV news reporter Deidre Holland who quickly becomes his target.
A Tale from the East
The Little Princess and her bodyguard Jiang travel 200 years from the past to the present day. They are relentlessly pursued by the evil General Shea Hai, a vicious and seemingly indestructible puffy-faced Blood Devil demon who wants to get his hands on a magical pearl the Little Princess possesses. Sweet Kot-Yee, her fat, greedy brother Chu Tai-Lit, and two goofy electricians come to the aid of the Little Princess and Jiang.
The House of the Seven Tombs
Clara and Cecilia are two friends who have evolved very differently, regarding the scary stories that were so important during their childhood.
Run Like Hell
In the year of 2008, war and sickness have overtaken the planet. The deranged government declares single women a threat to the human race. Singles women are imprisoned. The corrupt warden is determined to keep the prisoners locked up.
The Vampires of Coyoacan
In the service of Satan, a murderous vampire is turning wrestlers into his unwitting thrall, and it's up to Mil Máscaras and Superzan to stop him and save the world.
A team of environmentalists investigating "unchartered territory" find that someone, or rather, something has already made the land its home and proceeds to take the team out, one by one. Meanwhile, a young couple hoping for reconciliation with a long lost brother eventually find themselves in the path of the monster.
The Killer Likes Candy
Shrewd and evasive ex-Nazi and top assassin Oscar Snell is determined to rub out the King of Kafiristan. Snell's sole weakness is his sweet tooth; he leaves candy wrappers at the scene of his every crime. It's up to no-nonsense CIA agent Mark Stone to find Snell and stop him before it's too late.
Chased out of the old world, the dark vampire lord Giovanni flees to the American southwest where he sets up a new brood. Longshank, Brittan's premier vampire slayer follows him here, and in a final confrontation in the Arizona desert both are killed. A hundred years later Melissa, a gorgeous, goth, lesbian college student, is obsessed with becoming a vampire and escaping her terrible home life. Along with her four friends, Ted, Liz, Mona, and Kent, she regularly conducts ceremonies where she tries to commune with dark forces. When she buys an old, evil book at a creepy garage sale she finally has the key she has been searching for. Following her dreams of Giovanni and a map in the book the five friends hike out to "Massacre Lane" and finally summon up some real vampires.
Return of the Evil Fox
1391: The good Chiang Su-Su manages to defeat the evil spirit Elf Fox, but has her soul transferred to a jasper incense holder and remains dormant for hundreds of years. In 1991 the Elf Fox returns to lethal life to wreak havoc on modern Hong Kong. The Elf Fox needs to absorb the souls of 108 men in order to obtain her full power. It's up to Su-Su's sweet descendant Yi, grouchy monk shopkeeper Chiang Wu, dashing, handsome foster son Wang Hsa, sassy ghostbuster Yu, and several others to defeat the Elf Fox before it's too late.
Magic Story
A Taoist priest makes his living as a corpse and vampire wrangler. As a pet he keeps a baby vampire who helps him with his work. An evil sorcerer from Spear Mountain needs the little bloodsucker to further his corpse stealing plans. The battle lines are drawn as to who will dominate the underworld!
Attack from Space
The superhero Starman is sent by the Emerald Planet to protect Earth from belligerent aliens from the Sapphire Galaxy. The Sapphireans (or "Spherions") kidnap Dr. Yamanaka and force him to use his spaceship against the Earth.
Buenos días Acapulco
Los detectives Viruta y Capulina, viajan al Puerto de Acapulco, para cuidar de Ricardo, joven hijo de un rico. Durante el trayecto levantan a la cantante Mayté. Un tal Guillermo secuestra al muchacho usando de anzuelo a Silvia y lo suben en un bote. Viruta y Capulina los siguen en otro bote, provocando un desorden sin control entre los demás botes que se encuentran en la playa pero a pesar de sus torpesas logran rescatarlo y eliminar a los maleantes.
Mr. Vampire II
Modern grave robbing "archeologists" find perfectly preserved specimens from the past of a man, a woman, and their child. Unbeknownst to the scientist and his two bumbling assistants, these are vampires immobilized only by the paper spells pasted on their foreheads. While transporting the child to a buyer, its spell blows off and the vampire child escapes and befriends some local children. Eventually, the parent vampires are also awakened and escape, but by now the local herbalist is on their trail to destroy them.
The Scissors Massacre
Three sisters grow up on a chicken farm in a small town in Gifu. The oldest sister, Yukie Sawada, is engaged to be married, the middle sister, Sachiko works at a beauty salon and the youngest, Mayu, is on the track team in high school. Their happy, carefree lives are changed forever when Yukie's ex-boyfriend Suzuki commits an atrocious crime. Half-crazed and bent on revenge against the Sawada family, Suzuki mistakes Mayu for Yukie and pours acid all over her face. Overwhelmed by physical and psychological trauma, Mayu sinks deeper into depression and isolation, unresponsive to her sisters encouragement. Meanwhile, chilling news of a serial murderer, who preys on the alumni of Mayu's high school, sends shockwaves through their small town...
The Oily Maniac
A cripple takes revenge on criminals by using a magic spell that transforms him into an oily monster/superhero.
El hermano Capulina
Shoplifter evades police by joining a monastery.
¡En peligro de muerte!
O Assassino do Kung Fu
O diretor Kuei Chih Hung foi famoso por seus modernos thrillers criminais, seus filmes de terror e até mesmo suas comédias. Mas se o único filme de kung-fu que ele já fez fosse este, ainda seria falado com respeito pelo mais ardente fã de filmes de artes marciais. Dois milhões de taéis foram roubados de uma câmara na Cidade Proibida. A Imperatriz quer o dinheiro de volta dentro de dez dias. O chefe de polícia Leng Tian-Ying é contratado para capturar os ladrões, vivos ou mortos, mas Leng nunca captura alguém vivo.‎ ‎O policial Leng Tian-Ying tem uma reputação temível de matar criminosos sem remorso. Mas depois de ser designado para rastrear a gangue que roubou o tesouro imperial, ele descobre que sua reputação está sendo usada contra ele.‎
The Lady Hermit
A young Kung Fu student seeks a reclusive teacher so that she may learn to defeat the evil Black Demon. She doesn't realize that the servant woman she befriends is actually the kung fu master she seeks. After Black Demons henchmen attack, the master reveals herself and eventually takes on the student to train her so that they may both defeat the villian. A love triangle complicates things when another student asks for training as well.