Grad Night (2006)

Gênero : Comédia, Drama

Runtime : 1H 29M

Director : Michael T. Fitzgerald Jr.


A group of friends celebrates their graduation from Crispus Attucks High School with a jammin' party. It's hormones on overdrive, recreational drugs and lap dancing galore as the Class of 2005 goes out in style.


Michael Adkins
Sam Sarpong
Sam Sarpong
Jerrod Elliott
Aloma Wright
Aloma Wright
Principal Wheeler
Howard Mungo
Howard Mungo
Mr. Weldon
Cindy Escandon
Cindy Escandon
Ana Melendez
Suzette Tomlinson
Suzette Tomlinson
Neyda Colon
Kamau Holloway
Kamau Holloway
Leo Taylor
Shasa Dabner
Shasa Dabner
Quay Quay Jenkins
Trent Miller
Trent Miller
AJ Robinson
Carlos Javier Castillo
Carlos Javier Castillo
Arturo Ramirez
Jon Wellner
Jon Wellner
Brett Johnson
Elan Gale
Elan Gale
J Walsh


Michael T. Fitzgerald Jr.
Michael T. Fitzgerald Jr.
Lee Eric Smith
Lee Eric Smith
Eric Oliver
Eric Oliver


De Volta para o Futuro II
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Do Céu Caiu Uma Estrela
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Terra Fria
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Fast Talking
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Um Corpo de Mulher
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How to Dance in Ohio
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Violeta enjoy herself at a party. Her friend Matilde insists that they leave. Violeta ignores her. Alfredo comes to dance with her. They dance until he becomes violent. Violeta hurriedly retires and sees that her mother has called her, she decide to leave the party. Taking the risk of walking alone at night.